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[编译器/解释器] simpleshell

实验5 简单shell的设计和实现(20分) 目的: 1、练习使用编程环境,包括shell的命令,vi和gcc编译器。 2、体会进程概念,了解fork,execve,wait等系统调用。 要求: 1、除了系统调用execve,不允许使用其他的exec函数。输入应当允许带多个参数(一行内可以表示),不考虑通配符 (即“*”、“?”、“-”等等)的处理。 2、输入错误命令能提示出错并进入下一轮接收命令状态。 3、可以用Ctrl-C和Ctrl-\结束简单shell的运行。 4、程序运行正确,提示简洁明确。 5、实验提交文件为:实验报告、源程序、可执行程序。
Experiment 5 simple shell design and implementation (20 points) purpose: 1, practice using the programming environment, including shell commands, vi and gcc compiler. 2, experience the process of concept, understanding fork, execve, wait system calls. Claim: 1, in addition to the system call execve, are not allowed to use other functions. It should be allowed to enter with more than one parameter (which may represent one line), without considering the wildcard (or * , ? , - Etc.) treatment. 2. Enter the wrong command can prompt an error and the next round receives a command state. 3, you can use Ctrl-C and Ctrl- \ end simple shell operation. 4, the program runs properly, suggesting clear and concise. 5, experiment submissions to: test reports, source code, executable program. (2015-12-19, Unix_Linux, 47KB, 下载7次)


[编译器/解释器] lab2

任务是在词法分析和语法分析程序的基础上编写一个程序,对C  源代码进行语义分析和类型检查,并打印分析结果。与实验一不同的是,实验二不再借助已有的工具,所有的任务都必须手写代码来完成。另外,虽然语义分析在整个编译器的实现中并不是难度最大的任务,但却是最细致、琐碎的任务。因此需要用心地设计诸如符号表、变量类型等数据结构的实现细节,从而正确、高效地实现语义分析的各种功能。 需要注意的是,由于在后面的实验中还会用到本次实验已经写好的代码,因此保持一个良好的代码风格、系统地设计代码结构和各模块之间的接口对于整个实验来讲相当重要。
Task was to prepare the basis of lexical analysis and syntax analysis program on a program source code for C  semantic analysis and type checking, and print the results. The first experiment is different, no longer by means of experiment two existing tools, all tasks must be done hand-written code. In addition, although the semantic analysis is not the most difficult task in the whole compiler implementation, but it is the most detailed, trivial task. Therefore it needs careful design implementation details such as the symbol table, variable types of data structures, which correctly and efficiently implement various functions of semantic analysis.       It should be noted that, due later in the experiment will be used in this experiment has been written code, so keeping the interface between a good coding style, system design and code structure for each module in terms of the whole experiment quite important. (2015-12-18, Unix_Linux, 27KB, 下载12次)


[编译器/解释器] byyl.pdf

编译原理(本科教学版第2版)》基于该书第2版进行改编,内容更加精练和实用,体系更加符合国内教学情况,适合作为高等院校计算机及相关专业本科生的编译原理课程的教材,也是广大研究人员和技术人员的极佳参考读物。 《编译原理(本科教学版第2版)》是编译领域无可替代的经典著作,被广大计算机专业人士誉为“龙书”。《编译原理(本科教学版第2版)》上一版自1986年出版以来,被世界各地的著名高等院校和研究机构(包括美国哥伦比亚大学。斯坦福大学、哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学。贝尔实验室)作为本科生和研究生的编译原理课程的教材。该书对我国高等计算机教育领域也产生了重大影响。 第2版对每一章都进行了全面的修订,以反映自上一版出版20多年来软件工程、程序设计语言和计算机体系结构方面的发展对编译技术的影响。第2版全面介绍了编译器的设计,并强调编译技术在软件设计和开发中的广泛应用。每章中都包含大量的习题和丰富的参考文献。 《编译原理(本科教学版第2版)》基于该书第2版进行改编,保留其中的基本内容,压缩或删除了一些高级内容,更适合作为国内高校计算机及相关专业本科生编译原理课程教材。
Compiler theory (Undergraduate Teaching edition 2nd edition) "based on an adaptation of the second edition of the book, the content is more concise and practical teaching system more in line with the domestic situation, suitable as computer and related institutions of higher learning undergraduate textbook compiler theory courses , but also the majority of researchers and technicians excellent reference books. "Compiler theory (Undergraduate Teaching edition 2nd edition)" is a classic compilation irreplaceable areas, the majority of computer professionals has been hailed as the "dragon book." "Compiler theory (Undergraduate Teaching edition 2nd edition)" since the previous edition published in 1986, was well-known universities and research institutions around the world (including Columbia University, Stanford University, Harvard University, Princeton University, Bell Labs ) as compiler theory textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses. Higher education in the field of computer bo (2014-06-13, Unix_Linux, 12100KB, 下载10次)


[编译器/解释器] VCDdecoder

基于GTK-wave做的verilog test bench语法解析器 解析vcd file. 俺自己写的
VCD (Value Change Dump) file is widely used in industry. A VCD file is an ASCII file, which contains header information, variable definitions and the value changes for specified variables, or all variables, in a given design. Attached VCD_format.pdf gives a simple introduction to VCD file format. More information about VCD file format can be found in Web. Please write a tool to parse a VCD file. It reads in the VCD file specified in the command line, counts the value changes for each variable and output a file which states the name and counts for value change low-to-high and high-to-low for each variable. A example VCD file is also attached for testing purpose. RULES: 1. $date, $version, $comment and $dump* can be ignored 2. Output file name is <design_name>.toggle, where design_name is the topmost module name in the VCD file. For example, if the 1st $scope line in the file: $scope module AAA_tmax_testbench_1_16 $end the output file name should be AAA_tmax_t (2011-10-24, Unix_Linux, 7863KB, 下载5次)


[编译器/解释器] GCC_manual

本手册页内容摘自GNU C编译器的完整文档,仅限于解释选项的含义. 除非有人自愿维护,否则本手册页不再更新.如果发现手册页和软件之间有所矛盾,请查对Info文件, Info文件是权威文档. 如果我们发觉本手册页的内容由于过时而导致明显的混乱和抱怨时,我们就停止发布它.不可能有其他选择,象更新Info文件同时更新man手册,因为其他维护GNU CC的工作没有留给我们时间做这个. GNU工程认为man手册是过时产物,应该把时间用到别的地方.
This manual page is an excerpt from the complete GNU C compiler, documentation is limited to explain the meaning of the options. Unless there is a voluntary maintenance, otherwise the pages of this manual is no longer updated. If it is found between the manual pages and software have conflicts, please check Info files, Info file is the authoritative document. If we find that the contents of this manual page marked as obsolete a result of the confusion and complaints, we will stop publishing it. there can be no other options, such as update the Info files at the same time update the man manual, because the other the work of maintaining GNU CC leaves us no time to do this. GNU project that the manual is outdated product of man, should take the time to use elsewhere. (2009-11-19, Unix_Linux, 291KB, 下载8次)


[编译器/解释器] arm-linux-cross-3.4.4

This tool is arm-linux-gcc cross compiler tools (cross-3.4.4), this is my own compiler, I tried, I use it to compile the u-boot1.2.0 no problem, the cross compiler made a good long time before I found online a long time, but never found, so this contribution to come out, so everyone will have time to compile, I now use is no problem, please advise if there are problems. Hope love linux comrades contribution to point out good things! (2008-08-30, Unix_Linux, 46991KB, 下载2242次)
