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按分类查找All 物联网(143) 
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[物联网] aiot

Integrate the data resources of the park, such as hardware data resources such as monitoring, access control, gate, lighting, broadcasting, etc; Such as server, switch and other network data resources; Such as monitoring platform, broadcasting platform and other system data resources. Open up park resource sharing, eliminate information islands and application islands, integrate the aiot IoT platform, promote park management innovation, and improve management efficiency. (2023-02-16, Java, 72285KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] connector

The connector framework maps cloud APIs to local APIs based on simple configurations and flexible extension mechanisms. You can subscribe to the distribution of cloud messages as local events. You can put all the focus on business logic without taking care of server-side programming nor relational databases. The OpenAPI or message subscription (2023-02-23, Java, 1159KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] zhidev-Agriculture-master

Intelligent Agricultural Internet of things application platform applies Internet of things technology to traditional agriculture, uses sensors and software to control agricultural production through mobile platform or computer platform, relying on various sensor nodes (environmental temperature and humidity, soil composition, pH value, carbon dioxide, light intensity, air pressure, image, etc.) and wireless communication network deployed in agricultural production site The intelligent perception, intelligent early warning, intelligent decision-making, intelligent analysis and expert online guidance of agricultural production environment provide precise planting and breeding, visual management and intelligent decision-making for agricultural production. (2020-03-13, Java, 5201KB, 下载38次)
