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[Windows编程] ft3as0.4sp3

增加修改: 1。首叶增加下拉菜单 2。后台附件、图片、flash上传全新更新,直逼尘缘雅境图文系统 V3.0正式版。 3。全新修改图片、flash编辑器 4。修改后台的剩余bug,不一一列举 5。图片路径改为绝对地址的bug 6。审核增加了删除按钮 7。首页显示图片选项简化
Increased Review: 1. The first increase in leaf drop-down menu 2. Accessory background, pictures, flash upload new update, almost equal bonds elegant environment graphic system V3.0 official version. 3. Modify the new image, flash editor 4. Modify the background of the remaining bug, not to enumerate 5. Pictures path to absolute addresses bug 6. Audit adds the delete button 7. Home Display Picture option to simplify (2016-03-06, Windows_Unix, 1714KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] serverctrl

用页面 批量控制各安装 win 2003系统服务器,占用3333端口(可更改)。
We can see the disk ,send all kinds of command,can read all kinds of messages of the server by the program,can shutdown it,reboot and so on~and we can send messages to the server user.I design web site as DIV and CSS.the web client program is writend by PHP,and the server CPP program is compiled by DEVC++. (2014-11-19, Windows_Unix, 308KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] pic-c-jiaocheng

file子键下面找到一个名为“isshortcut”的键值,它表示在桌面的.lnk快捷方式图标上将出现一个小箭头。右键单击“isshortcut”,然后从弹出的菜单中选择“删除”,将该键值删除。 3.关闭注册表编辑器,重新启动,就可发现快捷方式图标上已经没有小箭头了。 同理,对指向ms-dos程序的快捷方式(即.pif)图标上的小箭头,则除了是打开hkey_classes_root\piffil
The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months. The barbarians defiled the church by using it as a stable. (2013-12-20, Windows_Unix, 145KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] ATM

:Netbeans下的简单银行ATM系统,客户服务器存取款,多线程,查询余额等-Bank ATM system S/C 文件列表(点击判断是否您需要的文件,如果是垃圾请在下面评价...
: Netbeans under the simple bank ATM systems, client-server access models, multi-threaded, balance inquiries, etc.-Bank ATM system S/C File list (Click to check if the file you need, if you are garbage at the following evaluation ... (2013-06-08, Windows_Unix, 341KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] Zhejiang_University_Android

This is something of the teacher. . . . Zhejiang University during the training class courseware, teacher went back to school teaching then copy to us. Which contains several small projects, such as audio players and the like, suitable for beginners (2013-04-27, Windows_Unix, 15661KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] MicrosoftPWindowsPDriverPmodel

Microsoft+Windows驱动程序模型设计,chm版的,重量小,学习驱动的利器。Windows Driver Model(WDM)的根源可追溯到几年前一种叫做Windows for Workgroups 3.10的操作系统。那时候我们努力地支持无数不同的SCSI控制器,我长期地注意WindowsNT开发组创建的小端口驱动程序类型。不久就认识到重新构造必要的映象加载器(image loader)和小端口驱动程序需要的执行环境比把这些小端口驱动程序重写成某些VXD形式的驱动程序并调试完毕所花费的努力要少得多。 不幸的是,Windows from Workgroups 3.10已经停止发行带有SCSI小端口支持的版本,主要是由于象ASPI(高级SCSI编程接口)这样的外围问题。然而,跨Windows和windows NT操作系统共享同样的驱动程序执行映象的基础是适当的并且可以在win95中见到,它(win95)可以与NT共享SCSI和NDIS小端口驱动程序二进制代码。 共享驱动程序模式的潜在意义是重大的。驱动程序开发人员感兴趣的是支持双平台,共享驱动模式能降低开发和调试的一半开消。对微软来说,共享模式意味着更容易地从win9x迁移到Windows2000或这个平台的未来版本。对最终用户来说,大量不同种类的稳定驱动程序可以在这个家族中的所有成员之间通用。
Microsoft Windows Drivers (2013-04-03, Windows_Unix, 7041KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] X509-V3

This paper describes the specific structure of the X509-V3 certificates, and the CA server and client with C++ language programming. A detailed description of the definition and composition of the certificate, and briefly describes the ASN.1 abstract syntax description language used to define the certificate. (2013-03-28, Windows_Unix, 31KB, 下载12次)


[Windows编程] SUMOROUTER

利用TIGER 数据库,构建一个实际道路地图作为仿真场景,借助SUMO 交通仿真器和NS2 网络仿真平台,评估ADOV、DSR、 DSDR 3 种路由协议在城市场景车载自组网(VANET)中的适用性
This paper refers TIGER database, builds a realistic road map as simulation scene. It evaluates the applicability of three routing protocols including AODV, DSR and DSDV in Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork(VANET) by the joint simulation of Simulation of Urban MObility(SUMO) traffic simulator and NS2 (2011-12-04, Windows_Unix, 1227KB, 下载126次)


[Windows编程] IrisSkin2

1. 先把IrisSkin2.dll文件添加到当前项目引用(解决方案资源管理器->当前项目->引用->右键->添加引用 ,找到IrisSkin2.dll文件.....之后就不用我说了吧^_^).IrisSkin2.dll文件最好放在当前项目\bin\Debug文件中. 2. 然后把IrisSkin2.dll文件添加到vc2005的工具箱:右键->选择项->浏览找到IrisSkin2.dll文件(文件最好放在当前项目\bin\Debug文件中)按确定,控件就添加到工具箱中了.然后把工具箱中新添加的 SkinEngine控件拖到当前项目中。 3. 把皮肤目录中的.ssk文件复制到当前项目\bin\Debug文件中,(ssk文件可选). 4. 再在项目中调用.ssk皮肤文件。例: namespace 当前项目 { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() //当前项目的构造器中调用皮肤文件 { InitializeComponent() this.skinEngine1.SkinFile = "DiamondBlue.ssk" //DiamondBlue.ssk可换用皮肤目录中你喜欢的.ssk文件 //(把.ssk复制到当前项目\bin\Debug目录中) } ... ... ...
1. First IrisSkin2.dll file to reference the current project (Solution Explorer-> current project-> Reference-> right click-> Add Reference, locate the file ..... after IrisSkin2.dll I do not say it ^_^). IrisSkin2.dll best on the current project file \ bin \ Debug file. 2. And then add files to vc2005 IrisSkin2.dll toolbox: Right-> Select Item-> Browse IrisSkin2.dll file (preferably on the current project \ bin \ Debug files) click OK, the control is added to the toolbox. And then the toolbox onto the newly added SkinEngine controls the current project. 3. The skin directory. Ssk files to the current project \ bin \ Debug files, (ssk files optional.) 4. And then call in the project. Ssk skin file. Example: namespace current project { public partial class Form1: Form { public Form1 ()// constructor of the current project is called the skin file { InitializeComponent () this.skinEngine1.Skin (2010-11-21, Windows_Unix, 112KB, 下载12次)


[Windows编程] OOCleverCache

O&O CleverCache 6.0 Build 2494 专业版&服务器版   O&O CleverCache 可以优化你的 Windows NT/2000下内存和文件缓存管理。这可以导致性能的大幅度提高,可以加速你的系统速度,而不需要任何硬件上的更新,也不会限制系统的稳定性。安装它不需要任何的配置和重启动,只要5 分钟就可以激活系统中未使用的资源。   可用于 Windows NT/2000/XP/2003,汉化使用说明:   1、此为汉化版,安装后即可直接使用。   2、制作安装包时,已将专业版和服务器版同时打包在内,请在运行安装时自己选择所需要安装的版本类型。   3、两种版本安装后均已注册。
O & O CleverCache can optimize your memory under Windows NT/2000 and file cache management. This can lead to greatly improved performance, can accelerate the speed of your system without any hardware on the update, Ye will not limit the stability of Ji Tong. Installation does not require any configuration and restart, as long as 5 minutes you can activate unused resources of the system. Can be used in Windows NT/2000/XP/2003, finished use: 1, this is the finished version can be used directly after installation. 2, production and installation package, the Professional Edition and Server Edition has also packaged account, please run the installation, choose to install the version of the type required. 3, two versions installed have been registered. (2010-07-14, Windows_Unix, 6230KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] 2007528174849

流接口驱动程序是动态连接库,由一个叫做设备管理程序的特殊应用程序加载、管理和卸载。所有流接口驱动程序使用同一个接口并调用同一个函数集,流接口函数。 流接口驱动程序是为连接到基于Windows CE平台的外围设备设计的。这些外围设备包括: 调制解调器、打印机、PC卡等 所有这些外围设备都必须通过外部连接器如串行口或PC卡插槽等连接。
Stream interface driver is a dynamic link library, called the device management process by a specific application, load, management and unloading. All stream interface drivers to use the same interface and call a function with a set of stream interface functions. Stream interface driver for Windows CE-based platform to connect peripherals design. These peripherals include: modems, printers, PC cards, etc. All of these peripheral devices must be connected through an external device, such as serial port or PC card slot and so on to connect. (2009-11-04, Windows_Unix, 16047KB, 下载15次)


[Windows编程] bijingruiPLC

PLC' s curriculum design. This is a temperature and pressure for the detection of the industrial process design, testing water temperature in temperature, water tank full through the pressure sensor after the control switch. (2009-06-29, Windows_Unix, 144KB, 下载34次)


[Windows编程] C_2329UM

CHROMA 2329 產品簡介 本系統是用來產生各種輸出信號給監視器 (CRT&LCD&TV&HDTV) 顯示出特定的畫 面以做為調整、檢驗之用,所以在使用之前需對MONITOR 之輸入信號及其接線方式 有基本的了解。
CHROMA 2329 Brief Introduction of this system is used to generate various output signals to the monitor (CRT (2008-10-25, Windows_Unix, 1071KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] MMSEXAMPLE

MS (Microsoft Media Server protocol)协议概述: 用来访问并流式接收 Windows Media 服务器中 .asf 文件的一种协议。MMS 协议用于访问 Windows Media 发布点上的单播内容。MMS 是连接 Windows Media 单播服务的默认方法。若观众在 Windows Media
MS (Microsoft Media Server protocol) protocol Overview: used to access and receive streaming Windows Media server. Asf file an agreement. MMS protocol is used to access the Windows Media Release point unicast content. MMS is to connect Windows Media Unicast service of the default method. If the audience in Windows Media (2008-09-17, Windows_Unix, 30KB, 下载57次)


[Windows编程] nasm-0.98.39

NASM is a compilation of open-source language compiler. NASM compatible with Windows and Linux environment. (2008-06-25, Windows_Unix, 751KB, 下载275次)


[Windows编程] USB_MassStorage_PIC

打开压缩文件后安装.EXE文件,在安装的目录下有MPLAB MCC18的工程文件MassStorage,即USB大容量存储器的源代码,可以直接使用,具体请见源代码上的注视。
open compressed files after installation. EXE file, in the installation directory under MPLAB MCC18 works documents MassStorage. that is, large-capacity USB memory of source code, can be directly used, the specific see the source code on the monitor. (2007-06-10, Windows_Unix, 3471KB, 下载247次)


[Windows编程] ORACLE_train1

ORACLE公司自86年推出版本5开始,系统具有分布数据库处理功能.88年推出版本6,ORACLE RDBMS(V6.0)可带事务处理选项(TPO),提高了事务处理的速度.1992年推出了版本7,在ORACLE RDBMS中可带过程数据库选项(procedural database option)和并行服务器选项(parallel server option),称为ORACLE7数据库管理系统,它释放了开放的关系型系统的真正潜力。ORACLE7的协同开发环境提供了新一代集成的软件生命周期开发环境,可用以实现高生产率、大型事务处理及客户/服务器结构的应用系统。协同开发环境具有可移植性,支持多种数据来源、多种图形用户界面及多媒体、多民族语言、CASE等协同应用系统。
ORACLE 86 companies since launched version 5, Database systems with distributed processing functions .88 introduced version 6, ORACLE RDBMS (V6.0) with transaction processing options (TPO), improved transaction processing speed .1992 launched Version 7, In ORACLE RDBMS can process database with options (procedural databas e option) and the parallel server options (parallel server option). ORACLE7 called database management system, it released an open relational system's real potential. ORACLE7 Collaborative Development Environment provides a new generation of integrated software life cycle development environment, can be used to achieve high productivity, and large business client/server architecture of the application. Collaborative Development Environment with portability, support (2006-12-13, Windows_Unix, 32KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 多种数据库快速访问

1、上载文件说明:通过IIS中将TEST.ASP文件置为主页,然后就可在浏览器中访问(本机IP或者输入127.0.0.1) 2、使用说明:用记事本打开TEST.ASP,其中包含对SQL、ORADLE、ACCESS、ODBC数据源、EXCEL和TXT文本数据库的访问代码,对应去掉注释符号,并修改默认数据库名称和访问密码,保存并打开浏览器即可将访问到的数据显示出来。相当方便,提供数据库访问的代码,很难得的东东哦!
1, to upload files Description: through IIS test.asp document will buy for the home page, and then you can visit in your browser (local IP or enter 2, for use: use Notepad to open TEST.ASP, which includes SQL, ORADLE, ACCESS, ODBC data source, EXCEL and TXT text database access code, corresponding to the Notes to remove symbols, and modify the default database name and access password, save and open the browser can access the data will be displayed . Very convenient, to provide database access code, it is difficult to get Dongdong Oh! (2005-12-28, Windows_Unix, 27KB, 下载15次)


[Windows编程] Visual InterDev 6.0

Visual InterDev 6.0是微软的一种开发环境,它允许你快速地建立和管理动态的Web应用,你将了解用于建立动态Web应用客户端和服务器端脚本的技术,Actire Server Framework (ASF)是这种环境下的重要组件。
Visual InterDev 6.0 is a Microsoft development environment, it allows you to quickly build and manage dynamic Web application, you will understand for the creation of dynamic Web application client and server-side scripting technologies, Actire Server Framework (ASF) is the environment an important component. (2005-06-18, Windows_Unix, 916KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] Dreamweaver UltraDev

Macromedia Dreamweaver UltraDev是一个专业的可视化Web应用程序编辑器。即使你不懂编程,也可以轻松把你的网页同大型数据库相连接,让你的网页和用户交互!
Macromedia Dreamweaver UltraDev is a professional visual Web application editor. Even if you do not know programming, they can put your website with a large database link and let your website and user interaction! (2005-06-18, Windows_Unix, 677KB, 下载16次)
