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[物联网] NodeIotGateway

The TCP general IoT device gateway program developed based on nodejs has now integrated devices that support multiple Modbus protocols; The equipment includes: various types of sensors, doll terminals, etc; (2024-04-20, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载1次)


[物联网] Hiro

Hiro是使用React Native构建的IOS应用程序。它旨在管理智能家庭设备,如智能框架、温度传感器、智能灯等。这是利用AWS IoT Core、Firebase、React Native前端和express后端的完整堆栈项目的一部分。
Hiro is an IOS app built with React Native. It was designed to manage smart homme devices such as smart frames, temperature sensors, smart lights, and more. This is part of a fullstack project that utilizes AWS IoT Core, Firebase, a React Native frontend, and a express backend. (2024-01-03, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] IoT-Hub-Node

基于 Node.js 的物联网平台,使用EMQX作为mqtt桥接器,旨在连接物联网设备和应用程序,提供数据持久化和可靠管理。
The Internet of Things platform based on Node.js uses EMQX as the mqtt bridge, aiming to connect Internet of Things devices and applications, and provide data persistence and reliable management. (2024-01-02, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] IoT-Hub-Node

基于 Node.js 的物联网平台,使用EMQX作为mqtt桥接器,旨在连接物联网设备和应用程序,提供数据持久化和可靠管理。,
The Internet of Things platform based on Node.js uses EMQX as the mqtt bridge, aiming to connect Internet of Things devices and applications, and provide data persistence and reliable management., (2023-10-12, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] pour-js

PourJs是一种使用React开发的紧凑的基于web的酿造计算器。它利用Google Chromes实验性蓝牙配对功能...,
PourJs is a compact web based brew calculator developed using React. It leverages Google Chromes experimental bluetooth pairing functionality, allowing it to connect to IOT bluetooth based digital hardware (currently Acacia & Felicita scales) for precision brews. (2020-09-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] React-Web-Application-Robot

Real-time Smart Factory是一个React.js项目,用于通过AWS将JSON包传输给物联网自主机器人。无服务器...,
Real-time Smart Factory is a React.js project developed for transmitting JSON packages to IoT autonomous robots through AWS. Serverless app is accessible through AWS S3 (2019-11-20, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] AWS-Serverless-IoT-Book

AWS无服务器物联网手册的所有代码、更正和相关材料。在亚马逊网站上查找:[https:www.Amazon.com AWS-Serverless-I..](https:www.Amazon.com AWS Serverless IoT Inexpensive Projects-电子书dp B0B9P325F7),
All Code, Corrections, and Relevant Material for AWS Serverless IoT Book. Find it on Amazon here: [https: www.amazon.com AWS- Serverless-I…](https: www.amazon.com AWS-Serverless-IoT-Inexpensive-Projects- ebook dp B0B9P325F7), (2023-05-22, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] iot-sensor

传感器para detec o de Gas toxicos que notifica via Bot no Telegram caso haja muita presen a de Gas toxicos no ambiente,
Sensor para detec o de gases toxicos que notifica via Bot no Telegram caso haja muita presen a de gases toxicos no ambiente, (2023-08-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] INTERFACE-RemoteCarAccess

接口web实现通过wifi do projeto de IoT远程汽车访问pelo协议MQTT进行准实现器控制。
Interface web implementada para realizar o controle via wifi do projeto de IoT Remote Car Access pelo protocolo MQTT. (2020-11-19, JavaScript, 29KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] IoTServerRoom

展示如何使用Ext JS创建物联网(IoT)仪表板应用程序,该应用程序显示传感器的实时流...
Showcases how to create an Internet of Things (IoT) dashboard app using Ext JS that displays a live stream of sensor data delivered by an Intel Edison device, with various sensors connected. (2016-11-04, JavaScript, 4223KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] serverless-aws

AWS Serverless-无服务器框架,AWS SAM,Lambda,步骤函数,API网关,RDS,DynamoDB,ElephantSQL,CI...
? AWS Serverless - Serverless Framework, AWS SAM, Lambda, Step Functions, API Gateway, RDS, DynamoDB, ElephantSQL, CI/CD, CloudFormation, S3 Notifications, SNS, SQS, Cognito, Lambda Crons, CORS, Apache VTL (Velocity Template Language), Swagger, KMS, VPCs, DLQs, CloudWatch, CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodePipeline, CloudFront, OICD, Kinesis, MQTT, (2022-06-22, JavaScript, 94KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] tum-gis-iot-stack-k8s

应用程序堆栈的Helm图表,用于使用开源软件和工具管理传感器数据,运行OGC SensorThingsAPI
Helm chart for an application stack to manage sensor data with open source software and tools unsing OGC SensorThingsAPI (2023-06-06, JavaScript, 108KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] iot-distance-sensor

React应用程序,显示来自连接到NodeMCU esp8266板的超声波传感器的实时信息(Wi-Fi...
React app that displays real-time information from an ultrasonic sensor connected to the NodeMCU esp8266 board (Wi-Fi module) which sends and stores data in the Firebase database. (2019-06-15, JavaScript, 147KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] m2m

m2m is a lightweight communication library for developing client-server applications using the machine-to-machine framework node-m2m. (2023-04-23, JavaScript, 67KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] iot-mapping

Node.js application that tracks mobile assets and visualize incoming sensor data on an interactive map. Updates are published to the Watson IoT Platform. (2022-12-10, JavaScript, 8052KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] node-rfid

一个节点模块,用于通过节点js将rc522 rfid读取器与覆盆子pi接口!!!javascript和...的完美结合...
A node module to interface rc522 rfid reader with raspberry pi via node js!!! A perfect combination of javascript and python!!! A perfect solution to various real world issue!!! Really useful for IOT based projects!!! (2018-02-27, JavaScript, 23KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] amazon-location-service-pettracker-demo

The PetTracker Demo is a cloud native application built using a serverless architecture based on AWS services to showcase AWS IoT integrations for geospatial use cases in conjuction with the Amazon Location Services to help Solution Architects around the world to make use of it in their demos and workshops. (2023-06-06, JavaScript, 801KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] aws-appsync-iot-core-realtime-example

This sample application demonstrates an iPhone receiving real-time updates from an IoT sensor. The solution is built with AWS AppSync and AWS IoT Core technologies. (2023-04-20, JavaScript, 474KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] aws-appsync-iot-core-realtime-dashboard

This sample application demonstrates a React based web dashboard receiving real-time updates from IoT sensors. The solution is built with AWS AppSync, AWS Amplify, Amazon Location Service, and AWS IoT Core technologies. (2023-01-16, JavaScript, 1003KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] AgileWork

Visual low code rapid development platform, customized development platform and application platform for business and enterprise management system, including designer and application side. Provide business configuration and integrated development capabilities. Users can quickly build various management systems that can run on both PC and mobile terminals through visual drag and drop configuration operations (2020-11-18, JavaScript, 20532KB, 下载0次)
