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[中间件编程] SystemDesign

在ASP.NET Core、Mongo Db、RabbitMq、MassTransit、Quartz.NET中实现具有排队后台任务的收件箱消息处理器
Implementing Inbox message processor with queued background task in ASP.NET Core, Mongo Db, RabbitMq, MassTransit, Quartz.NET (2023-11-13, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] Telegramper-TelegramFramework

Telegramper is the Telegram.Framework, which is similar to ASP.Net Core. It contains services, middleware, configuration, controllers (executors), and more. (2023-08-01, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] AcciInsureFunctionApp

使用Azure函数的应用程序,将EventHub触发器和Cosmos DB用作输出绑定,以及存储队列和条件警报...,
Application using Azure Function with EventHub Trigger and Cosmos DB as output Binding, along with storage queues, and conditional alerting using Service Bus. Logic App is used to create email alerts as soon as message is received in service bus queue. (2021-07-28, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] azurefunctions.servicebusqueue

Listens to feature toggle change messages published to a Service Bus queue, and sends these for onwards transmission to the SignalR hub, which will push out to any/all connected clients. (2022-12-08, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] nhn-toast-notification-service-custom-connector

这是为Microsoft Power Platform提供NHN Toast Notification Services的自定义连接器,包括SMS MMS和KakaoTalk m...,
This is to provide Microsoft Power Platform with a custom connector for NHN Toast Notification Services including SMS/MMS and KakaoTalk messages (2022-02-26, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] Bicycle.MSSQLServiceBroker

该包用于生成MS SQL Service Broker队列、服务和触发器;并从it运行时接收新消息,
The package is for generating MS SQL Service Broker queues, services and triggers; and receiving new messages from it runtime, (2019-03-12, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] repro-servicebusexplorer-protobuf

Repro to reproduce and test if re-sending of message is supported by the service bus explorer in azure and github, (2023-03-20, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] RegenerativeDistributedCache

A cache that supports scheduling the regeneration of cache items in the background ahead of their expiry and manages this across a farm of web/service nodes minimising duplicated cache value generation work. Requires an external (network) cache, a fan out pub/sub message bus, and a distributed locking mechanism (redis implementations provided). (2018-11-06, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] az-func-d-sim-sensor

函数D是一个Azure函数,它基于来自Azure服务总线的消息模拟Azure Iot Hub上的传感器,
Function D is an Azure Function that simulate sensors on Azure Iot Hub based on the messages from Azure Service Bus, (2022-11-03, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] DeviceMessagingAdmin

Provides Models, Manager, Repositories and REST Services for defining Message Types to be used in the LagoVista Devices, IoT and Home Automation Frameworks (2023-03-20, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] PinBuster

PinBuster is an innovative app that lets you interact with your surroundings in a unique way. It allows you to view and send messages based on where you are, who you follow and what you want to see. You can see what secrets lie around you, as well as reviews, tips and general opinions. PinBuster’s new interactive UI lets you see messages using (2016-06-16, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] AspNetCore.SignalR

Provides scale-out support for ASP.NET Core SignalR using an Azure Service Bus topic to dispatch messages to all server instances., (2020-05-19, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] MessageQueue-Http

A place to examine how message queues and http servers are similar, and how useful tools can be reused in between workflows (2022-12-08, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] ServiceBusExplorer

The Service Bus Explorer allows users to connect to a Service Bus namespace and administer messaging entities in an easy manner. The tool provides advanced features like import/export functionality or the ability to test topic, queues, subscriptions, relay services, notification hubs and events hubs. (2018-08-17, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] l3ns-csharp-rmq-fuzzing

该回购旨在使用visual studio测试:l3ns作为docker中csharp服务的分布式系统编写器...
This repo is aimed at testing: l3ns as a distributed system composer for csharp service in docker with visual studio debug connecting to rabbitmq broker with fuzzing on a single user windows node (2022-09-11, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] netcore-rabbitmq

RabbitMQ is a message-queueing software also known as a message broker or queue manager. Simply said; it is software where queues are defined, to which applications connect in order to transfer a message or messages. (2021-05-15, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] horseback

A simple message bus wrapper for distributed applications on .NET (2023-04-14, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] EasyNetQ

An EasyNetQ handler runner component which wraps consumer function invocation in a Polly policy (2017-10-16, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] dotnet-core-rabbitmq-example

ASP.NET核心Web API将消息发送到RabbitMQ服务器,以及四个使用这些消息的控制台应用程序。
ASP.NET Core Web API which sends messages to a RabbitMQ server, and four console apps that consume those messages. (2017-12-02, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] CS_RFID3_Host_Sample2

Motorola RFID reader written in C# language using multi-tag reader PC side middleware environment program in VS2008 (2017-04-11, C#, 472KB, 下载6次)
