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[网络编程] real-time_event_driven_grammar_checker

A PoC demonstrating how kafka and socket.io can be used to create a real-time grammar-checker with event driven architecture. (2024-04-19, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] ngConf2018

该存储库是2018 ng conf主题的组合。1) 使用NgRx进行身份验证,2)N件你不知道的关于路由器的事情,3)操作...,
This repository is a combination of 2018 ng-conf topics. 1) Authentication with NgRx, 2) N Things You Didn’t Know About the Router, 3) Optimizing an Angular application, 4) Angular Performance Workshop, and 5) RxJS Observables in Angular (2018-08-29, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] route-resolver-angular

Angular 7 Route解析器在组件准备就绪之前获取数据。使用HttpClient服务i...从头配置路由解析程序...,
Angular 7 Route resolver fetches the data before the component is ready. Configure route resolvers from scratch with HttpClient service in Angular 7 | 8. (2019-03-20, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] polyrhythm

A 3Kb full-stack async effect management toolkit over RxJS. Uses a Pub-Sub paradigm to orchestrate Observables in Node, or the browser (ala Redux Saga). Exports: channel, listen, filter, trigger, after. (2023-01-07, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] cocos_creator_proj_base

cocos creator项目基础类库,包括socket, http网络连接,资源加载与管理,ui加载与管理,热更新实现机制,定时器,事件系统,tween动画工具, 音效播放,常用控件如recycle listview,recycle scrollview等,
The basic class library of the cocos creator project, including socket, http network connection, resource loading and management, ui loading and management, hot update implementation mechanism, timer, event system, tweet animation tool, sound effect playing, common controls such as cycle listview, cycle scrollview, etc, (2020-06-04, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] NiceFish

NiceFish(美人鱼) 是一个系列项目,目标是示范前后端分离的开发+部署模式,包括: 浏览器环境、移动端环境、Electron 环境;后端有两个版本:SpringBoot 版本和 SpringCloud 版本。,
NiceFish is a series of projects aimed at demonstrating the development+deployment mode of front end and rear end separation, including browser environment, mobile environment and Electron environment; The backend has two versions: SpringBoot and SpringCloud., (2023-07-12, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
