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[物联网] Flame-Detector-IT-Project

This is a repository of our IT s class project which is about an IoT system to detect flame using Computer Vision and Flame Sensor. (2024-04-14, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] productivity-music-stocks-weather-IoT-dashboard

使用Airflow、Grafana、InfluxDB、Node Red和Postgres来汇集来自各种来源的有用信息,即家庭物联网传感器...
Using Airflow, Grafana, InfluxDB, Node-Red & Postgres to bring together useful information from a variety of sources, I.e. home IoT sensors (Air quality, temp), stock data, current weather, to-do lists, etc. (2023-12-15, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] Finding-the-majority-master-node-in-an-IoT-setup

An IoT firm has a master-slave architecture with multiple sensor devices (having different ID and storage capacity), & data being collected by them is going to a specific master node. The firm has not planned for load balancing, where some master nodes became overloaded as the number of sensors increased. We are handling overloaded master nodes (2023-12-06, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] pire-store-softwarex

pire-store is a distributed key-value store designed for edge computing. There are three main components of a pire-node; HTTP Server, RPC Server and Protocol Handlers (2023-11-27, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] IotServer

This is for Educational purpose: I am trying to develop code for my project iot_gateway, the code shall be able to serve as a server for IOT (2023-11-15, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] Solar-System-Monitor-PyMate

物联网监测离网太阳能系统。我使用覆盆子pi 3A+连接到Outback FlexMax 80充电控制器。Telegraf被使用...,
IoT to monitor off-grid solar system. I used a raspberry pi 3 A+ to connect to an Outback FlexMax 80 charge controller. Telegraf was used to retrieve data to InfluxDB cloud which I connected to Grafana cloud to display the solar system data (2023-09-11, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] ibrahimpctfm

Proyecto destinado al Dise o y Desarrollo de un传感器物联网通信con Nodo Central para la Medida del Recurso Solar en Vehículos con...,
Proyecto destinado al Dise?o y Desarrollo de un Sensor IoT comunicado con Nodo Central para la Medida del Recurso Solar en Vehículos con Integración Fotovoltaica (2023-09-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] Fire-Detection-

Developed an IOT project on Fire detection system. Designed a system which would detect fire and with the help of buzzer the user will be notified and also a messsage would be sent to the users mobile. Sensors used MQ-135 sensor for smoke detection a buzzer for notification and raspberry-pi. (2019-08-10, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] parking-sense

CoAP服务器,用于使用txThings管理RPi的Sense Hat插件,作为TU e的2IMN15 IoT实用程序的一部分开发,
CoAP server for managing the Sense Hat add-on for RPi usign txThings, developed as a part of the practical for 2IMN15 IoT at TU e, (2016-01-15, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] iot

Learning to develop using python. An http server hosted on a raspberry pi listens to an esp32 chip, and counts how many times a button has been pressed. (2019-10-07, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] loT

物联网大作业项目(包含实时监控 拍照上传指定位置 各个传感器监测数据上传阿里云物联网平台)python
Internet of Things big operation project (including real-time monitoring, photographing and uploading of monitoring data from each sensor at the designated location to Alibaba Cloud Internet of Things platform) python (2020-07-03, Python, 6092KB, 下载0次)



This is a docker based small footprint edge computing framework for IOT edge gateways and linux servers. it is in development stage right now. (2023-02-23, Python, 1670KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] MaixPy-TrashClassifier

使用MaixPy(一个MicroPython框架)开发的简单垃圾分类器在Sipeed的Maix上的K210 MCU上运行...
A simple trash/waste classifier developed using MaixPy (a MicroPython framework) to run on K210 MCU on Sipeed s Maix dev board (2019-06-22, Python, 9774KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] Maix-LogoClassifier

使用Maixduino框架和PlatfomIO开发的简单徽标分类器,在Sipeed的Maix开发平台上的K210 MCU上运行...
A simple logo classifier developed using Maixduino framework and PlatfomIO, to run on K210 MCU on Sipeed s Maix dev board. (2019-05-12, Python, 5765KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] IOT-PI-DL

Theft detector project objective is to track the surveillance area and alert the user if any movement is detected. (2022-03-19, Python, 3559KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] TinyML-Benchmark-NNs-on-MCUs

Code for WF-IoT paper TinyML Benchmark: Executing Fully Connected Neural Networks on Commodity Microcontrollers (2022-07-23, Python, 348KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] birdy

Birdy is a nicely designed wild bird feeder that takes photos, identifies and classifies birds. - based on Raspberry Pi, Azure IoT and Azure cognitive Service. (2022-09-26, Python, 116420KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] pyvesync_v2

Python库,用于控制所有etekcity智能插座、开关和灯泡以及Levoit空气净化器的vesync API
Python Library for controlling vesync API for all etekcity smart outlets, switches and bulbs and Levoit Air Purifier (2021-05-14, Python, 44KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] Spark-and-Kafka_IoT-Data-Processing-and-Analytics

Final Project for IoT: Big Data Processing and Analytics class. Analyzing U.S nationwide temperature from IoT sensors in real-time (2016-11-21, Python, 163KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] MicroWebSrv

一个微型HTTP Web服务器,支持用于MicroPyth的WebSockets、html python语言模板和路由处理程序...
A micro HTTP Web server that supports WebSockets, html/python language templating and routing handlers, for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules & ESP32) (2023-01-17, Python, 202KB, 下载0次)
