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按分类查找All SQL Server(177) 
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[SQL Server] Consultorio-Beatriz

Criei um aplicativo no Visual Studio 22 em jun o ao Sql服务器。Onde esse aplicativo faz和平地籍,梅迪科斯地籍(Crm e dados necesários)eépossível marcar horário para担任顾问
Criei um aplicativo no Visual Studio 22 em jun o ao Sql server. Onde esse aplicativo faz cadastro de pacientes, cadastro de Médicos(Crm e dados necessários) e é possível marcar horário para as consultas (2024-05-15, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] ASP

构建ASP。NET Core MVC应用程序,具有CRUD操作、多个控制器和SQL Server集成,可实现无缝ADO。NET驱动的数据管理。具有Razor语法、模块化设计的动态视图,并能够熟练地解决数据库操作和UI更新的问题。
Built ASP.NET Core MVC app with CRUD ops, multiple controllers, and SQL Server integration for seamless ADO.NET-driven data management. Dynamic views with Razor syntax, modular design, and adept problem-solving for DB operations and UI updates. (2024-02-05, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] rokono-cl

Sql服务器到plantUML生成工具,允许在visual studio中快速访问Sql关系数据库图...
Sql server to plantUML generating tool, allowing quick access to SQL relation database diagrams inside visual studio code and other editors that support plantUML/wsd diagrams. (2022-12-08, C#, 30849KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] adonet-typed-dataset

Practical Work in Client-Server Programming with C# and ADO.NET using Strongly Typed DataSets. (2021-08-02, C#, 310KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] PhalangerMySql

MySQL Managed Extension for Phalanger - the PHP language compiler for the .NET framework - is a full C# reimplementation of the PHP native extension php_mysql. It uses GNU MySQL Connector/.NET and so works with the latest MySQL servers. (2021-01-22, C#, 381KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Dragon-Engine

龙引擎是一个开源的2D ORPG游戏引擎。服务器是用C#编写的,带有SQL server数据库,而...
Dragon Engine is an open-source 2D ORPG game engine. The server is written in C# with the SQL Server database, while Client is still using Visual Basic 6. (2023-05-20, C#, 114502KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] PerformanceCounter2CloudWatch

推送计数(windows性能计数器数据、IIS和SQL Server的度量,以及您可以检索的任何自定义度量...
Pushes counts (windows performance counter data, metrics from IIS and SQL Server, and any custom metrics you can retreive in code) to AWS CloudWatch as custom metrics. Comes with a Windows Service and a Console App wrapper. (2012-05-13, C#, 694KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] AsyncServerClient

AsyncServerClient is the simple, open-source, cross-platform Async TCP Server- Client project (with SQL and 3-Way Handshaking support) for .NET Assemblies built in .NET Core (2019-03-15, C#, 227KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] ServerDatabaseVersionUpdateHelper

This tool can compare the databases used by two versions of server software, new and old, and display the differences between the two databases according to the configuration (which can be set to ignore comparison for a certain table, only compare table structure, compare structure and data), and generate SQL that upgrades the table structure and data of the old version of the database to the new version (2022-03-26, C#, 449KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] ASP.NET-Photo-Album-System

1.>不需要SQL数据库,会直接将图片上载到服务器的图片目录下 2.>大的图片会自动生成缩略图,并另外存放到特定目录,提高了在线浏览照片的效率 3.>优化了照片上载的流程,支持直接上传照片,自动存储到指定目录,程序自动进行遍历获取从图片目录,在后台为图片瞬间生成缩略图 4.>支持分页浏览
1.> the programme does not require SQL support, users can upload pictures directly to your server under the image directory 2.> program will automatically generate thumbnails for larger picture and placed into a specific directory, improves the efficiency of online users to browse photos 3.> optimizes the upload process that supports one-click upload photos to the server and stored in a specific folder on the server, the program will automatically traverse the way to get new picture the images directory and generate thumbnails for your pictures in the background, and quickly. 4.> supports tabbed browsing (2014-12-18, C#, 5500KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] Code-for-chatting-system

局域网内的聊天工具源代码...原理简单...值得初学者学习 本聊天工具由服务器端程序和客户端程序两部分组成,整体采用C#平台开发,在Visual Studio2005集成开发环境下,并使用SQL Server 2000管理数据库数据。
we will make the general design both for the client and server in a local network chatting system (2014-04-23, C#, 1265KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] CollocateODBC

C#自动配置ODBC数据源的示例,namespace CollocateODBC,先注册odbc数据源,ODBC数据源名称,要与SQL Server数据库名保持一致,需要填写SQL Server数据库服务器名、用户名,然后配置数据库,在ODBC.INI中创建一个子键和相应的数据源名,DsnName ODBC数据源名称,ServerName eSQL Server数据库服务器名,DNdatabase SQL Server数据库,UserName 用户名等
C# automatically configure an ODBC data source example, namespace CollocateODBC, register odbc data source, ODBC data source name, to keep the SQL Server database name consistent with the need to fill in a SQL Server database server name, user name, and then configure the database in ODBC. INI create a sub-key and the corresponding data source name, DsnName ODBC data source name, ServerName eSQL Server database server name, DNdatabase SQL Server database, UserName user name, etc. (2014-04-08, C#, 444KB, 下载5次)


[SQL Server] DBDocument

DBDocumenter、交互式工具用来生成SQL服务器2000/2005/2008文档。 它支持,出口的文档,HTML(WEB)格式。它可以帮助开发人员,这些都是设计为应用程序的数据层。他们可以很容易地找到列的名称,名称的存储过程,存储过程参数信息等等……
DBDocumenter interactive tool used to generate the SQL server 2000/2005/2008 documentation. It supports, export documents, HTML (WEB) format. It can help developers, these are designed for the application' s data layer. They can easily find the name of the column, the name of the stored procedure, the stored procedure parameter information ...... (2013-05-17, C#, 1577KB, 下载5次)


[SQL Server] DB

斷點繼傳-數據庫 以C#實現的斷點續傳模塊, 可用於手機/網頁. 主要功能: 1. 斷點續傳, 文件分塊傳送, 可以是在網絡不穩定的環境下輕鬆傳送文件 2. 分塊保存, 相同的塊可共用, 節省伺服器儲存空間. 3. 多源傳送, 加快傳送速度.
Continues Transfer- Database Functions: 1. continues transfer 2. blocking transfer 3. multiple source transfer (2012-04-15, C#, 3KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] SQLUtility-v1.3-src

SQLServer Enterprise Manager using the generated SQL script, and not in accordance with the database objects dependent on the script in order to sort. The BUG has led to the generated script can not be directly implemented, developers must manually sort or search for their other alternatives, thus increasing the workload of large and cumbersome. The initial reason for writing this tool is to solve the problem (2010-06-02, C#, 1103KB, 下载15次)


[SQL Server] mvcMembership2.0

VS2005+SQL2000写的多层结构会员管理系统 主要是实现会员权限及会员管理功能,内置服务器探针,系统采用多层结构开发 功能模块有:目录管理 权限管理 角色管理 系统信息 系统设置 用户管理 本程序只是作为一个系统的基本框架 提供了成员管理,角色管理,目录管理和角色权限管理 有关权限: 权限是按照角色分配,通过用户控件来实现的 创建用户控件时请继承conbase类 在页面引用用户控件时务必指定conID值
VS2005+ SQL2000 to write multi-layer structure of the Member Management System is to achieve membership privileges and membership management functions, built-in server probe system uses multi-layer structure of the development of functional modules are: the role of rights management directory management information systems management system set user management of the procedures only as a system provides the basic framework of the members of management, role management, directory management and the role of rights management-related permissions: permissions in accordance with the role of distribution, through the user control to realize the creation of user controls inherit conbase Please type in the page reference the user control Be sure to specify a value when conID (2008-02-01, C#, 2428KB, 下载236次)


[SQL Server] MSP-v1[1].3.0-FINAL-SRC

安装步骤: 1. 解压缩所有代码到一个目录 2. 复制Default.config,并把文件名称改为web.config,然后修改其中的<connstr>指向已建立的SQL Server数据库,为upload目录设置写权限; 3. 在你的SQL Server数据库中添加一个空的数据库,并命名为上面connstr中的initial catalog赋值的字符串,默认是msprojectdb; 4. 如果不是将本程序安装于网站根目录, 则需要在web.config中的yafnet配置块中添加一个root,添加一行,如<root>/forum/msp/</root>,/forum/msp/是相对于网站根目录所在文件夹的相对路径; 5. 在浏览器中打开网站下install目录中的default.aspx网页进行数据库的安装, 例如: http://YourSite/forum/install/; 6. 安装过程需要Admin权限。
err (2007-12-04, C#, 2360KB, 下载3次)
