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[驱动编程] SmallRTOS51key

这是Small RTOS 51 DP-51下载仿真实验仪上编写的一个键盘驱动例子。在DP-51下载仿真实验仪上运行本程序后,有两个发光二极管每秒闪动一次。当按下某个按键时,LED数码显示器会显示相应的键值。 注意:(1)在KEIL C51 工程中,我已经把输出文件目录设在e:\temp中,您可以在Project->Options for Target "Target 1"的output页点击Select Folder for Objects...和Listing页点击Select Folder for Listing...改变. (2)编译时会有4个警告,可以忽略. (3)DP-51下载仿真实验仪的所有跳线选取默认值。
This the Small RTOS 51 DP-51 download simulation experiments on the preparation of the instrument a keyboard-driven cases son. The DP-51 download simulation NG run this procedure, there are two LEDs flashing once per second. When pressed a button, the LED digital display shows the corresponding keys. Note : (1) in KEIL C51 project, I have incorporated the output directory in e : \ temp. You can Project- (2007-02-28, C/C++, 9KB, 下载18次)


[驱动编程] IICMaster

12Mhz标准51的100KHz IIC总线主器件模拟方式驱动程序。 本驱动程序即可以在没有Small RTOS的情况下使用。此时,要使用本驱动程序只需要配置IIC总线使用的IO口。在驱动程序的主文件iic_master.c仅包含一个文件config.h。用户需要的是在这个文件中设置IIC总线使用的IO口SDA和SCL。如果用户单独使用iic_master.c,还要在config.h包含iic_master.h文件和其它必须的文件如reg51等;并定义宏TRUE、FALSE和与编译器无关的数据类型。在使用Small RTOS的情况下,用户只要在config.h定义SDA和SCL和包含iic_master.h并将宏IICSem定义为分配给IIC总线驱动程序的信号量的索引。 在使用IIC总线驱动程序前应该调用函数IICInit()初始化IIC总线。单独使用或单任务IIC总线,使用函数IICRead()对IIC总线进行读操作,使用IICWrite()对IIC总线进行写操作。如果有多个任务需要对IIC总线进行操作,则分别调用宏OSIICRead()和OSIICWrite()对其进行读写。
12Mhz standards of 100KHz 51 IIC bus owners device simulation mode driver. The driver is not in the Small RTOS use. At this point, to use the driver only needs to use the allocation of the IIC bus IO mouth. Drivers in the main document iic_master.c document contains only a config.h. User needs in this document is to set up the IIC bus IO mouth SDA and SCL. If users alone iic_master.c. also included in config.h iic_master.h documents and other necessary documents reg5 1; and the definition of Acer TRUE, FALSE and compiler- independent data types. Small RTOS in the use of the circumstances, users in config.h definition of SDA and SCL and will include Acer iic_master.h IICSem definition allocated to the IIC bus driver signals of the index. IIC in the use of the former bus driver should call (2007-02-28, C/C++, 3KB, 下载12次)
