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按分类查找All GPU/显卡(184) 
按平台查找All Cuda(184) 

[GPU/显卡] CUDA-Accelerated-Visual-Inertial-Odometry-Fusion

Harness the power of GPU acceleration for fusing visual odometry and IMU data with an advanced Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) implementation. Developed in C++ and utilizing CUDA, cuBLAS, and cuSOLVER, this system offers unparalleled real-time performance in state and covariance estimation for robotics and autonomous system applications. (2024-02-29, Cuda, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPU/显卡] cuda-tutorial-master

第一章 指针篇 第二章 CUDA原理篇 第三章 CUDA编译器环境配置篇 第四章 kernel函数基础篇 第五章 kernel索引(index)篇 第六章 kenel矩阵计算实战篇 第七章 kenel实战强化篇 第八章 CUDA内存应用与性能优化篇 第九章 CUDA原子(a...,
Chapter 1 Pointer Chapter 2 CUDA Principle Chapter 3 CUDA Compiler Environment Configuration Chapter 4 Kernel Function Basics Chapter 5 Kernel Index Chapter 6 Kernel Matrix Calculation Practice Chapter 7 Kernel Practical Enhancement Chapter 8 CUDA Memory Application and Performance Optimization Chapter 9 CUDA Atoms (a, (2023-08-07, Cuda, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPU/显卡] DNS_Solver

This is a two-dimensional fluid solver written in a hybrid CPU-GPU architecture platform This code has been written as part of the requiremnts for the following courses at the University of Utah: Computational Fluid Dynamics Parallel computing on many-cores @ Authors: Arash Nemati Hayati Akshay Singhvi Lucas Ulmer (2017-12-19, Cuda, 281KB, 下载0次)


[GPU/显卡] Lattice-Boltzmann-Method-GPU

This program is a GPU version 3D Lattice Boltzmann Method Computational Fluid Dynamics solver to simulate steady/unsteady 3D single-phase flows. Compared with CPU serial code, this GPU code is >200 times faster and has same accuracy. To run it, a NVIDIA GPU with CUDA Toolkit is a must (2021-06-05, Cuda, 16984KB, 下载0次)
