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按分类查找All Docker(191) 
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[Docker] BuildingMagicMirrorContainerOnLinux

Container for serveronly instance of MagicMirror. Bash scripts to automate entire process and Dockerfile for container build instruction. Script has notes to upload docker image to AWS public ECR. (2024-04-04, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] todoist_bot

此Telegram Bot与Todoist集成,可直接从Telegram.添加任务。它将计时器间隔内的消息连接到单个任务中,并可选地将今天设置为到期日期。它由Node.js和Docker构建,旨在快速设置和轻松使用。
This Telegram Bot integrates with Todoist to add tasks directly from Telegram. It concatenates messages within a timer interval into single tasks and optionally sets today as the due date. Built with Node.js and Docker, it s designed for quick setup and easy use. (2024-03-25, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] LanguagesComparison

Implementation of a prime number finder algorithm up to 10.000 in different languages for a fun speed comparison, all running in a docker container for ease of replication across devices. (2024-03-22, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] Photo_Editor

The photo editor app offers a comprehensive suite of image editing features, enabling users to modify brightness, contrast, saturation, apply inversion, blur, crop, rotate, and mirror effects. This versatile tool empowers users to customize their images according to their preferences. (2024-03-04, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] task-manager-backend

Task Tracker是一种创新的解决方案,可以改变您的日常任务管理体验。专注于鼓励集中工作和有效的优先级划分,该应用程序允许用户无缝地设置和优先处理日常任务。任务跟踪器超越了传统的待办事项列表或任务管理应用程序。
Task Tracker is an innovative solution that transforms your daily task management experience. With a focus on encouraging concentrated work and effective prioritization, this app allows users to set and prioritize daily tasks seamlessly. Task Tracker goes beyond traditional to-do list or task management apps. (2024-02-02, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] Kuber

使用Docker容器在Kubernetes上部署了基于Flask的web应用程序,并探索了各种Kubernete功能,如复制控制器、运行状况监视、滚动更新和Minikube和AWS EKS警报
Deployed a Flask-based web application on Kubernetes using Docker containers, and explored various Kubernetes features such as replication controllers, health monitoring, rolling updates, and alerting on both Minikube and AWS EKS (2024-01-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] recruitment-task

NBP API获取使用Flask和React构建的web应用程序。允许用户选择希望获取信息的货币对,并将其保存在本地或服务器上
NBP API fetching web app built with Flask and React. Allows user to select currency pairs he wishes to get info about and save it either locally or to the server (2024-01-15, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] dockerized-node-app

我创建了这个项目来实践Docker容器化。它使用Express.js构建一个HTTP服务器,用Hello、I m Wonder Akwei和I love data响应!将Node.js应用程序容器化可确保在各种环境中的一致性和轻松部署。
I created this project to practice Docker containerization. It employs Express.js to build an HTTP server responding with Hello, I m Wonder Akwei and I love data! Containerizing the Node.js app ensures consistency and easy deployment in diverse environments. (2024-01-03, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] project-store-manager

商店经理éum projeto focado em arquitetar e desenvolver uma API de gerenciamento de vendas com um banco de dados MySQL,utilizando a arquitetura em camadas(MSC模型、服务、控制器)。
Store Manager é um projeto focado em arquitetar e desenvolver uma API de gerenciamento de vendas com um banco de dados MySQL, utilizando a arquitetura em camadas(MSC Model, Service, Controller). (2023-12-27, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] license-mate

Software License Manager:Docker可部署的Flask REST API服务器,具有MongoDB数据库,简化了软件许可证管理,便于集成和高效跟踪
Software License Manager: Docker deployable Flask REST API server with MongoDB database, simplifying software license management for easy integration and efficient tracking (2023-10-20, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] MERN-template

A website template using the MERN stack. It is geared towards Persistent Browser Based Games (think neopets), but is flexible enough for a number of different uses. (2023-06-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
