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[NoSQL] cavedb

The Redis in process database packaged with leveldb must be used as the main library using Redis or SSDB. Suitable for server data with more reads and less writes. (2023-03-03, C++, 522KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] gobigdis

GoBigdis is a persistent database based on the Redis server protocol. Any Redis client can interface with it and start to use it right away. (2022-06-17, GO, 44KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] handler

A nodejs module that sits independently between the controller and the model, performing request data validation, serialization and integrity checks (2021-05-16, TypeScript, 1203KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] wallet

An expense-tracker made using Flask, MongoDB in the back-end and HTML, CSS, Bootstrap in the front-end (2019-03-13, HTML, 2196KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] Fliox

JSON Fliox的客户端和集线器示例。一个带有NoSQL、Messaging、Pub-Sub、ORM、Database Hub、Schema和ASP的.NET库。...
Client & Hub examples for JSON Fliox. A .NET library with NoSQL, Messaging, Pub-Sub, ORM, Database Hub, Schema & ASP.NET Core support. (2023-05-28, C#, 416KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] python-tdd-book

"Test-Driven Web Development with Python" aims to teach TDD for web programming. It uses a concrete example -- the development of a website, from scratch -- to explain the TDD metholology and how it applies to building web applications. It covers the Selenium browser-automation tool, unit testing, mocking, and interacting with Web technologies (2018-01-07, Python, 13KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] ServerlessApp

这是我的第一个无服务器应用程序。使用AWS CloudWatch、Lambda和DynamoDB,我开发了一个应用程序...
This is my first serverless application. Using AWS CloudWatch, Lambda and DynamoDB, I developed an application that enables you to automatically crawl data from another website and stores it in a noSQL database online. (2020-02-20, Python, 1362KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] Python-course

More than 10 exercises on Python: simple one s to more complex Model View Controller Application, SQL databases, NOSQL databases and security issues such as Second factor authentication Login or delegate authentication. (2016-02-15, Python, 28047KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] Bike-Share-Demand-Prediction

预测了湾区与Spark MLlib的自行车共享需求,并建立了连接亚马逊S3、MongoDB服务器和S...
Predicted Bay Area bike share demand with Spark MLlib and built a pipeline to bridge Amazon S3, MongoDB server, and Spark EC2 cluster for NoSQL data processing. (2018-06-06, Jupyter Notebook, 3144KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] SLIIT_Y3S1_DS_SensorApp

火灾传感器报警应用程序包括React.js web客户端、Java Swing桌面应用程序和双向Java...
Fire Sensor Alarm Appllication includes React.js web client, Java Swing desktop application with bi-directional Java GUI designer called Windows Builder, REST API with Express.js, Node.js and Mongoose with email & SMS services, MongoDB as the NoSQL database, Java RMI Server and sensor simulators built with JQuery, JavaScript & AJAX. (2023-02-01, Java, 2713KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] consistency-checker

一致性检查器是一个Spring Boot+Spring Batch应用程序,用于验证两个数据中的数据之间的一致性...
Consistency-Checker is a Spring-Boot + Spring-Batch application to verify the consistency between the data in two databases; the RDBMS-type-row-column data in MySql and the NoSql-JSON-type data in Cassandra. (2020-10-29, Java, 73KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] logfile-pushto-kafkatopics

Continuously generated logs have to be shown in a browser as real time and be stored in a database which can be any rdbms or nosql. (2019-07-30, Java, 3KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] mongoDBLeafletViewer-master

mongoDBLeafletViewer is a simple GIS viewer, that shows the Madrid (Spain) Metro stations and lines, connected to a NoSQL MongoDB database. Using J2EE, Maven, Spring 4.3.4, Spring Boot 1.4.2, MongoDB 3.4.1 and Leaflet 1.0.3. (2017-05-06, Java, 1635KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] Test-Data-Generator

Test Data Generator is a web-based tool that generates test data in multiple formats like JSON, HTML, CSV, SQL, and NOSQL. With a user-friendly interface, it allows the user to input attributes and row numbers to generate data using Openai GPT-3 MODEL.This tool helps to fill your database with dummy data and generate sample data for your work. (2023-04-29, JavaScript, 3091KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] devconnector-MERN-client

This is an Social media app for developers, built using Reactjs, redux for state management, server built using node and Express, NoSQL data base with mongodb. (2021-04-06, JavaScript, 698KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] MongoNode-Auth

A web application for login and register, then authenticate using Node.js in server, EJS in HTML templating, and MongoDB as the database (NoSQL). (2022-12-11, JavaScript, 20KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] Monitor-App

正常运行时间监控RESTful API服务器,允许授权用户输入他们想要监控的URL,并获取详细信息...
Uptime monitoring RESTful API server which allows authorized users to enter URLs they want monitored, and get detailed uptime reports about their availability, average response time, and total uptime/downtime. (2022-01-30, JavaScript, 80KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] queryable

A tiny, NoSQL-like database parser that facilitates structured querying of an array of objects in javascript. It stores as a JSON string and automagically works in both browser and node. Supports Gzip too! (2016-04-18, JavaScript, 33KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] acebase-server

A fast, low memory, transactional, index & query enabled NoSQL database server for node.js that easily syncs with browser and node.js clients and servers (2023-05-22, TypeScript, 773KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] sql-boot

Advanced REST-wrapper for your SQL-queries (actually not only SQL) (2022-06-20, kotlin, 216KB, 下载0次)
