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[android开发] RelayController

使用覆盆子pi 4和前端python和android(java)编程语言以及后端和电报机器人程序远程控制中继模块
Controlling relay module remotely using raspberry pi 4 with frontend python and android (java) programming language and backand telegram bot (2024-03-21, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] Cyber-Vault-Android-Offline

Android离线Cyber Vault:使用Flutter和SQLite安全存储您的敏感数据。离线保护您的笔记、文档、帐户、信用卡和验证器代码。
Cyber Vault Offline for Android: Securely store your sensitive data with Flutter and SQLite. Safeguard your notes, documents, accounts, credit cards, and authenticator codes offline. (2024-02-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] AboutMe

This is an android aplication that give my information as a programmer, and I add some animation on it by the library Lottie, and I use editor tezt! (2024-02-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] CMPE277Assgn6-AndroidApp-Sensor

这是CMPE 277作业6,学习以下内容:1。访问电话的硬件和传感器,如TYPE_STEP_COUNTER、TYPE_STEP_DETECTOR…
This is CMPE 277 Assignment 6 to learn following things: 1. Access Hardware & Sensor of phone like TYPE_STEP_COUNTER, TYPE_STEP_DETECTOR … (2014-02-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] Autonomous-LIFX-LED-Lighting-System-IoT

一个物联网项目的代码,创建一个自动LIFX LED系统,根据光传感器读数调整亮度,以达到用户的偏好…
Code for an IoT project creating an automonius LIFX LED system adjusting intensity based on light sensor reading to reach a users preferr… (2024-01-15, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] Material-Time-picker-preference-

Integrate a Material Design-based time picker preference into your Android app with this repository. This repository provides clear instr… (2024-01-10, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] CraxsRAT-v7

Android遥控器支持流畅快速的屏幕控制,不掉线 许可证 无限电脑
Android remote control supports smooth and fast screen control, no drop license unlimited computer (2023-12-07, Others, 0KB, 下载2次)


[android开发] nnel-relay-control-android-app-blutooth-and-esp32

ESP32蓝牙继电器控制ESP32的演示,通过蓝牙控制8通道继电器。使用MIT app Inventor服务器创建的Android应用程序...
ESP32 Bluetooth Relay Control Demo of ESP32 with 8-channel relay controlled via Bluetooth. Android app created using MIT App Inventor serves as the interface. Wireless home automation made simple! ???? Arduino Code & Instructions | MIT App Inventor (2023-11-26, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] youtube_player

使用Flutter YouTube Player在Flutter应用程序中播放YouTube视频,这是一款具有全屏支持和视频控件的视频播放器。
Play YouTube videos inside your Flutter app using the Flutter Youtube Player, a video player with full screen support and video controls. (2022-03-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] FirstApp

这是我的第一个应用程序,是货币转换器应用程序。我使用android studio和java。这是一个非常基本的应用程序,它向我们展示了有多少美国…,
This is my first app that is Currency Converter app. I made using android studio with java. It is very basic app which show us how many U…, (2023-08-26, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] Simple_Calculator_App

我使用Android studio for java语言框架开发了这个组合Simple Android计算器。我正在完成我的项目任务…,
I Developed this portfolio Simple Android calculator by using android studio for java language framework. I m complete the my project tas…, (2023-08-13, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] audify-Android-Music-App

Audify is a simple and user-friendly music player app for Android that allows users to play music stored on their devices with ease., (2023-08-03, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] Blynk-Android-App

Since Blynk.io decided to shut down the Blynk app and local server, we decided to clone the mobile app and develop it with the community. Help us keep the legacy alive! (2022-01-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] shimmer_loading_effect_example

在Flutter中从服务器加载数据时,使用Shimmer Loading Animation创建Flutter Shimmer Effect。,
Create the Flutter Shimmer Effect with a Shimmer Loading Animation while loading data from the server in Flutter., (2021-05-26, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] Android-Launcher-TV

Android TV Launcher旨在成为一款极具吸引力的、可远程控制的Android启动器(主屏幕),以在Televis上支持Android...,
Android TV Launcher is intended to be an attractive, remote controllable Android Launcher (Home screen) to empower Android on the Television. (2012-08-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] Pubg-Anti_Ban-Mod-0.19

Hello UC, so today i am sharing the source apk (decompiled one) but only for android. DONOT USE IN EMULATOR OR IT NOT WORK If you have rooted phone then no need to anything just follow steps and play but nonroot users must use virtual to bypass 3rd party bans (10 mins only no 10 years ban) I personally use this hack. If detected then inform as (2022-08-29, Others, 14KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] intellij-platform-solarized

IntelliJ IDEA、CLion、Rider、PyCharm、RubyMine、PhpStorm、WebStorm、Android Studio等的Solarized UI和编辑器主题,...
NOT MAINTAINED ANYMORE. See <https://github.com/precious-themes>. Solarized UI and editor themes for IntelliJ Platform. (2021-08-15, Others, 53KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] code-cpmponent

Turbo编码16QAM在AWGN信道中的性能Turbo码份量码为[1,17 15],码率为1 2,采用随机交织器
Performance of Turbo coded 16QAM in AWGN channel Turbo code component code is [1, 17 15], code rate is 1 2, and random Interleaver is used (2019-03-27, Others, 2KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] mlasses__application

J2ME 消息传递应用程序 在该结构中,使用监听器模式实现了一个基础的框架,主要包括以下几个类和接口 1,HTTPThread
In this structure, the J2ME messaging application implements a basic framework using listener patterns, including the following classes and interfaces 1 / HTTPThread (2018-09-17, Others, 2KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] FileManager-V2.0

Android2.2 above written using file manager, including the file add, delete, rename, folder support for multi-file operations. (2011-10-10, Others, 280KB, 下载27次)
