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[自动编程] newoaksai-chatbubble

NewOaks AI是一个人工智能 Chat机器人构建器,允许您与客户互动,培养潜在客户,并为您的网站预订对话约会,通过Custom ChatGPT和Claude发送短信和文件。开源代码是嵌入在网站上与客户互动的 Chat泡沫。
NewOaks AI is an AI chatbot builder, which allows you to engage with customers, nurture leads and book conversational appointments for your website, text SMS and files by Custom ChatGPT and Claude. The open source code is the chat bubble embedded on websites to engage with customers. (2024-04-04, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动编程] docusaurus-docgen

?? Docusaurus documentation plugin generator based on typedoc and react. Automate your process and inject data into your own custom docs pages, so you never have to think about updating properties, parameters, methods or any other changing part of it. Just read it from your code! (2023-11-27, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动编程] design-studio

Tiledesk的开源可视化、无代码设计器,其中LLM GPT AI满足灵活的图形方法。创建对话和自动操作...,
Tiledesk s open-source visual, no-code designer where LLM/GPT AI meets a flexible graph approach. Create conversations and automations effortlessly – a Voiceflow and Botpress alternative. (2023-10-10, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动编程] find-and-jump

Find & Jump - VS Code extension to easily to find text, jump to it and cycle through matches, directly in your active editor window., (2023-08-27, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动编程] vscode-unit-test

DEPRECATED - THERE ARE BETTER WAYS TO DO A UNIT TEST EXTENSION WITH THE TEXT EXPLORER UPDATEA unit test plugin protocol that enable contributions for any language for Visual Studio Code (2018-03-01, TypeScript, 674KB, 下载0次)


[自动编程] vscode-vt100-syntax-highlight

这是一个Visual Studio代码扩展,用于在文本编辑器中显示和编辑VT100颜色和样式。预览和...
This is a Visual Studio Code extension to display and edit VT100 colors and styles in the text editor. A preview and export functionality enable additional workflows for terminal logs and files with VT100-VT520 escape sequences. (2023-01-06, TypeScript, 1945KB, 下载0次)


[自动编程] Metin-Boilerplate

Next.JS-13.4.7, Typescript, Server Side Multi-Language, Docker File, Styled Component with SSR config, Codegen, Atomic Design Pattern, Theme, BreakPoint for Mobile and Desktop, All Colors, Font, Utils, Proxy Server, Storybook, Cypress, Eslint, Husky, Prettier (2023-04-05, TypeScript, 473KB, 下载0次)


[自动编程] next-ts-graphql-apollo-starter

一个有意见的Next电源启动器,包括支持Apollo与GraphQL SSR支持,代码生成,风格的组件...
An opiniated Next powered starter which include support for Apollo with GraphQL SSR support, codegen, styled component / system, framer motion and Cypress (2022-06-08, TypeScript, 236KB, 下载0次)


[自动编程] TypeColab

The "TypeColab" is a Collaborative Text Editor. If a user is using the website, another user can join with the same URL and they will be added into the same room and can type simultaneously in the single editor. Currently it supports only two users in a single room. It also has features to make the Text style in Bold, Italics and Underline them. (2021-05-11, TypeScript, 888KB, 下载0次)


[自动编程] desktop-launcher

可选的[@electron](https://github.com electron)桌面启动器,作为[@jt...](https://github.com jtaylorchang)构建的@actual-colab web应用程序的配套程序
The optional [@electron](https://github.com/electron) desktop launcher that acts as a companion for the [@actually-colab](https://github.com/actually- colab) web application built by [@jtaylorchang](https://github.com/jtaylorchang) and [@baileytincher](https://github.com/baileytincher) (2021-05-27, TypeScript, 2644KB, 下载0次)


[自动编程] desktop

Main web application for [@actually-colab](https://github.com/actually-colab), a real time collaborative Jupyter Kernel based editor built by [@jtaylorchang](https://github.com/jtaylorchang) and [@baileytincher](https://github.com/baileytincher) at the University of [@illinois](https://github.com/illinois) at Urbana-Champaign (2021-06-05, TypeScript, 1694KB, 下载0次)
