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[穿戴设备] Gait_Analysis_wSmartwatch

This is the WearOS app created as a part of an undergraduate research project. The app aims to collect sensor data from a watch, and run inference on a TensorFlow model trained to identify unique gait patterns of the wearer. (2023-12-29, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[穿戴设备] WearOS_mqttDashboard

用于Wear OS的MQTT客户端应用程序。配置MQTT服务器并保存设置后,将自动建立连接。您将能够创建按钮并向不同的主题发送命令。
MQTT client app for Wear OS. After configuring the MQTT server and saving the settings, the connection is established automatically. You will be able to create buttons and send commands to different topics. (2023-12-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
