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按分类查找All 区块链开发(267) 
按平台查找All TypeScript(267) 

[区块链开发] solana_functions_visibility

Dans cet文章,nous explorerons la visibilitédes functions des smart contracts en Rust sur la区块链Solana。浇注简化器la compéhension,nousétablions un parallle avec les contrats en Solidity Pour Ethereum,Mettan en lumiére les differences entre les deux approachs。
Dans cet article, nous explorerons la visibilité des fonctions des smart contracts en Rust sur la blockchain Solana. Pour simplifier la compréhension, nous établirons un parallèle avec les contrats en Solidity pour Ethereum, mettant en lumière les différences entre les deux approches. (2024-02-23, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] staking-dapp-for-locks

token staking with built-in lock periods to maximize your investment potential. Our DApp not only facilitates the staking and unstaking of tokens but also provides comprehensive token statistics, a liquidity provider (LP) value tracker, a swapper DApp for seamless token exchange. (2024-02-04, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] codyfight-blockchain-api

Codyfight区块链API是一个Node.js服务器,它连接CodyFightBlockchain API、CodyfightAPI和区块链扫描仪以进行元数据共享,并使管理员能够处理合同。
The Codyfight Blockchain API is a Node.js server that connects the Codyfight Blockchain API, Codyfight API, and Blockchain scanners for metadata sharing and enables admins to handle contracts. (2024-01-06, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] binance-futures-dataset-builder

The dataset builder script extracts the most relevant market data straight from Binance s API and builds a series of datasets that can be used in data science and machine learning projects. (2023-11-29, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] bitcoin_lightning_network_stats_dataset_builder

数据集构建器脚本通过Mempool.space的公共API提取比特币的Lightning Network统计数据。数据存储在...中...,
The dataset builder script extracts Bitcoin s Lightnining Network statistics through Mempool.space s public API. The data is stored in a .csv file, facilitating its use in data science and machine learning projects. (2023-08-21, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] elven

Authenticate, sign and send transactions on the MultiverseX (previously Elrond) blockchain in the browser. No need for bundlers, frameworks, etc. Just import from the static script source, and you are ready to go. One static file to rule it all on the MultiversX blockchain! (2023-04-10, TypeScript, 535KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] blockhead

Track, visualize and explore all of crypto, DeFi & web3 with Blockhead s crypto portfolio tracker, cross-EVM block explorer, dynamic interfaces and explorers for smart contracts, DeFi protocols and web3 apps, and comprehensive data controls that let YOU decide the infrastructure powering the interface! B? <https://gitcoin.co/grants/2966/blockhead> (2023-04-28, TypeScript, 3310KB, 下载0次)
