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[TypeScript编程] GetUserOS

get-user-os is a lightweight, easy-to-use JavaScript library that provides a simple API to detect the operating system of a user. It s built with TypeScript and works seamlessly across different browsers (2024-03-12, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TypeScript编程] cartify-marketplace

A safety-driven e-commerce platform engineered with Typescript for robust back-end development, leveraging Node.js for server-side operations, Express.js for efficient API hosting and MongoDB as a noSQL solution for secure data storage. (2024-02-11, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TypeScript编程] users-table

功能:添加、编辑、删除用户。按名称筛选用户。对列进行排序。标记1年以下的用户。技术:React Hooks Framework TypeScript(模型接口)Ajax API调用(异步方法),具有axios服务器端,具有Node.js、Express和MySQLB Scss
Features: Add, edit, delete user. Filter users by name. Sort the columns. User with less than 1 year are marked.Technologies: React Hooks Framework TypeScript (Model Interfaces) Ajax API calls (Async methodes) with axios Server Side with Node.js, Express and MySQLB Scss (2024-02-11, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TypeScript编程] samp-query-ts

The NPM library for get information about SA:MP Servers that I rewrote from Javascript to TypeScript, I want to make the node-samp-query library function stably in Typescript (2024-02-11, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TypeScript编程] Rewatch-Time

I wanted to rewatch a show from my childhood adolecence but didn t want to go chronologically. This is a watchlist generator and tracker that is just an excuse for me to practice Fullstack Software Engineering. (2024-01-27, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TypeScript编程] flaru

Flaru是一个基于Ruffle Flash emulator的“非正式”模拟器。旨在提供友好的界面和增强的游戏体验...,
?? Flaru is an "unofficial" emulator based on Ruffle Flash Emulator. Created to provide a friendly interface and enhanced playing experience. It s a complete alternative to Adobe Flash Player. Run Flash Safely Anywhere (2023-10-28, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TypeScript编程] hellog

JS中的另一个记录器。这一个提供了控制台.log-like API和格式、彩色线条和时间戳(如果需要,也可以不提供),所有这些都是w...,
Another logger in JS. This one offers a console.log-like API and formatting, colored lines and timestamps (or not if desired), all that with 0 dependencies. (2023-10-28, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TypeScript编程] advanced-logger

It is an extendable isomorphic log sending library written in TypeScript for javascript applications in nodejs and browsers for reporting data (logs) to remote log storages like SumoLogic, Loggly and Elasticsearch with support of different report strategies (2023-07-29, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
