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按分类查找All 压缩解压(269) 
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[压缩解压] txt-compressor

An online .txt file compressor, de-compressor tool which uses Huffman Coding for Lossless data compression., (2023-10-27, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[压缩解压] eazy-image-compressor

Eazy Image Comppresor自动压缩图像,以最小化文件大小,而不会将质量降低到不可接受的水平。[https:mus...](https:musaoyedele3.wixsite.com eazy img压缩器),
Eazy Image Comppresor automatically compress images to minimize file size without degrading quality to an unacceptable level. https://musaoyedele3.wixsite.com/eazy-img-compressor (2023-09-10, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[压缩解压] eumjs

网页版RetaroArch模拟器,实际上7z|zip都是解压工具。xxx- wasm.data实际上是经过特殊的7z压缩,由retroarch[.js+.mem+.wasm]组成。js为Module函数,mem是内存,,
In fact, 7z | zip is a decompression tool for the web version of RetaroArch simulator. Xxx - wasm.data is actually compressed by a special 7z compression and consists of retroarch [. js+. mem+. wasm]. Js is the Module function, mem is the memory,, (2022-02-25, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[压缩解压] lambda-starter-kit

Lambda starter kit to auto generate package.zip, serverless.yml and deploy with easy commands using serverless framework., (2018-09-12, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[压缩解压] imgZipUpload

如果用户使用数码相机照的照片一般都会在很大!(2M~5M) 一般网站都会在用户上传照片后对照片进行适当压缩,以提高网页浏览时照片的加载速度。 如果可以在客户端对照片压缩后上传,可以节省带宽,并且也减轻服务器压力。会有很好的用户体验!以前实现这样的功能都需要借助上传组件! 其...,
If users use a digital camera to take photos, they will usually be very big! (2M~5M) Generally, websites will compress photos after users upload them to improve the loading speed of photos when browsing the web. If you can upload the compressed photos on the client side, you can save bandwidth and reduce the pressure on the server. There will be a good user experience! In the past, you need to use upload components to implement such functions! Its, (2010-12-28, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[压缩解压] file-uploader-php-js

This is a project for a test to get a job. Use compressor.js for compress the image and send through http and the server side is with php language (2022-01-16, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[压缩解压] multi-output-image-compressor-js

Compress an image s into multiple sizes all at once. This image compressor returns an array of multiple resized versions of an image., (2021-07-04, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[压缩解压] quark-loader

?? Loader for Webpack to process CSS files to deduplicate rules, declarations and identifiers to minimize and compress CSS files as much as possible. (2023-01-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[压缩解压] txt-compressor

An online .txt file compressor, de-compressor tool which uses Huffman Coding for Lossless data compression., (2023-02-04, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
