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[其他] lua_modules

Lua [1] 是一个小巧的脚本语言。是巴西里约热内卢天主教大学(Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro)里的一个研究小组,由Roberto Ierusalimschy、Waldemar Celes 和 Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo所组成并于1993年开发。 其设计目的是为了嵌入应用程序中,从而为应用程序提供灵活的扩展和定制功能。Lua由标准C编写而成,几乎在所有操作系统和平台上都可以编译,运行。Lua并没有提供强大的库,这是由它的定位决定的。所以Lua不适合作为开发独立应用程序的语言。Lua 有一个同时进行的JIT项目,提供在特定平台上的即时编译功能。 Lua脚本可以很容易的被C/C++ 代码调用,也可以反过来调用C/C++的函数,这使得Lua在应用程序中可以被广泛应用。不仅仅作为扩展脚本,也可以作为普通的配置文件,代替XML,ini等文件格式,并且更容易理解和维护。 [2] Lua由标准C编写而成,代码简洁优美,几乎在所有操作系统和平台上都可以编译,运行。 [2] 一个完整的Lua解释器不过200k,在目前所有脚本引擎中,Lua的速度是最快的。这一切都决定了Lua是作为嵌入式脚本的最佳选择。
Lua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. It supports procedural programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, data-driven programming, and data description. Lua combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, runs by interpreting bytecode with a register-based virtual machine, and has automatic memory management with incremental garbage collection, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping. (2018-09-28, Visual Basic, 40KB, 下载1次)


[其他] Data.PS科学计算与绘图软件

Data.PS features: this data processing software built-in table editor, can be convenient for data input and output; can be common (a) numerical calculation, such as solving linear equations, nonlinear equations, ordinary differential equations, polynomial roots, Fu Liye transform, Fu Liye transform, linear programming, multiple linear regression and multivariate nonlinear regression fitting parameters (20 parameters), interpolation, differential, integral, inverse matrix, matrix eigenvalue and eigenvector, determinant; (b) statistical analysis, descriptive statistics, frequency distribution, hypothesis test, normality test and binomial test, Poisson distribution test, correlation analysis, analysis of variance (; c) 6Sigman tools, process capability CPK calculation, measurement system analysis, MSA analysis, TOL tolerance experiment design DOE and DOE experimental analysis; (d) graph drawing, two-dimensional curve, histogram, amplitude phase diagram and 3D surface. (2017-09-22, Visual Basic, 3978KB, 下载20次)


[其他] SMS

SMS is a simple procedure to send mass text messages, SMS, storage, stand-alone service to send and receive text messages, network services, such as text messages to send and receive SMS service management software Chhnang. The software is installed on the external GSMMODEM (SMS cat) on a computer without Internet access can be achieved on a single computer to send and receive short message services, local area network can also use SMS to send and receive network services, to save communication costs and improve operational efficiencies enterprise instant messaging products Chhnang support the self-servers, including units, departments, people' s real-name system for the use of contacts, send instant messages online, send, distribute tasks, task management, to establish the organizational structure according to the Department of (2009-06-04, Visual Basic, 114KB, 下载33次)


[其他] chaoshi

配置数据库参数 采用VB6.0 ADO+SQL Server 2000数据库实现程序功能,配置采取如下步骤: 1> 根据DB文件夹中的内容,创建数据库,推荐用MDF文件附加数据库; \DB\MDF\BuySaleStorage_Data.MDF \DB\MDF\BuySaleStorage_LOG.LDF 2> 连接参数: 数据库名:BuySaleStorage 登录名: sa 密码: 无 3> 由BuySaleStorage.VBP启动,因为采用ActiveX DLL实现逻辑层,ADO的技术实现连接数据库,不用DSN 的数据源管理器.只要登录账号是SQL下的合法用户即可. 4> 另一种方法,先双击程序目录下的"注册dll.bat" 注册Active.dll, 之后直接运行"小型超市后台管理系统.exe".
Configuration database parameters using VB6.0 ADO+ SQL Server 2000 database program features, configuration to take the following steps: 1> under the DB folder, create databases, recommended additional MDF file database DBMDFBuySaleStorage_Data.MDF DBMDFBuySaleStorage_LOG.LDF2> Connect parameters: the database name: BuySaleStorage login name: sa Password: No 3> by BuySaleStorage.VBP start, because the use of ActiveX DLL to achieve logic layer, ADO technology to connect the database, not the data source DSN Manager. as long as the login account is under SQL legitimate users can .4> Another method, first double-click the directory under the registered dll.bat registered Active.dll, after a direct run mini-supermarket management system background. exe . (2008-12-25, Visual Basic, 1102KB, 下载59次)
