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[论文] GAN_Data_Augmentation_Evaluation_Methodology

This Repository contains the code implementation of the methodology used for my graduation thesis, containing, among other features, code that makes it easy to compare different implementations of GANs in different datasets, as well as the impact of the use of such models for data augmentation in classifiers. (2024-02-01, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Selective-Style-Transfer

Dissertation Project based on Image Style Transfer. Created a user interactive graphics editor that allows users to create masks to control the region where the algorithm will effect. (2020-07-07, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] TEM-transformer

正在尝试构建我自己的pytorch TEMtransformer,因为我在网上找不到一个。摘自James C.R.Whittington的ICLR 2022论文:[h..](https:arxiv.org abs 2112.04035),
Tentatively building a pytorch TEM-transformer of my own, since I can t find one online. From James C. R. Whittington s ICLR 2022 paper: [h…](https: arxiv.org abs 2112.04035), (2023-08-12, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Academic-RecursivePrefixToPostfixConverter

Prefix and postfix expressions are mathematical functions commonly used by calculators to perform calculation. A calculator does not compute the product of the integers 3 and 4 by processing “3 * 4” like a human does. Instead, it reads the expression in order of operations with the operands either preceding the numbers (* 3 4) or succeeding the ... (2021-07-21, Python, 306KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Academic-PrefixToPostfixConverter

Prefix and postfix expressions are mathematical functions commonly used by calculators to perform calculation. A calculator does not compute the product of the integers 3 and 4 by processing “3 * 4” like a human does. Instead, it reads the expression in order of operations with the operands either preceding the numbers (* 3 4) or succeeding the ... (2021-07-21, Python, 297KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Academic-PolynomialEvaluator

FranceLab3 focuses on the construction of a multivariate polynomial expression evaluator through the use of a circular singly linked list abstract data type. FranceLab3 is a software module written in Python that performs multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction between polynomial expressions of up to three different terms and (2021-07-21, Python, 295KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Blackboard-Scrapper

The Blackboard Scrapper is a tool for students to easily archive and track their course materials and grades from Blackboard. It helps students store and organize their coursework for long-term access and reference. This scraper is useful for college students preserving their academic record and high schoolers preparing for future studies.- (2023-02-07, Python, 117166KB, 下载0次)


[论文] KATARA-Microfluidics-Controller

用于大规模集成的开源控制器。请参阅我们的论文:<https:doi.org 10.1016 j.ohx.2017.10.002>。如果你...
An open source controller for large scale integration. See our paper: <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ohx.2017.10.002>. If you use this code in an academic paper, please cite ours. (2018-06-22, Python, 283KB, 下载0次)


[论文] -Lexical-Complexity-Analyzer-for-Academic-Writing

LCA-AW (Lexical Complexity Analyzer for Academic Writing, Nasseri and Lu, 2019); version 2.1. This code is a modified version of the LCA (lexical complexity analyzer, described in Lu, 2012). The modified version integrated the BAWE (British Academic Written English) corpus word list, the bawe_list.txt, that is a list of most frequently-used (2020-10-28, Python, 2294KB, 下载0次)


[论文] raw2logit

In order to control processing-induced dataset drift we require two ingredients: raw sensor data and an image processing model. This code repository contains the materials for the second ingredient, the image processing models, as well as scripts to load data and run experiments. <https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.02578> (2023-05-07, Python, 826KB, 下载0次)


[论文] eras-Generating-Sentences-from-a-Continuous-Space

受Bowman等人的论文《从连续空间生成句子》启发的文本变分自动编码器[https...](https://arxiv.org abs 1511.06349)
Text Variational Autoencoder inspired by the paper Generating Sentences from a Continuous Space Bowman et al. <https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.06349> (2022-10-26, Python, 8KB, 下载0次)
