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[微服务] -Fronts-Using-OAuth-2-OIDC-Keycloak-Google-GitHub

提升应用程序开发!具有Micro Services架构的双前端和后端。使用OAuth2和Keycoard、Google、Gmail和GitHub加强安全性。两个前端Thymelaaf和Angular揭示了服务器端和客户端渲染的细微差别。通过Google、GitHub和Keycount实现无缝OAuth2身份验证。
Elevate app development! Dual Front and Back ends with Micro Services architecture. Fortify security using OAuth2 with Keycloak, Google, Gmail, and GitHub. Two Front ends—Thymeleaf and Angular—reveal server-side and client-side rendering nuances. Seamless OAuth2 authentication via Google, GitHub, and Keycloak. (2024-02-29, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] sls-node-ts-template

SLS节点TS模板存储库!该项目提供了一个健壮的样板,用于使用Express.js和TypeScript在AWS Lambda上开发无服务器应用程序。它将Express.js用于构建API的强大功能与TypeScript用于静态类型和现代JavaScript功能的优势相结合。
SLS-Node-TS-Template repository! This project provides a robust boilerplate for developing serverless applications on AWS Lambda using Express.js and TypeScript. It combines the power of Express.js for building APIs with the benefits of TypeScript for static typing and modern JavaScript features. (2024-01-04, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] React-Native-Serverless-Todos-App

使用React Native和TypeScript开发了一个移动应用程序,连接到由AWS Lambda Express和Prisma ORM与PostgreSQL支持的健壮的无服务器API。该应用程序确保与JWT身份验证的安全用户交互,并通过简化的CRUD操作轻松管理任务。圆滑灵敏的设计增强了用户体验
Developed a mobile app using React Native and TypeScript, connected to a robust serverless API powered by AWS Lambda Express and Prisma ORM with PostgreSQL. The app ensures secure user interactions with JWT authentication and effortlessly manages tasks through streamlined CRUD operations. The sleek and responsive design enhances the user experience (2023-12-05, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] ters-With-Authentication-And-Database-Implemented

Next.js 14全栈和SAAS项目的现代开源初学者模板。使用Tailwind CSS、ShadCn、Next Auth和多个数据库构建。分支包含独立的设置,包括用于无服务器数据库的设置,如具有Neon的PostgreSQL和具有PlanetScale、Drizzle ORM、Prisma ORM v.5的MySQL,以及MongoDB和Supabase。
Modern, open source starter templates for Next.js 14 full-stack and SAAS projects. Built with Tailwind CSS, ShadCn, Next-Auth and several databases. Branches contain stand-alone set ups, including for serverless databases like PostgreSQL with Neon and MySQL with PlanetScale, Drizzle ORM, Prisma ORM v.5, but also MongoDB and Supabase. (2023-11-05, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] serverless-s3-lambda-crud

S3 Bucket API是使用无服务器框架和AWS Lambda构建的。它允许用户在S3存储桶上执行各种操作,例如上传文件、检索文件和删除文件。该API使用Lambda函数实现,数据存储在具有专用访问控制的S3桶中。
The S3 Bucket API is built using the Serverless Framework and AWS Lambda. It allows users to perform various operations on an S3 bucket, such as uploading files, retrieving files, and deleting files. The API is implemented with Lambda functions, and the data is stored in an S3 bucket with private access control. (2023-07-25, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
