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按分类查找All 汇编语言(313) 
按平台查找All Assembly(313) 

[汇编语言] My_Nand2Tetris

This repository contains all my completed projects from taking the Nand2Tetris Course: a course where we are to build everything starting from a NAND gate all the way to building a simple Tetris game: https: www.nand2tetris.org (built: cpu, Hack computer, compiler, OS, Tetris). Thank you for Mr. Nisan and Schocken for creating this course :) (2024-03-30, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] RISCV_SwapIfLess

In this exercise, I am tasked with writing RISC-V Assembly code to swap the contents of two registers, t0 and t1, if the value stored in t0 is less than the value stored in t1. (2024-03-20, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] RISC-V-Assembly-single-precision-integer-divider

A simple program that divides one integer by another and then saves the result in a floating point register. The division is conducted without the FPU. (2024-03-08, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] MicroComputersLab

This repository consists of designs created using 8085 and 8155 microprocessors through the Eagle application and assembly code solutions on the gnusim8085 application for 8085 coding. The questions of these codes and designs, whose solutions are given, have been added to the relevant folder. (2024-02-09, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] Digital-Door-Lock

This project uses an 8051 microcontroller and assembly code to create a digital lock that can be opened by a password entered through a keypad. (2024-02-05, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] Space_Invaders_Atari_2600

(实施)为6507(集合6502)开发机器代码(汇编)的Space Invaders游戏,与Atari VCS(Atari 2600)架构兼容,并可在任何Atari 2600仿真器上执行。由DASM编译(https:github.com Julio Rates DASM)。
(Implementing) Development of Space Invaders game in machine code (Assembly) for the 6507 (set 6502), Compatible with Atari VCS (Atari 2600) architecture and executable on any Atari 2600 emulator. Compiled by DASM (https: github.com Julio-Rats dasm). (2024-02-05, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] ARM_C_Coroutines

用于ARMv7处理器的轻量级和极快的C协同程序。阅读维基:[https:github.com JesseBusman ARM_C_...](https:github.com JesseBusman ARM_C_Coroutines wiki)
Light-weight and blazing fast C coroutines for ARMv7 processors. Read the wiki: https://github.com/JesseBusman/ARM_C_Coroutines/wiki (2019-01-19, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] Word_Processor_x86

This is a word processor which is written in 8086 assembly language by me. There are lots of work to realize it. It has primary functionality (Find, Find and Replace, Page Scroll) of todays word processors. (2019-06-24, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] nxtp

网络neXt时间协议。.NET Core中的服务器、ZX Spectrum Next _和.NET Core的客户端。
Network neXt Time Protocol. Server in .NET Core, Clients for ZX Spectrum Next _and_ .NET Core. (2023-06-14, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] ESP32_MQTT_BaiDuCloud

通过HTTP协议读取实时天气,然后使用cJSON进行解码,最后将温度和天气状况上传到百度云服务器(您可以订阅百度云相关主题),并实时更新 Read the real-time weather through the HTTP pr...
Read the real-time weather through the HTTP protocol, then use cJSON to decode it, and finally upload the temperature and weather conditions to Baidu ECS (you can subscribe to Baidu Cloud related topics), and update Read the real-time weather through the HTTP pr (2021-02-24, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] M4_FORTH

用M4宏为Z80汇编程序和ZX Spectrum创建的简单FORTH编译器。
A simple FORTH compiler created with M4 macros for Z80 assembler _and_ ZX Spectrum. (2023-07-01, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] Logisim_CPU

Made a CPU in Logisim when I was 14 (2009), and wrote a naive assembler and compiler for it in Flash. The CPU s design is inspired by Donn Stewart, http://cpuville.com. (2016-09-30, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] nand-2-tetris

Computer built from the ground up on top of own CPU, while compiler _and_ assembler for it implemented in Rust language (2019-10-23, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)
