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[区块链开发] ethereum-l2-weekly-user-tracker-by-suprik

Ethereum L2 Weekly User Tracker is an open-source tool designed to monitor and report the weekly active users on various Layer 2 solutions built on the Ethereum blockchain. (2024-03-10, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] Router-Nitro-dApp

Router Nitro is a cross-chain swapping engine or protocol designed to enable cross-chain asset transfers. It serves as a mechanism for seamlessly moving digital assets or tokens between different blockchain networks. (2024-01-27, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] weather_App

Designed a responsive browser interface with optimized CSS properties for enhanced layout consistency. Implemented sessionStorage for seamless user data persistence, ensuring smooth interactions. Leveraged optional chaining in JavaScript to efficiently process and integrate API data as JSON objects. (2024-01-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] m-Wallet-Web3-Solona-Laravel-React-Native-Sdk-Api

Multi-crypto wallets keys generator for cold storage with built-in encryption. Wallet to move crypto quickly in a web browser. Sweep to cold storage when you get home. open-source, universal cold wallet generator Trust-minimized Bitcoin wallet (2024-01-03, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] airdrop-shell

Blockchain airdrop script tools and video tutorials are suitable for mass deburring. It is designed with background interaction, front-end simulation user interaction, batch fingerprint browser, batch deployment contract, batch establishment of public chain nodes, etc., to solve the problem of more than 95% of airdrop tasks., (2023-09-05, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] ico-transparency-monitor

ICO Monitor is a tool that tracks the ICO behavior to make sure it is transparent. Giving charts and statistics about this ICO as well as giving a score for each ICO depending on answering a set of questions, where answers depend only on smart contract code analysis (2022-12-10, JavaScript, 457KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] SmartChain

This blockchain will validate all transactions, accept smart contracts and deploy dapps. Miners and Validators are needed. This is a npm package to install just run in your terminal this command nmp install marsxchain --save (2022-09-07, JavaScript, 324KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] eiquidus

Feature-rich open-source altcoin block explorer. Regular Updates ~ Platform Independent ~ Mobile Friendly ~ Supports Themes, Markets, Charts, Claiming Addresses, Public API s, Custom RPC Cmds, Bitcoin, Heavycoin, zk-SNARKs ~ List Masternodes, Network Peers, Top 100 Wallets ~ Built-in Update Script ~ Highly Customizable (2023-03-03, JavaScript, 1787KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] risk-explorer-for-software-supply-chains

A taxonomy of attacks on software supply chains in the form of an attack tree, based on and linked to numerous real-world incidents and other resources. The taxonomy as well as related safeguards can be explored using an interactive visualization tool. , (2023-03-15, JavaScript, 1206KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] closed-chain-ik-js

A generalized inverse kinematics solver that supports closed chains for parallel kinematics systems, dynamic reconfiguration, and arbitrary joint configuration based on damped least squares error minimization techniques , (2023-03-08, JavaScript, 463KB, 下载0次)
