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[CAD] CosmicBeats-Simulator

A space simulation platform that caters to individuals with diverse research interests, including networking, AI, computing, and more. Unlike traditional simulators tied to specific research applications, our design allows for seamless integration of various space-related research verticals. (2024-03-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[CAD] mTextManipulator

DXF文件操纵器,将序列代码添加到DXF文件中包含指定搜索文本的MTEXT图元。它采用Tkinter GUI设计,允许用户选择DXF文件,指定搜索文本、标题前缀和代码排序的起始编号,增强DXF文件管理和自动化。
DXF file manipulator that adds sequential codes to MTEXT entities containing a specified search text within DXF files. Designed with a Tkinter GUI, it allows users to select a DXF file, specify a search text, title prefix, and a starting number for code sequencing, enhancing DXF file management and automation. (2024-02-11, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[CAD] Compiler-and-Programming-Languages

In this repository, we delve into the inner workings of programming languages and compilers. From crafting abstract syntax trees (AST) to delving into the intricacies of intermediate language (IL) generation, this is a space for those intrigued by the nuts and bolts of programming language design. (2024-02-10, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[CAD] Space-Travel-Booking

This project is a creative endeavor to build a Space Travel booking WebApp using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It s designed to simulate a brochure for hypothetical space travel, showcasing destinations, space vehicles, and booking information. This project aims to combine imaginative content with modern web development techniques. (2024-01-06, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[CAD] PolyDraw

PTSource PolyDraw是一款适用于Windows x86和x64的免费3D多边形建模器,用于创建或修改我们...
?? PTSource PolyDraw is a free 3D polygonal modeller for Windows x86 and x64, for creating or modifying 3D objects using a mesh of 3D points and parametric NURBS Curves .Exports and imports to over 40 formats including WebVR and 3D Printing. (2023-04-04, HTML, 2148KB, 下载0次)


[CAD] PixelExtractor

有时候看到程序里有很多资源(譬如图标,指针,图像等),想把它们提取出来给自己用。 或者想把某些图片格式的文件的 像素分析出来,给CAD的对话框或者CAD本身用,那么,这个程序就大有用途了。
Sometimes we see that there are many resources in the program, such as icons, pointers, images, etc., and we want to extract them for ourselves. Or you want to analyze the pixels of some image format files and give them to CAD dialogs or CAD itself, then this program is of great use. (2018-07-28, LISP, 5354KB, 下载4次)


[CAD] dxftoscr

DXF-SCR translator: it is able to generate entity part in DXF file by SCR file. It only translates entity data, excluding public attributes such as layer, color, linetype and so on. The program should at least be able to handle the following entities: POINT, LINE, CIRCLE, ARC, LWPOLYLINE. (2018-03-01, C/C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[CAD] PADS9.5元件库

parts electronic of PADS software (2017-10-23, C++, 1290KB, 下载136次)



The document for the general switch ORCAD drawing of the circuit board schematics, can be compatible with N variety of digital circuit, the use of 24V DC power supply, the output current of 0-50mA can drive most weakness switch, contactor, relay, lights, such as stepper motor, with isolation interference, normally closed and normally open can choose, as many as 12 the advantages of digital output. (2013-05-08, MathCAD, 20KB, 下载18次)


[CAD] APF_Shunt_idq

PSCAD simulation of shunt type APF,with Id-iq current detection method and hysteresis loop control method. (2013-03-13, Others, 9KB, 下载58次)


[CAD] windfarm_synmc

This case shows a synchronous generator being driven by a wind turbine. The turbine is controled by a wind governor. The wind source is used to model wind speed fluctuations.The file can be used for learning about wind turbine modeling in PSCAD. (2013-01-15, Others, 6KB, 下载93次)
