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按分类查找All FaaS/Serverless(324) 
按平台查找All Java(324) 

[FaaS/Serverless] cdktf-integration-serverless-java-gcp-example

此存储库包含托管在GCP上并与CDK for Terraform in Java一起部署的端到端无服务器web应用程序
This repository contains an end to end serverless web app hosted on GCP and deployed with CDK for Terraform in Java (2023-03-16, Java, 540KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] Java-Grader

Fully Fledged Computer Science Homework Grading System designed to store files in Dropbox in order to remain serverless. Supporting Gradebook Reports, Emailing Grade Change Events, Assignments with Libraries, JUnit Tests, Simple Unit Tests and more. (2017-09-20, Java, 16894KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] serverless-quarkus-spring-lambda-ssm

使用无服务器框架将双部署(JVM本机)Quarkus应用程序部署到AWS Lambda和API网关。你...
Quarkus application with dual deployment (JVM/Native) to AWS Lambda and API Gateway using the Serverless Framework. Utilizes Spring Extensions and accesses the Parameter Store via Java SDK 2. (2021-01-05, Java, 926KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] para

Multitenant backend server for building web and mobile apps rapidly. The backend for busy developers. (self-hosted or hosted) (2023-05-26, Java, 503KB, 下载0次)
