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按分类查找All 处理器开发(372) 
按平台查找All Assembly(372) 

[处理器开发] llvm-riscv-extension-support

基于LLVM RISC-V后端实现新增扩展指令支持 以MADD为例,修改并编译LLVM RISC-V后端,使编译器可以识别C语言中的乘加部分,并生成最终的MADD机器码
Implementation of new extension instructions based on the LLVM RISC-V backend supports modifying and compiling the LLVM RISC-V backend, taking MADD as an example, so that the compiler can recognize the multiply add part in C language and generate the final MADD machine code (2024-03-22, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[处理器开发] emu8086

Emu8086 isn t just another emulator; it s a portal to the golden age of computing. Imagine firing up classic DOS games from your childhoo… (2024-01-10, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[处理器开发] -0000-9999-with-button-using-8051-microcontroller

LCD显示器是几乎所有嵌入式项目中不可避免的一部分,该项目是关于将16×2 LCD与...
LCD display is an inevitable part in almost all embedded projects and this project is about interfacing a 16×2 LCD with 8051 microcontroller (2018-09-15, Assembly, 41KB, 下载0次)


[处理器开发] 8051_Microcontroller

This Repository is for Basic 8051MicroControllers Operation and Interfaces with various devices like Bluetooth, DTMF, RFID, Timers, GSM, Serial Communication, Interrupts. (2022-04-28, Assembly, 1126KB, 下载0次)


[处理器开发] AVRAssemblyExamples

A repository containing examples for AVR microcontrollers in Assembly and C C++. More examples will be added with time. (2022-07-23, Assembly, 13KB, 下载0次)


[处理器开发] PIC16F628A_AS_DL4YHF

基于PIC16F628A(0-50Mhz)的DL4YHF频率计数器项目的MPLAB X v.6.0-XC8 PIC汇编程序(PIC as)移植
MPLAB X v.6.0 - XC8 PIC ASSEMBLER (pic-as) porting of DL4YHF Frequency Counter project based on PIC16F628A (0 - 50Mhz) (2023-01-06, Assembly, 95KB, 下载0次)


[处理器开发] stom-Command-Execution-with-USB_LCD_ADC-interface

The is for beginners/intermediates who seek core understanding of microcontroller principles: such as interfacing a single low-end CMOS 8051 micro-chip with some peripherals: where all working together as a system. (2019-08-02, Assembly, 237KB, 下载0次)


[处理器开发] RISC-V-Core

This project was done as a part of the RISC-V based MYTH (Microprocessor for You in Thirty Hours) workshop conducted by Kunal Ghosh and Steve Hoover. (2020-09-08, Assembly, 666KB, 下载0次)


[处理器开发] riscos-virtualise

运行Acorn RISC OS的26位ARMv3和基于ARMv4的计算机的虚拟内存(VM)管理器
Virtual memory (VM) manager for 26-bit ARMv3 and ARMv4 based computers running Acorn’s RISC OS (2016-01-10, Assembly, 205KB, 下载0次)


[处理器开发] PicDebug

在基本微芯片PIC微控制器上调试汇编代码的技术。YouTube视频:[https:www.YouTube....](https:www.YouTube.com watch v=yuuGP2ic2B4)
Techniques for debugging assembly code on a basic Microchip PIC micro- controller. YouTube video: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuuGP2ic2B4> (2018-04-23, Assembly, 10KB, 下载0次)


[处理器开发] ocontroller-Based-Multi-Tasked-System-Development

单片机温度控制系统。在AVR ATMeg上编写C代码实现温度控制器系统...
Microcontroller Temperature Controlled System. Writing C code to implement temperature controller system on AVR ATMega128 (UNI-DS6 development board), Proteus 8 to simulate the system, which aims to keep the environment in a cool mode. To achieve that, it simultaneously recording the temperature using a potentiometer sensor. Then, the system (2021-06-13, Assembly, 168KB, 下载0次)


[处理器开发] lers-using-Mikro-C-for-PIC16F877A-Basic-Exercises

PIC16F877A使用Mikro C的PIC Micro控制器的基本练习。PIC的mikroC PRO是一个强大的功能...
Basic exercises for PIC Micro-controllers using Mikro C for PIC16F877A. The mikroC PRO for PIC is a powerful, feature-rich development tool for PIC microcontrollers. It is designed to provide the programmer with the easiest possible solution to developing applications for embedded systems, without compromising performance or control. (2019-08-20, Assembly, 245KB, 下载0次)
