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[matlab编程] CPPBUILDER-package-design

创建和编辑包 创建一个包需要指定: · 包的一个名字。 · 新包要求使用或链接的其他包的列表。 · 包编译时包含或绑定的单元文件的列表。包实质上是这些包含已编译.BPL功能的源代码单元的封装,包含(Contains)列表是想编译进包的定制组件的源代码单元放置的地方。一个包由C++源文件(.CPP)和扩展名为.BPK的工程选项文件定义。这些文件由包编辑器生成。
Creating and editing package to create a package needs to be specified: a name of the package. The new package requires the use of or linked list of other packages. Compile a list of unit package that contains the file or binding. These packages contain essentially compiled. Source code package BPL unit functions, including (Contains) list is to source code modules compiled into the custom component package placed. A package of C++ source file (. CPP) and the extension. Engineering options file defines the BPK. These files are generated by the package editor. (2014-02-19, C++ Builder, 97KB, 下载5次)
