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[手机短信编程] cmpp3

java版本cmpp3.0实现 说明:下面说明是以java开发为例 1.将common文件夹、MsgConfig.properties放于src根目录下。 2.修改MsgConfig.properties配置文件对应的内容为可用参数。 3.方法入口:common.msg.util.MsgContainer sendWapPushMsg(String url,String desc,String cusMsisdn):发送web push短信; sendMsg(String msg,String cusMsisdn):发送SMS 4.“定时器.txt”记录的是长链接链路检查的基于spring的配置,如果使用java原生定时器可自行配置。 5.依赖包包括log4j.jar、quartz-1.5.2.jar,quartz-1.5.2.jar为定时器使用,除此之外无特殊依赖包
Description: The following description is based on java development as an example 1. Put the common folder and MsgConfig.properties in the src root directory. 2. Modify the content corresponding to the MsgConfig.properties configuration file as available parameters. 3. Method entry: common.msg.util.MsgContainer sendWapPushMsg(String url,String desc,String cusMsisdn): send web push SMS; sendMsg(String msg,String cusMsisdn): send SMS 4. "Timer.txt" records the spring-based configuration of long link link check. If you use java native timer, you can configure it yourself. 5. Dependent packages include log4j.jar, quartz-1.5.2.jar, quartz-1.5.2.jar for timer use, and no special dependency packages other than (2020-10-27, Java, 22KB, 下载0次)


[手机短信编程] WeatherDemo

Phone by calling Webservice weather data on the distal end of the server, while the data exists in local SQLite, as the weather provider offers SMS query. (2016-04-19, Java, 159KB, 下载4次)


[手机短信编程] SMS_StartService

Open SMS service, to use SMS text messaging mechanisms and radio broadcast receiver components can achieve other functions in the service. (2016-03-23, Java, 3159KB, 下载2次)


[手机短信编程] SKDXBoss

SMS passengers and BOSS communication using SOAP protocol message passengers as the server, BOSS as a client, BOSS initiated requests to passengers text, the results will handle passengers message back to the BOSS. (2015-06-15, Java, 28538KB, 下载3次)


[手机短信编程] 2wm.ntcfu.net

Online two-dimensional code generator to provide free online two-dimensional code generation service, can make the electronic business cards, text, email, SMS, WiFi network, telephone number, address information and generates the two-dimensional code. The two-dimensional code scanning software download mobile phone. (2014-06-23, Java, 291KB, 下载5次)


[手机短信编程] 13987509JmfV

Server monitoring an alarm SMS and e-mail messages and e-mail messages and e-mail (2014-03-16, Java, 4KB, 下载1次)


[手机短信编程] HuaWeiInfoX-EIEV4.ApiAndDemo

Huawei s new version of MAS (mobile proxy server) messaging interfaces and secondary development of DEMO program, we hope to be useful (2013-12-26, Java, 2051KB, 下载3次)


[手机短信编程] EX06_14

短信/* 建立两个mServiceReceiver对象,作为类成员变量 *///mEditText1.setText("+886935123456") /* 设定预设为5556表示第又个模拟器的Port */
import android.widget.Button import android.widget.EditText (2013-11-28, Java, 393KB, 下载1次)


[手机短信编程] EX05_03

短信/* 建立两个mServiceReceiver对象,作为类成员变量 *///mEditText1.setText("+886935123456") /* 设定预设为5556表示第又个模拟器的Port */
import android.widget.Button import android.widget.EditText (2013-11-28, Java, 23KB, 下载1次)


[手机短信编程] Secret

手机监听器能监听手机接收的所有短信 能监听手机的开机信息 能将开机信息发送到指定手机上 能将截获的每一条短信将其发件号码和内容转发到指定手机上 能通过接收特殊短信的方法设置接收短信的手机号码 该软件能开机自动运行
It is prohibited to illegally use (2013-03-27, Java, 1407KB, 下载60次)


[手机短信编程] Brc2

SMS broadcast receiver example, you can well learn how to monitor systems broadcast a good example of giving top priority (2013-03-06, Java, 972KB, 下载5次)


[手机短信编程] Tracker

Track positioning mobile client program, the main function is to communicate with the locator (plus GPRS via SMS), will receive the data filter correction is displayed on the map and positioning data import and export. (2012-10-03, Java, 6161KB, 下载12次)


[手机短信编程] Ssmslib-v342M

SMSLib is a Java library that allows you to send/receive through compatible GGSM modem or GSM SMS. , (2012-08-12, Java, 1575KB, 下载4次)


[手机短信编程] MessageModern

1.这里主要是java调用短信猫发送短信。 这里的短信猫主要使用RS232串口与服务器通信。 2.需要用到开源组织开发的smslib.jar,直接导入开发环境即可。 3.smslib.jar 需要用到java串口通信需要用到的comm.jar,win32com.dll和javax.comm.properties。
1 here is the java call to the GSM Modem to send text messages. SMS cats here use RS232 serial communication with the server. Need to use open source organizational development smslib.jar development environment can be directly imported. 3.smslib.jar need java serial communication need comm.jar, win32com.dll, and javax.comm.properties. (2012-08-09, Java, 3195KB, 下载10次)


[手机短信编程] SIM2TO1

欢迎大家使用一卡2号白卡、6号彩卡(07年12月20日后发的均为6号彩卡) 此写卡软件是免费给大家使用的,请大家多多支持我们。 使用说明书: 1:此软件支持串口和USB写卡器,写卡器速率必须设置为9600 2:软件数据格式: KI=B6169DEF4B1EF0F30F3F3CAE8BCB96AE IMSI=084906001471810000 ICCID=89860390073710000000 SMSP=8613800290500 大家照到做一个文本txt文件就可以了,点读取数据,就可以把数据导入软件提示筐中。 3:在这里方便大家以后解卡软件方便使用。所以格式就给大家做的一样!如有不便请谅解。 我们提供的软件IMSI是:15位的,解卡软件18位的,所以大家一定先做好文本在点读取数据。手工是输入不行的!
欢迎大家使用一卡2号白卡、6号彩卡(07年12月20日后发的均为6号彩卡) 此写卡软件是免费给大家使用的,请大家多多支持我们。 使用说明书: 1:此软件支持串口和USB写卡器,写卡器速率必须设置为9600 2:软件数据格式: KI=B6169DEF4B1EF0F30F3F3CAE8BCB96AE IMSI=084906001471810000 ICCID=89860390073710000000 SMSP=8613800290500 大家照到做一个文本txt文件就可以了,点读取数据,就可以把数据导入软件提示筐中。 3:在这里方便大家以后解卡软件方便使用。所以格式就给大家做的一样!如有不便请谅解。 我们提供的软件IMSI是:15位的,解卡软件18位的,所以大家一定先做好文本在点读取数据。手工是输入不行的! (2009-09-28, Java, 644KB, 下载115次)


[手机短信编程] smslib-v3.4.2

SMSLib is a Java library which allows you to send/receive SMS messages via a compatible GSM modem or GSM phone. SMSLib also supports some bulk sms operators (for outbound messaging only). (2009-09-15, Java, 1644KB, 下载28次)


[手机短信编程] SyncSettingBuilder

本文档讲解了OTA的概念,给出了如何发送“同步设置”的OTA短信的步骤,并附带Java编写的源代码(http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/zhengyun_ustc/SyncSettingBuilder.rar)。 规范中定义了三种Setting: 浏览器设置 浏览器的书签设置 SyncML设置 也就是说,你通过发送短信可以帮助用户手机设置SyncSettings,从而可以让手机与服务器同步信息(如电话本、日程和记事本等)。
this document on the concept of the OTA, given how this "synchronization" OTA SMS steps and the preparation of the fringe Java source code (http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/zhengyun_ustc/SyncSettingBuilder.rar). Specification defines three Setting : browser settings browser bookmarks set SyncML is set up, you can send a message through the phone to help set up SyncSettings, thereby enabling mobile and server synchronization information (such as phone numbers, calendar and notebook, etc.). (2006-03-03, Java, 98KB, 下载353次)
