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按分类查找All 按钮控件(27) 
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[按钮控件] txtyueduqi

This project is a simple TXT reader, the technology used are: viewPager guide, custom view, pull down and refresh, etc.. But in the red rice note 4.4.2 test when the import button application will flash back, in the 4.0.4 ZTE to click on the import no problem, the project source code has annotated more suitable for learning reference (2016-07-28, Java, 1485KB, 下载2次)


[按钮控件] pdfydqym

该阅读器是在【chino】vudroid阅读器改了一下。主要是添加了屏幕多触摸缩放、双击缩放、添加缩放按钮缩放和屏幕适配; 首先还是要感谢【chino】的源码,这里面的东西,说实话我很多不懂,我不懂他将pdf已什么形式来显示的。他是怎么取出pdf文件的,大家有啥改进的方法?
The reader is in the [Chino] vudroid reader to change it. Mainly to add a touch screen multi touch zoom, double click zoom, zoom button to zoom and screen adaptation First of all to thank [Chino] the source, the inside of the things, to tell the truth I do not understand a lot, I do not know what he would PDF have shown the form of. He is how to remove the PDF file, we have what improvement method? (2016-06-01, Java, 4459KB, 下载1次)


[按钮控件] shiyan6

1. 使用3个文本框和1个按钮设计一个加法计算器,在文本框中输入两个整数,单击“求和”按钮时,在第三个文本框中显示这两个数据的和。 2. 设计一个JFrame窗口,窗口中心添加一个文本区。另添加2个菜单(文件和帮助),每个菜单包含至少2个菜单项,当选择某个菜单项时,窗口中心的文本区显示相应信息。 3. 利用2的结果,在文件菜单中加入“编辑”菜单项用以打开一个已有的文本文件进行修改。
1 using three text boxes and a button design an addition calculator in the text box, enter the two integers, click the " Sum" button, in the third text box displays both data and. (2) design a JFrame window, the window center to add a text area. Another added two menus (File and Help), each menu contains at least two menu items, when you select a menu item, the window center text area displays the appropriate information. 3 Use the two results in the File menu to add the " Edit" menu item to open an existing text file to be modified. (2013-05-24, Java, 14KB, 下载7次)


[按钮控件] struts_login

A login screen small program, with Myelipse implementation, can skip the login page, the program has been debugged, the best run in the Firefox browser. (2011-04-09, Java, 1319KB, 下载12次)


[按钮控件] javaanniujishuqi

The realization of a simple button counter experiment, a simple function can be achieved, can only be used for learning (2009-06-06, Java, 4KB, 下载3次)


[按钮控件] jisuanqiruanjian_chap2

计算器 设计内容 设计要求 总体设计 具体设计 运行效果与程序发布 主类 ComputerPad 数值按钮NumberButton 运算符号按钮OperationButton
Calculator design content design design specific design requirements and procedures to run effect of the main types of release button ComputerPad numerical computing NumberButton button symbols OperationButton (2007-07-13, Java, 3KB, 下载2次)


[按钮控件] 文档8

(3)使用编译时静态分配存储空间 (4)整型数据类型32位,占4个字节;布尔型数据类型8位,占1个字节;内存(由列表虚拟)寻址10位,1KB (5)为了实现方便,父类必须在子类之前定义 (6)由于时间原因,编译器做了如下简化: (i)表达式只能处理加法、
(3) The use of static compile-time allocation of storage space (4) integer data type 32, or four bytes; Boolean data type 8, or a byte; Memory (from the list of virtual) Addressable 10, 1KB (5) in order to achieve convenience, like father like son to be defined before (6) With the time, so the compiler to simplify the following : (i) the expression can only handle Ghaffar, (2005-04-22, Java, 1KB, 下载91次)
