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按分类查找All 汽车电子软硬件开发(22) 
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[汽车电子软硬件开发] encode

基于STM32F103RC单片机,BLDCM的三相六状态控制算法.采用Hall位置传感器 采用Keil建立工程文档. 适用于57BL02型号的BLDCM,需要根据电机型号修改参数.
Based on STM32F103RC MCU and BLDCM three-phase six-state control algorithm, Hall position sensor is adopted. Keil is used to establish engineering documents. BLDCM is suitable for 57BL02 model. It needs to modify the parameters according to the motor model. (2019-06-08, C/C++, 1736KB, 下载5次)


[汽车电子软硬件开发] 倒车雷达

The hardware of the source program of ultrasonic distance measuring source is: single chip microcomputer selection using AT89C51 single chip, crystal oscillator selection using 12M, four bit co Yang digital tube display, the receiving circuit is CX20106A, three keys are used to set the alarm set value, set up the buzzer alarm circuit. (2018-05-15, C/C++, 1KB, 下载4次)
