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[NoSQL] AQS_Server

PMS5003、S DHT11等的空气质量传感器烧瓶应用,拟与pub-sub或NoSQL DB一起使用。,
Air Quality Sensor Flask application for PMS5003, S DHT11, etc. Intended to be used with pub sub or NoSQL DB., (2023-08-12, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] python-tdd-book

"Test-Driven Web Development with Python" aims to teach TDD for web programming. It uses a concrete example -- the development of a website, from scratch -- to explain the TDD metholology and how it applies to building web applications. It covers the Selenium browser-automation tool, unit testing, mocking, and interacting with Web technologies (2018-01-07, Python, 13KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] ServerlessApp

这是我的第一个无服务器应用程序。使用AWS CloudWatch、Lambda和DynamoDB,我开发了一个应用程序...
This is my first serverless application. Using AWS CloudWatch, Lambda and DynamoDB, I developed an application that enables you to automatically crawl data from another website and stores it in a noSQL database online. (2020-02-20, Python, 1362KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] metaudio

用于使用MongoDB NoSQL数据库后端的音频元数据文件服务器的Python Flask API
A Python Flask API for an audio metadata file server which uses a MongoDB NoSQL database backend (2021-03-16, Python, 32KB, 下载0次)


[NoSQL] Python-course

More than 10 exercises on Python: simple one s to more complex Model View Controller Application, SQL databases, NOSQL databases and security issues such as Second factor authentication Login or delegate authentication. (2016-02-15, Python, 28047KB, 下载0次)
