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[云数据库/云存储] link-rover-3

Simple website for link rovering & Task Manager (tskm). Used Firebase as Backend. (2023-11-28, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] frontend_CVcloud

GCP简历挑战的前端,具有响应性HTML CSS设计和动态JavaScript访问者计数器,托管在Google C...
Frontend for the GCP Resume Challenge, featuring a responsive HTML/CSS design and a dynamic JavaScript visitor counter, hosted on Google Cloud Storage with CI/CD integration. (2023-11-14, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] Flask-Task-Manager

This project consists of a simple task manager web application developed using Flask, a micro web framework for Python. The application allows users to manage tasks, including adding, editing, and deleting tasks. It utilizes SQLAlchemy as an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool to interact with a SQLite database. (2023-10-19, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] M05C-WorkDayScheduler

Work Day Scheduler是一款基于浏览器的日历应用程序,允许用户计划其9am-5pm工作日,具有彩色编码的时间块和...,
The Work Day Scheduler is a browser-based calendar app that allows users to plan their 9am-5pm workday, with color-coded time blocks and the ability to save and persist events using local storage. (2023-09-19, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] SimpleObjectStore

SimpleObjectStore是一个简单的替代AmazonS3。基于具有REST API的服务器,并允许托管具有简单访问控制的文件...,
SimpleObjectStore is a simple alternative Amazon S3. Is based on a server with REST API and allowed hosting files with simple access control. It is available als AMD64 and ARM65v8 build. (2023-08-04, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] Supermarket-App

使用Spring Boot框架的超市电子商务网站,用于数据存储的MySQL,用于服务器端渲染的Thymelaaf,以及J...,
An e-commerce website for a supermarket using a Spring Boot framework, MySQL for data storage, Thymeleaf for server-side rendering, and JPA for managing persistence and object-relational mapping (2023-07-18, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] convertrix

Convertrix Repository此存储库包含Convertix的源代码,这是一个一体式单元和货币转换器web应用程序。...,
Convertrix Repository This repository contains the source code for Convertrix, an all-in-one unit and currency converter web application. It provides a wide range of conversion options, including currency, length, temperature, and area. The repository hosts the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files required for the functionality of Convertrix. (2023-07-23, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] WordHive

WordHive: An online dictionary & word relations explorer built with React.js, Vite & Express. Comprehensive word info, synonyms, antonyms, definitions, pronunciation & syllables. Explore intricate word relationships. User-friendly interface, dynamic React-powered frontend. (2023-07-30, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] DSPS-assignment1

As part of a distributed systems course at the university, I coded a project consisting of a client and server app. The client runs locally, the server runs on AWS EC2 and manages a dynamic pool of workers. and they both utilize AWS S3 to exchange files and AWS SQS to communicate. (2021-12-16, HTML, 467257KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] next_js_babylonjs_demo

Babylonjs Next-auth starter: Nextjs full stack template with api routes, prisma orm, swr, chakra-ui and babylonjs (2023-03-13, HTML, 178384KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] mlbt

为西北大学|麦考密克工程学院(McCormick School of Engineering)制作的迷你图书馆图书跟踪器,带MySQL、Node、Express、Handleba...
Mini Library Book Tracker made for Northwestern | McCormick School of Engineering with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and a homemade ORM. (2017-09-29, HTML, 110KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] Calculator-Webpage

Calculator Webpage is a Web development Project built using HTML,CSS and JS. This HTML document is hosted on DriveToWeb -<https://drv.tw/.DrivetoWeb> lets you host web sites using free cloud storage and Google Drive. (2020-09-04, HTML, 2KB, 下载0次)
