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[其他书籍] DSP_Algorithm_Applications

This book introduce digital signal processor (DSP) functions and applications, to provide readers with training, assessment tools and standards for components and to provide guidance to readers in the future products and operations to further the use of DSP. (2009-02-13, MultiPlatform, 47052KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] SingnaoProcessingMCU-1

本书是根据国内外有关单片信号处理器(DSP)的各方面资料和作者多年工作经验,进行加工整理,提练编著的一部系列化、知识化、实用性、指导性强的高科技工程应用工具书,可作为电子技术领域实际工程应用的工作指南。 全书共有44章,分上、下册出版,全书介绍有关新技术、新方法、新产品及其在多种科技领域中的工程应用,并配有700多幅插图和300多张技术数据表,以高度提炼其综合完整性,可供从事信号处理技术、计算机技术、多媒体技术、自动化技术、通讯工程技术等领域的专家、教授、大专院校师生和有关工程技术人员、公司开发人员、新技术推广人员、信息管理、咨询服务人员应用参考。
This book is in accordance with relevant domestic and international single-chip signal processor (DSP) in all aspects of information and author of many years of working experience, finishing processing, refined and edited by a seriation, knowledgeable, practical, guidance and strong high-tech engineering application tool can be used as the actual field of electronic technology to guide the work of engineering applications. A total of 44 book chapters, at the upper and lower volumes published book on the introduction of new technologies, new methods, new products and their field of science and technology in a variety of engineering applications, and is equipped with 700 pieces of artwork and 300 technical data sheet, a high degree of refining its comprehensive integrity, for engaging in signal processing technology, computer technology, multimedia technology, automation technology, engineering and technology in areas such as communications experts, professors, teachers and students i (2009-02-13, MultiPlatform, 16207KB, 下载10次)


[其他书籍] ccc

There are many sensor signals generated for the weak current signal, the current signal is converted to voltage signal can be used OPAMP (2008-07-13, MultiPlatform, 436KB, 下载16次)


[其他书籍] bbb

In the fast A/D and D/A converters, video amplifiers, called for integrated op-amp slew rate SR must be high, unity-gain bandwidth BWG must be large enough, such as general-purpose integrated op amp is not suitable for high-speed applications occasions. This allows high-speed operational amplifier type produced. (2008-07-13, MultiPlatform, 157KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] SDRAM-HY57V641620

Then the dynamic memory timing and working principle, analyzes the state machine its running on the bottom of program development helpful (example is the HY57V641620) (2008-06-13, MultiPlatform, 422KB, 下载602次)


[其他书籍] qiushi2006-1

中科院<<求实>>杂志 2006年1月 ★领域前瞻★ 2 国家级骨干型、引领型、网络型研究所──计算所创新三期的追求>>>>>>李国杰 7 建设具有中国特色网络型研究所的战略思考( 下)>>>>>>樊建平 刘新宇 ★专家视点★ 10 能力服务器──低成本信息化技术>>>>>>孙毓忠 ★所内动态★ 12 计算所探索低成本信息化的解决之道>>>>>>祁 威 14 计算所东莞分部正式挂牌成立>>>>>>钟天智 15 统一思想,抓好落实,继续深化研究生思想教育工作>>>>>>檀彦卓 ★特别报道★ 16 知识产权FAQ(上)>>>>>>张 艳 李 娜 19 ARP 阶段性进展情况汇报>>>>>>南方公园 22 ★简讯★ ★史海沉浮★ 24 我的回忆>>>>>>甘 鸿 ★闲情雅致★ 27 定向越野之初体验>>>>>>熊 刚
err (2007-12-04, MultiPlatform, 403KB, 下载30次)


[其他书籍] 819-4602-10

本手册的内容结构 本用户指南包括以下各章: 第 1 章包括拆开工作站的产品包装、安装支架、连接电缆和开机的说明。 第 2 章描述 Sun Fire X2100 服务器支持的操作系统,及系统包括的附加驱动程序信息。 第 3 章说明如何设置预安装的 Solaris™ 10 操作系统及附加预安装软件。
the manual content and structure of the User's Guide includes the following chapters : Chapter 1 workstations including open the packaging of the product, installation support, cable and boot the note. Chapter 2 describes the Sun Fire X2100 server support of the operating system, and the system includes an additional driver information. The first three chapters on how to set up pre-installed Solaris (2006-08-05, MultiPlatform, 2385KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] 摄相机标定

类似综述 简要的介绍了摄像机标定的原理及方法可以给大家提供一个整体的概念
similar brief overview of the camera calibration methods and principles can provide you with an overall concept (2006-01-01, MultiPlatform, 617KB, 下载402次)


[其他书籍] 汪德爟《计算水力学理论与应用》

WANG Deguan "calculated hydraulics theory and applications", downloaded from the Internet, using Superstar reader reading. Classic books to recommend. (2005-07-27, MultiPlatform, 5646KB, 下载836次)
