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[汇编语言] 椭圆拟合

Error Processing in Inertial Navigation (2019-03-09, matlab, 5548KB, 下载3次)


[汇编语言] cell code

英国数学家J.H.Conway在1970年提出一种被称作“生命游戏”的小游戏。 Life游戏实际上是一种模拟,并不是游戏者之间的游戏。它在一个无边界的矩形网格上进行,这个矩形网格中 的每个单元可被一个有机体占据,或者不被占据。被占据的单元称为活的,未被占据的单元称位死的。哪个单 元是活的要根据其周围活的邻居单元数目而一代代地发生变化。
J. H. Conway, a British mathematician, proposed a game called "Game of Life" in 1970. Lifegame is actually a simulation, not a game between players. It's done on a rectangular mesh without boundaries, in this rectangular mesh. Each unit may or may not be occupied by an organism. The occupied units are called living and the unoccupied units are called dead. Which one? Yuan is alive and changes from generation to generation depending on the number of living neighborhood units around it. (2019-01-19, matlab, 5KB, 下载1次)


[汇编语言] 4.0

Simulation of boost chopper circuit based on MATLAB. The DC chopper circuit is a kind of DC-DC converter that converts DC to another fixed voltage or adjustable voltage, including direct DC converter circuit and indirect DC converter circuit. (2017-05-21, matlab, 57KB, 下载2次)


[汇编语言] Untitled32b_san_dian

灰度共生矩阵灰度直方图是对图像上单个像素具有某个灰度进行统计的结果,而灰度共生矩阵是对图像上保持某距离的两像素分别具有某灰度的状况进行统计得到的。 取图像(N×N)中任意一点 (x,y)及偏离它的另一点 (x+a,y+b),设该点对的灰度值为 (g1,g2)。令点(x,y) 在整个画面上移动,则会得到各种 (g1,g2)值,设灰度值的级数为 k,则(g1,g2) 的组合共有 k 的平方种。对于整个画面,统计出每一种 (g1,g2)值出现的次数,然后排列成一个方阵,再用(g1,g2) 出现的总次数将它们归一化为出现的概率P(g1,g2) ,这样的方阵称为灰度共生矩阵。距离差分值(a,b) 取不同的数值组合,可以得到不同情况下的联合概率矩阵。(a,b) 取值要根据纹理周期分布的特性来选择,对于较细的纹理,选取(1,0)、(1,1)、(2,0)等小的差分值。 当 a 1,b 0时,像素对是水平的,即0度扫描;当a 0,b 1 时,像素对是垂直的,即90度扫描;当 a 1,b 1时,像素对是右对角线的,即45度扫描;当 a -1,b 1时,像素对是左对角线,即135度扫描。 这样,两个象素灰度级同时发生的概率,就将 (x,y)的空间坐标转化为“灰度对” (g1,g2)的描述,形成了灰度共生矩阵。
h [ASM1, CON1, IDM1, ENT1, COR1, ..., ASM4, CON4, IDM4, ENT4, COR4] (2017-05-01, matlab, 1KB, 下载2次)


[汇编语言] LMS--RLS-single-lattice-filter

利用LMS、RLS算法提取单频信号 设计格型滤波器 数字信号处理 有详细实验报告与对应程序
The use of LMS, RLS algorithm to extract single frequency signal design lattice filter digital signal processing has a detailed experimental report and the corresponding procedures (2017-04-21, matlab, 694KB, 下载22次)


[汇编语言] winsock

1.使用VC6.0的开发环境,构建工程为Win32 Console Application类型 2.功能简述: 标准时间服务器上的时间为网络内的标准时间;当网络内某台主机(客户端)需要调整时间时,便发送一个请求信息到时间服务器;时间服务器接到请求后,把本地时间作为标准时间发送到客户端;客户端更改本地时间为标准时间。
1 using VC6.0 development environment to build the project for the Win32 Console Application type 2 Function Description: time to standard time on the server within the network standard time when the network within a host (client) need to adjust the time , it sends a request message to a time server Time Server upon request, to the local time as the standard time sent to the client client to change the local time to standard time. (2013-05-29, matlab, 1KB, 下载2次)


[汇编语言] taojiezi

 编写基于会话套接字进行通信的服务器端和客户端程序,要求:  客户端以字符串的形式循环发送“data0”到“data9”到服务器端;  服务器端收到每个字符串后,回应一个echo信号到客户端,格式为:“XXXXXXXX echo data0” (XXXXXXXX为学号);
 written communication session based socket server and client procedures, requirements:  client as a string loop send " data0" to " data9" to the server  server received after each string in response to an echo signal to the client in the format: " XXXXXXXX echo data0" (XXXXXXXX is student number) (2013-05-29, matlab, 1KB, 下载6次)


[汇编语言] BBO-length-and-conversion-efficiency

UV laser using BBO crystal can be a UV laser, given the relationship between the BBO crystal length and the conversion efficiency. (2012-06-07, matlab, 1KB, 下载21次)


[汇编语言] ch6.14

Digital organ, the circuit used to exchange buzzer and clock circuitry. (2010-03-22, matlab, 26KB, 下载7次)


[汇编语言] zbuttonzuoye

Use MATLAB tools to make some signal processing, familiar with a number of filters (2010-03-05, matlab, 1KB, 下载2次)


[汇编语言] MATLAB0601130304

IIR (2010-03-02, matlab, 532KB, 下载4次)


[汇编语言] vhdl

Signals and linear systems with time-frequency domain analysis: observation known square wave signal, sine wave signal spectrum observation of the spectrum in real-time analog signal a deeper understanding of time-domain periodic signal component in the amplitude of each frequency spectrum chart the proportion of observation phase in the waveform synthesis LTI system frequency domain analysis, LTI system response to periodic input signals. (2009-05-08, matlab, 7KB, 下载27次)
