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按分类查找All 手机短信编程(31) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(31) 

[手机短信编程] AgentXDemo

Call center is IP-PBX technology and the perfect fusion of traditional call center, companies do not need to buy their own servers, you can have a professional call center service. It will seat assigned to different enterprises located in different places to use, set the call center, telephone marketing, customer relationship management, task management, SMS, fax marketing and other functions in one, integrated communication service platform for modern enterprises tailored. (2014-06-18, Visual C++, 112KB, 下载3次)


[手机短信编程] SIMCSmsM

SMS cat/mobile phones to send text messages to send system COM-based dll component can run on win32 platform. Characteristics of the components: 1 encapsulates the interface of mobile phones, text messaging cat to send/receive short messages, due to the COM standard binary-compatible, can call other development languages ​ ​ or soft software on mobile phones or PHS users to send text messages 2, through the serial port of computer equipment, direct control of the mobile phone, text messaging cat. 3, convenient, flexible, simple, easy for developers to quickly develop. You can download a trial version, but you have message to send text messages, the registration will remove the additional letter (2012-08-04, Visual C++, 193KB, 下载11次)


[手机短信编程] SSMIIAndSMORRi

西门子*.SMI/*.SMO短信文件夹文件读取器(VB.NET)。此程序源码用于读取SMI/SMO文文件。其实文件结构比较简单易懂,直接参看源代码就能知道了。其中使用了自己写的PDU解码器。 可直接使用。
Siemens* SMI /* SMO SMS folder file reader (VB.NET). This program source code for reading the SMI/SMO text file. In fact, the file structure is relatively simple to understand, directly refer to the source code will be able to know. Use to write their own PDU decoder. Can be used directly. (2012-07-22, Visual C++, 52KB, 下载11次)


[手机短信编程] GSMsms

GSM SMS codec. Can send a phone number and phone number to receive text message content is automatically encoded into the phone PDU string, but also according to the received PDU string decoding the message content (2011-10-09, Visual C++, 212KB, 下载31次)


[手机短信编程] zuiyouerchashu

gragh based on haffman code (2011-04-04, Visual C++, 166KB, 下载3次)


[手机短信编程] 200910119131399eSMS

VC SMS group sending device developed under the code, with the cat to use SMS. (2009-10-12, Visual C++, 1512KB, 下载62次)


[手机短信编程] S60_Platform_SendMessage_Example

read the code carefully and you ll find the rules of sending and receiving SMS on Symbian OS (2009-05-05, Visual C++, 139KB, 下载13次)


[手机短信编程] sms_sp

短信网关接口源代码 1、 spClient.exe 客户端服务程序,用于接收到的短信存入数据库中,以及把存入数据库中的短信自动发送出去! 2、 project1.exe 插入数据到发送表中,spClient程序将会自动检测数据并发送。 3、 通讯数据库表名:msgcomm.doc, 这是数据库表名的说明文档,内有ACCESS及SQL SERVER数据库生成文档 4、 用户接口标准.txt, 这是网关收发数据的格式说明,存入数据库中的短信将最终转换成此格式并发送 5、 GetIPInfo.dll 获得spClient.exe所连接的ip地址, 如果不能连接服务器时,程序将调用库函数更新IP。 [注:如果没有签定合约的用户,下载此程序后必须先到www.pohoo.com网站注册,然后在tcp.ini文件中加入注册手机 号(id)及密码(spwd)]
SMS (2009-03-12, Visual C++, 641KB, 下载44次)


[手机短信编程] SPGatewaySuportCMPP30AndCMPP20

使用标准C开发的同时支持CMPP3.0 和 CMPP2.0 的SP短信网关程序,效率高,性能好,内存使用率 稳定。能够很好的适应SP的需求。 主要文件说明: eventq.c 事件队列 smctimer.c 计时器 spsms.c CMPP 协议实现 smtcp.c socket的封装 smsm.c 系统初始化,入口点
Using standard C development while supporting CMPP3.0 and SMS Gateway CMPP2.0 the SP procedure, high efficiency, performance, memory usage and stability. Able to adapt to the needs of SP. The main document describes: eventq.c event queue smctimer.c timer spsms.c CMPP protocol smtcp.c socket package smsm.c system initialization, entry point (2009-01-03, Visual C++, 169KB, 下载74次)


[手机短信编程] gsmWaveRecord

gsm音频录制器 可以直接录制成gsm的格式 压缩比比较高
gsm audio recording device can record directly into a compressed format gsm Bibi higher (2007-08-25, Visual C++, 146KB, 下载39次)


[手机短信编程] smgdemo

main view of the current mobile messaging gateway client development, and enterprises can develop their own messaging server. (2006-03-01, Visual C++, 178KB, 下载25次)
