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[云计算] fluent-plugin-remote-syslog

fluentd plugin for streaming logs out to a remote syslog server or syslog SaaS service (like Papertrail) (2022-04-08, Ruby, 8KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] cloudfoundry-client

这是CloudFoundry API的Ruby包装器,这是业界第一个开放平台即服务(PaaS)产品。
This is a Ruby wrapper for the CloudFoundry API, the industry’s first open Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering. (2012-06-03, Ruby, 75KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] pushmeup

This gem is a wrapper to send push notifications to devices. Currently it only sends to Android or iOS devices, but more platforms will be added soon. With APNS (Apple Push Notifications Service) you can send push notifications to Apple devices. With GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) you can send push notifications to Android devices. (2018-11-15, Ruby, 62KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] ambari

Chef cookbook安装Ambari服务器和Ambari代理,然后使用Blueprints API部署Hadoop集群
Chef cookbook to install Ambari server and Ambari agent, then deploy a Hadoop cluster using the Blueprints API (2017-11-13, Ruby, 19KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] ankusa

Ruby中的文本分类器,使用Hadoop HBase、Mongo或Cassandra进行存储。已弃用,请使用[https:github.com b...](https:github.com bmuller ankusa)
Text classifier in Ruby that uses Hadoop HBase, Mongo, or Cassandra for storage. DEPRECATED, use [https: github.com b…](https: github.com bmuller ankusa) (2012-11-30, Ruby, 12KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] ankusa

Ruby中的文本分类器,使用Hadoop HBase、Mongo或Cassandra进行存储。[http:github.com l...]的新位置(http:github.com livingsocial ankusa)
Text classifier in Ruby that uses Hadoop HBase, Mongo, or Cassandra for storage. New location for [http: github.com l…](http: github.com livingsocial ankusa) (2015-11-22, Ruby, 31KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] trendingtopics

用于跟踪服务器日志趋势的Rails应用程序-由EC2上的Cloudera Hadoop Distribution提供支持
Rails app for tracking trends in server logs - powered by the Cloudera Hadoop Distribution on EC2 (2011-08-01, Ruby, 289KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] gcm

一个gem,帮助开发人员通过Google Cloud将数据从ruby后端服务器发送到设备上的移动应用程序
A gem that helps developers send data from ruby backend servers to their Mobile applications on devices via Google Cloud (2019-03-25, Ruby, 10KB, 下载0次)
