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[操作系统开发] ucore_os_docs-master

Ucore是一个很小的适于学习的操作系统,此“麻雀”包含虚存管理、进程管理、处理器调度、同步互斥、进程间通信、文件系统等主要内核功能,总的内核代码量(C+asm)不会超过5K行。充分体现了“小而全”的指导思想。 这是ucore的实验2:内存管理。实验目的:理解内存地址的转换和保护;理解页表的建立和使用方法;了解物理内存的管理方法;了解常用的减少碎片的方法;了解虚拟内存的管理方法。文件中包括源代码、实验指导书和实验报告。
-Ucore is a small operating system for learning, the Sparrow contains the virtual memory management, process management, processor scheduling, synchronization mutually exclusive, inter-process communication, file system and other major kernel functions, the total amount of kernel code ( C+ asm) no more than 5K lines. Fully embodies the small the guiding ideology. This is ucore in Experiment 2: memory management. Purpose: to understand the memory address translation and protection understand the page table creation and use understanding of the physical memory management understanding of the methods commonly used to reduce debris understanding of virtual memory management. File, including source code, test instructions and test reports. (2016-06-02, Unix_Linux, 1540KB, 下载3次)


[操作系统开发] banker_by_array

本程序为自己在学习操作系统时独立根据书上所述的银行家算法制作而成,包括一个数组输入函数(Sr()),数组输出函数(Pr())和一个判断函数(test()),并通过指针传递参数,可以自定义进程数目和资源种类数目(源程序限10个以内,可自行更改数组)。 注:本程序是在linux环境下通过gcc编译器编译成功的。若移植到windows环境下可能在汉字显示部分出现乱码。
This procedure for their own independence in learning, when the operating system on the basis of the book described in banker s algorithm produced, including an array of input function (Sr ()), array output function (Pr ()) and a judging function (test () ), and through pointer parameters, the process can customize the number and type of the number of resources (source 10 within limits, can make changes to the array). Note: This procedure is in the linux environment through the gcc compiler to compile successful. If transplanted into windows environment may display garbled characters. (2008-11-15, Unix_Linux, 8KB, 下载42次)


[操作系统开发] sos-code-art8.tar

Simple Operating Systems (简称SOS)是一个可以运行在X86平台上(包括QEMU,BOCHS,VirtualBOX等模拟器上)的面向教学的微型嵌入式操作系统系列软件。从SOS-1到SOS9,逐步完成了一个从无(只有显示)到有(虚存、文件系统、线程、进程)的操作系统创建过程。通过分析、运行和修改此操作系统,会对操作系统的实际实现有更深入的的了解。这是第八部分SOS-8。
Simple Operating Systems (referred to as SOS) is a run on X86 platform (including QEMU, BOCHS, VirtualBOX simulator, etc.) teaching-oriented series of micro-embedded operating system software. From SOS-1 to SOS9, gradually completed a never (only display) to have (virtual memory, file system, thread, process) operating system creation process. Through the analysis, operation and revise the operating system, the actual realization of the operating system will have a better understanding. This is the eighth part of SOS-8. (2007-11-13, Unix_Linux, 265KB, 下载47次)


[操作系统开发] sos-code-art7.tar

Simple Operating Systems (简称SOS)是一个可以运行在X86平台上(包括QEMU,BOCHS,VirtualBOX等模拟器上)的面向教学的微型嵌入式操作系统系列软件。从SOS-1到SOS9,逐步完成了一个从无(只有显示)到有(虚存、文件系统、线程、进程)的操作系统创建过程。通过分析、运行和修改此操作系统,会对操作系统的实际实现有更深入的的了解。这是第七部分 SOS-7。
Simple Operating Systems (referred to as SOS) is a run on X86 platform (including QEMU, BOCHS, VirtualBOX simulator, etc.) teaching-oriented series of micro-embedded operating system software. From SOS-1 to SOS9, gradually completed a never (only display) to have (virtual memory, file system, thread, process) operating system creation process. Through the analysis, operation and revise the operating system, the actual realization of the operating system will have a better understanding. This is the seventh part of SOS-7. (2007-11-13, Unix_Linux, 194KB, 下载47次)


[操作系统开发] sos-code-art6.tar

Simple Operating Systems (简称SOS)是一个可以运行在X86平台上(包括QEMU,BOCHS,VirtualBOX等模拟器上)的面向教学的微型嵌入式操作系统系列软件。从SOS-1到SOS9,逐步完成了一个从无(只有显示)到有(虚存、文件系统、线程、进程)的操作系统创建过程。通过分析、运行和修改此操作系统,会对操作系统的实际实现有更深入的的了解。这是第六部分 SOS-6。
Simple Operating Systems (referred to as SOS) is a run on X86 platform (including QEMU, BOCHS, VirtualBOX simulator, etc.) teaching-oriented series of micro-embedded operating system software. From SOS-1 to SOS9, gradually completed a never (only display) to have (virtual memory, file system, thread, process) operating system creation process. Through the analysis, operation and revise the operating system, the actual realization of the operating system will have a better understanding. This is the sixth part of SOS-6. (2007-11-13, Unix_Linux, 158KB, 下载64次)


[操作系统开发] sos-code-art5.tar

Simple Operating Systems (简称SOS)是一个可以运行在X86平台上(包括QEMU,BOCHS,VirtualBOX等模拟器上)的面向教学的微型嵌入式操作系统系列软件。从SOS-1到SOS9,逐步完成了一个从无(只有显示)到有(虚存、文件系统、线程、进程)的操作系统创建过程。通过分析、运行和修改此操作系统,会对操作系统的实际实现有更深入的的了解。这是第五部分SOS-5。
Simple Operating Systems (referred to as SOS) is a run on X86 platform (including QEMU, BOCHS, VirtualBOX simulator, etc.) teaching-oriented series of micro-embedded operating system software. From SOS-1 to SOS9, gradually completed a never (only display) to have (virtual memory, file system, thread, process) operating system creation process. Through the analysis, operation and revise the operating system, the actual realization of the operating system will have a better understanding. This is the fifth part of SOS-5. (2007-11-13, Unix_Linux, 131KB, 下载43次)


[操作系统开发] sos-code-art4.tar

Simple Operating Systems (简称SOS)是一个可以运行在X86平台上(包括QEMU,BOCHS,VirtualBOX等模拟器上)的面向教学的微型嵌入式操作系统系列软件。从SOS-1到SOS9,逐步完成了一个从无(只有显示)到有(虚存、文件系统、线程、进程)的操作系统创建过程。通过分析、运行和修改此操作系统,会对操作系统的实际实现有更深入的的了解。这是第四部分SOS-4。
Simple Operating Systems (referred to as SOS) is a run on X86 platform (including QEMU, BOCHS, VirtualBOX simulator, etc.) teaching-oriented series of micro-embedded operating system software. From SOS-1 to SOS9, gradually completed a never (only display) to have (virtual memory, file system, thread, process) operating system creation process. Through the analysis, operation and revise the operating system, the actual realization of the operating system will have a better understanding. This is the fourth part of SOS-4. (2007-11-13, Unix_Linux, 114KB, 下载38次)


[操作系统开发] sos-code-art3.tar

Simple Operating Systems (简称SOS)是一个可以运行在X86平台上(包括QEMU,BOCHS,VirtualBOX等模拟器上)的面向教学的微型嵌入式操作系统系列软件。从SOS-1到SOS9,逐步完成了一个从无(只有显示)到有(虚存、文件系统、线程、进程)的操作系统创建过程。通过分析、运行和修改此操作系统,会对操作系统的实际实现有更深入的的了解。这是第三部分SOS-3。
Simple Operating Systems (referred to as SOS) is a run on X86 platform (including QEMU, BOCHS, VirtualBOX simulator, etc.) teaching-oriented series of micro-embedded operating system software. From SOS-1 to SOS9, gradually completed a never (only display) to have (virtual memory, file system, thread, process) operating system creation process. Through the analysis, operation and revise the operating system, the actual realization of the operating system will have a better understanding. This is the third part of SOS-3. (2007-11-13, Unix_Linux, 110KB, 下载55次)


[操作系统开发] sos-code-art2.tar

Simple Operating Systems (简称SOS)是一个可以运行在X86平台上(包括QEMU,BOCHS,VirtualBOX等模拟器上)的面向教学的微型嵌入式操作系统系列软件。从SOS-1到SOS9,逐步完成了一个从无(只有显示)到有(虚存、文件系统、线程、进程)的操作系统创建过程。通过分析、运行和修改此操作系统,会对操作系统的实际实现有更深入的的了解。这是第二部分 SOS-2。
Simple Operating Systems (referred to as SOS) is a run on X86 platform (including QEMU, BOCHS, VirtualBOX simulator, etc.) teaching-oriented series of micro-embedded operating system software. From SOS-1 to SOS9, gradually completed a never (only display) to have (virtual memory, file system, thread, process) operating system creation process. Through the analysis, operation and revise the operating system, the actual realization of the operating system will have a better understanding. This is the second part of SOS-2. (2007-11-13, Unix_Linux, 105KB, 下载59次)


[操作系统开发] sos-code-art1.tar

Simple Operating Systems (简称SOS)是一个可以运行在X86平台上(包括QEMU,BOCHS,VirtualBOX等模拟器上)的面向教学的微型嵌入式操作系统系列软件。从SOS-1到SOS9,逐步完成了一个从无(只有显示)到有(虚存、文件系统、线程、进程)的操作系统创建过程。通过分析、运行和修改此操作系统,会对操作系统的实际实现有更深入的的了解。这是第一部分 SOS-1。
Simple Operating Systems (referred to as SOS) is a run on X86 platform (including QEMU, BOCHS, VirtualBOX simulator, etc.) teaching-oriented series of micro-embedded operating system software. From SOS-1 to SOS9, gradually completed a never (only display) to have (virtual memory, file system, thread, process) operating system creation process. Through the analysis, operation and revise the operating system, the actual realization of the operating system will have a better understanding. This is the first part of SOS-1. (2007-11-13, Unix_Linux, 97KB, 下载119次)


[操作系统开发] UNIX_shell2

书  名: unix和shell程序设计权威教程 出 版 社: 清华大学出版社 作  者: [美]佛努丹,吉尔伯格著 本书介绍了unix操作系统和shell编程两个部分的知识。前一部分全面讲解了unix操作系统,包括unix操作系统、vi和ex编辑器、文件系统与文件操作权限、以及各种unix实用程序;后一部分深入介绍了各种类型的unix shell编程,涵盖了korn shell、c shell等主要的shell类型。本书采用可视化讲解方法,全书包含大量的图、表、代码清单、脚本和代码示例,可有效帮助读者理解所介绍的内容;各章章末还配备了相应的复习题、练习题和上机实习等资料,以帮助读者巩固所学的知识。
Title : unix shell design and authoritative guide publishers : Tsinghua University Press Author : [U.S.] Naodan Dover, Jierbage book, the book on the unix operating system and shell programming two parts of the knowledge. First part of a comprehensive account of unix operating systems, including unix operating system, and ex vi editor. file system and file manipulation authority, and various unix utilities; latter part of the in-depth briefings on the various types of unix shell programming, covering the korn shell. c shell, and other major type of shell. The book on the visual method, the book contains a large number of graphs, charts, code lists, scripts and code examples, can effectively assist the reader in understanding the contents of this briefing; the end of the chapters are also e (2007-06-30, Unix_Linux, 14075KB, 下载102次)
