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[代理服务器] linux_proxyserver

客户端:读入用户输入的数据、目标端口和目标地址。 代理服务器:检测用户输入的目标地址是否合法,接受客户端发送的信息,并转发给服务端。 服务端:接受代理服务器端发送的信息,通过管道实现远程控制。 功能:数据转发,屏蔽一些服务器地址,使客户端无法访问,实现客户端和服务端的远程同步。
Client: read user input data, the destination port, and destination address. Proxy Server: detecting user input destination address is legitimate to accept the information sent by the client, and forward it to the service side. Server: accept the proxy server sends the remote control through the pipeline. Functions: data forwarding, to shield some server address, so that the client can not access the client and server remote synchronization. (2012-12-20, Unix_Linux, 20KB, 下载19次)


[代理服务器] delegate9.9.8-pre18.tar

delegate代理服务器,可以运行在各种配置的win95,win97,win98,winnt和unix系统之下。支持HTTP, HTTPS, Gopher, Whois, FTP, Telnet, NNTP, SMTP, POP, SOCK代理。
delegate proxy server,can run on win95,win97,win98,winnt and unix, support HTTP, HTTPS, Gopher, Whois, FTP, Telnet, NNTP, SMTP, POP,SOCK (2012-05-03, Unix_Linux, 2175KB, 下载11次)


[代理服务器] mediaproxy-2.3.6.tar

MediaProxy is a media relay for RTP/RTCP and UDP streams that works in tandem with OpenSIPs to provide NAT traversal capability for media streams from SIP user agents located behind NAT. (2009-08-31, Unix_Linux, 172KB, 下载114次)


[代理服务器] MultiProxy

Simple multi-agent, agent A to agent using TCP Jump B, B in the use of UDP to connect to the remote server. (2009-05-27, Unix_Linux, 81KB, 下载16次)


[代理服务器] igmp_proxy

支持IGMP-v3协议的IGMP Proxy实现代码。对应于IETF草案:<draft-ietf-idmr-igmp-v3-07.txt>,也可支持IGMP-V2和V1协议。 使用IGMP Proxy的功能包括: 1.> 避免网络中多播报文的大量泛洪 2.> 消减IGMP协议报文(如REPORT) 使用一个配置文件:只需要配置两项 1.> 上联口(服务器端口/WAN口/北向端口) 2.> IGMP版本
This is an implementation of an IGMPv3 proxy. It s conform to the IGMPv3 proxying internet draft:<draft-ietf-idmr-igmp-v3-07.txt>. The "gproxy" daemon maintains the IGMP table as described in the draft. The config file "$(IGMP_PROXY_DIR)/etc/igmprt.conf" contains- Upstream interface: The upstream interface of the IGMPv3 proxy. - IGMP_Version : IGMP version used by the deamon. (2009-03-02, Unix_Linux, 134KB, 下载210次)


[代理服务器] httpProxy

As a HTTP proxy server to provide user agents and HTTP request filtering functions in linxe run (2008-06-12, Unix_Linux, 576KB, 下载76次)


[代理服务器] sip_proxy

Through the class library to achieve oSIP sip proxy functionality, currently only a small number of functions to achieve the need to continue to improve. (2007-11-22, Unix_Linux, 292KB, 下载61次)
