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[游戏] ValoStat-Minor-Project

本项目中提议的Android应用程序旨在通过整合与Riot Games开发的流行战术第一人称射击游戏相关的代理、武器和新闻信息,为Valorant爱好者提供身临其境的全面体验。该应用程序充当一个中央集线器,供用户随时了解信息。
The Android application proposed in this project aims to provide an immersive and comprehensive experience for Valorant enthusiasts by consolidating information on agents, weapons, and news related to the popular tactical first-person shooter game developed by Riot Games. The application serves as a centralized hub for users to stay informed about. (2024-01-30, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Dota2-Music

A player app that integrates all music package resources of Dota2 without networking. All music resources are integrated in the app (2023-12-27, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] HegemonyTaxes

使用Jetpack Compose构建并用Kotlin编写的Android应用程序,用作税务计算器,以改善Heg......的体验...,
Android application built with Jetpack Compose and written in Kotlin that serves as a tax calculator to improve the experience in the Hegemony table top game. (2023-10-26, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] EloCheckApp

An Elo score calculator that shows an updated score after you win, lose, or draw. Perfect for games/sports such as chess in which organizations such as FIDE or USCF use Elo scores to rank players. (2023-09-16, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] GTRadio

一款开源的Android定制收音机播放器,旨在产生与Grand Theft Aut...中的收音机类似的功能结果...,
An open-source, custom radio player for Android designed to produce similar functional results to the radios found in the Grand Theft Auto series of games. (2023-02-11, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] serca-alana

在2020年6月20日第四届在线Creative Code Jam版本期间制作的实时相机着色器过滤器
Live camera shader filter made during the 4th online Creative Code Jam edition on 20.06.2020 (2020-06-20, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] bestia-behemoth

An Open World MMO game server with innovative features. Created with Akka, Kotlin and lots of dedication. (2023-02-12, kotlin, 549KB, 下载0次)
