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按分类查找All Linux/Unix编程(389) 
按平台查找All Shell(389) 

[Linux/Unix编程] ServerToDesktop-Experimental

这是的一个实验脚本,用于从基本服务器安装获得基本dwm-config-debian、fedora和arch。灵感来自Chris Titus Tech,(更新)“我不知道它什么时候才能完成,我没有在做它,因为我现在太懒了,不能做这个”
This is a EXPERIMENTAL script for that is used to get from a basic server install to a basic dwm config debian,fedora and arch. Inspired by Chris Titus Tech, (UPDATE) "i don t know when will it be finished i m not working on it because im too lazy right now to be working on this" (2024-03-24, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] netcatchat

使用netcat|Mirror of http:oytjumugnwsf4g72vemtamo72vfvgmp4lfsf6wmggcvba3qmcsta.b32.i2p netcatcatat.git about和http:4blcq4arxhbkc77tfrtmy4pptf55gjbhlj32rbfyskl672v2plsmjcyd.洋葱netcatcatcatat.git about的Linux简单命令行聊天服务器和客户端
A simple command-line chat server and client for Linux using netcat | Mirror of http: oytjumugnwsf4g72vemtamo72vfvgmp4lfsf6wmggcvba3qmcsta.b32.i2p netcatchat.git about and http: 4blcq4arxhbkc77tfrtmy4pptf55gjbhlj32rbfyskl672v2plsmjcyd.onion netcatchat.git about (2024-03-16, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] pve

PVE相关的各种一键脚本(Various one-click scripts related to PVE)(一键安装PVE)(One-click installation of PVE)(一键开设KVM或LXC虚拟化的NAT服务器-自带内外网端口转发)(含ARM和X86_64)
Various one click scripts related to PVE (One click installation of PVE) (2024-03-12, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] garage

Ft_server是在Docker容器中的Debian Buster上运行的web服务器。它使用Nginx并运行多个服务:WordPress、phpMyAdmin和SQL数据库(MariaBD)。自签名证书用于安全性。
Ft_server is a web server running on Debian Buster in a Docker Container. It uses Nginx and runs multiples services: WordPress, phpMyAdmin and SQL database(MariaBD). A Selfsigned certificate is used for security. (2024-03-02, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] linux-bootcamp

Linux is a free and open-source OS kernel that powers a wide range of computing devices, from smartphones to servers, known for its stability, flexibility, and community-driven development model. (2024-02-29, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] AM

AppImage manager安装程序更新程序和受AUR启发的数据库,现在包括1800多个AppImage软件包和GNU Linux的官方独立应用程序(来自tar*和zip存档)。“AM”应用程序管理器还提供了用于管理AppImage创建工具的脚本和用于创建AppImage的模板。像APT一样易于使用,像PacMan一样强大。
AppImage manager installer updater and AUR-inspired database, now including 1800+ AppImage packages and official standalone apps (from tar* and zip archives) for GNU Linux. "AM" Application Manager also provides scripts to manage AppImage creation tools and templates to create your AppImages. Easy to use like APT and powerful like PacMan. (2024-02-07, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] ingryd-nfs-server-client-setup-docs

This documentation provides step-by-step instructions for setting up an NFS (Network File System) server and client. NFS allows sharing files between systems on a network, making it a convenient solution for file storage and sharing. (2024-01-26, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] autowebserver

Auto WebServer是一种方便的工具,旨在帮助开发人员只需单击一次即可设置web服务器。目前,它简化了静态Apache设置的配置过程,并计划将自动化扩展到Nginx、Apache Tomcat、Maven等。
Auto WebServer is a convenient tool designed to assist developers in setting up a web server with just a single click. At present, it streamlines the configuration process for static Apache setups, with plans to extend automation to Nginx, Apache Tomcat, Maven, and more. (2023-12-26, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] bootstrap-fedora

完整的操作系统(Linux Fedora)设置,完全从头开始-从可引导闪存驱动器-使用kickstart脚本和Ansible,
Full OS (Linux Fedora) setup, totally from scratch - from bootable flash drive - using a kickstart script and Ansible, (2022-12-10, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)
