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[微服务] BitTorrent-with-gRPC-protocol

This repository contains Python code for implementing a BitTorrent client and server using the gRPC protocol. The code consists of client.py, server.py, and related protocol buffer files (bittorrent.proto, bittorrent_pb2.py, bittorrent_pb2_grpc.py). (2024-04-10, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] safe-init

Safe Init是一个Python库,它通过高级错误处理、日志记录、监视和恢复功能增强了AWS Lambda函数,为无服务器应用程序提供了全面的可观察性和可靠性。
Safe Init is a Python library that enhances AWS Lambda functions with advanced error handling, logging, monitoring, and resilience features, providing comprehensive observability and reliability for serverless applications. (2024-03-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] grpc_protobuf_python

This application demonstrates the usage of gRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call) with Protocol Buffers in a Python environment. It includes server-side and client-side implementations using Protocol Buffers for message serialization and deserialization. (2024-03-02, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] AITranslateHub

我的微软Future Ready人才虚拟实习计划的最后一个项目是一个用户友好的网站。它使用Azure App Service和Azure SQL Database显示最近的搜索历史记录,并使用Azure AI服务(转换器)进行无缝内容翻译。
My final project for the Microsoft Future Ready Talent Virtual Internship Program is a user-friendly website. It uses Azure App Service and Azure SQL Database to display recent search history and employs Azure AI Service (Translator) for seamless content translation. (2024-02-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] serverless-crawl-embed

这是一个使用S3 bucket、Lambdas、SQS、DynamoDB、Pinecone(无服务器)和OpenAI(text-embedding-ada-002)在中抓取、生成和存储嵌入静态网站的方法的示例
This is an example of a way to crawl, generate and store embeddings static websites in using an S3 bucket, Lambdas, SQS, DynamoDB, Pinecone(Serverless) and OpenAI(text-embedding-ada-002) (2024-02-07, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] Icompaas-crud-api

为用户帐户创建创建了CRUD API服务(电子邮件、名字、姓氏和密码),并使用无服务器框架将其部署到Lambda。使用RDS进行数据存储。这些API对每个方法进行各种验证检查。
Created a CRUD API service for User Account Creation (email, first name, last name, and password) and deploy it to Lambda using serverless framework. used RDS for data storage. These API having all kinds of validations checks for each methods. (2024-02-06, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] Assignment2-AWS-Level-5

87.5%马克。主题:AWS原生架构设计,软件开发,经典架构,系统设计,Lambda,无服务器,模板,处理程序,应用程序,模块,单元测试,Boto3,Botocore,AWS,SNS,事件,规则,策略,JSON js,S3,EventBridge Bus,AMI
87.5% Mark. Topics: AWS Native Architecture Design, Software Development, Classic Architecture, System Design, Lambda, Serverless, Template, Handler, App, Modules, Unit Testing, Boto3, Botocore, AWS, SNS, Events, Rules, Policy, JSON-js, S3, EventBridge Bus, AMI (2024-02-01, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)
