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按平台查找All GDScript(409) 

[游戏引擎] peerFire

PeerFire是一款使用Godot Engine和WebRTC技术开发的令人兴奋的低聚合点对点第一人称射击游戏。在无缝的在线多人游戏体验中与朋友进行快节奏的战斗,所有这些都不需要专用服务器。
PeerFire is an exhilarating low poly peer-to-peer first-person shooter game developed using Godot Engine and WebRTC technology. Engage in fast-paced battles with friends in a seamless online multiplayer experience, all without the need for dedicated servers. (2024-04-08, GDScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] EscapeTheMaze

A 2D pixel game project featuring a robust menu system, detailed instructions screen, and an in-game Heads-Up Display (HUD) for score tracking. The game consists of three progressively challenging levels, each introducing enemy mechanics. The scoring system dynamically reflects player performance. (2024-01-27, GDScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] DeMiedo-FPS-Controller

Leafsoft Games在游戏“…De Miedo”中使用的第一人称控制器。改编自Btan2的Q_Move。
First Person Controller used in the game "...De Miedo" by Leafsoft Games. Adapted from Q_Move by Btan2. (2023-12-31, GDScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] gdscript-preprocessor

The GDScript Preprocessor Plugin extends the capabilities of GDScript, Godot s native scripting language, by introducing preprocessing features akin to those in C C++. This plugin allows developers to use custom directives for conditional compilation and defining constants, significantly enhancing the scripting workflow in Godot. (2024-01-01, GDScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Dodge-The-Creeps-PC

Ok Remember Dodge The Creeps On Godot? yeah well i just optimized it for pc because the other version wasn t even in 16:9 also controller support. (2021-05-05, GDScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 2D-mmo-experimental

2D virtual world multiplayer architecture built with Node.js and Godot Engine under client server mode. 2D大型多人網路架構使用node.js和戈多引擎, 客戶端 伺服器模式.
2D virtual world multiplayer architecture build with Node.js and Godot Engine under client server mode 2D large multiplayer network architecture uses Node.js and Godot engine, client server mode (2023-11-15, GDScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] the-most-best-pixel-editor

a pixel editor ? made in godot (wip) that aims to perfect the pixel editing experience. our goal is to keep the commits flowing consistently. (2023-08-07, GDScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Pixelorama

A free & open-source 2D sprite editor, made with the Godot Engine! Available on Windows, Linux, macOS and the Web!, (2023-07-19, GDScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏引擎] Godot-snapper

A simple snapper for the godot game engine. If you get the snapper scene and add it as a child of whatever you want to have a snap ability. add the snap target for where you want it to snap to and now when your node comes into contact with the snapper target it will stick. (2020-11-19, GDScript, 2KB, 下载0次)
