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[PHP编程] PHP-and-Laravel-Basics

PHP是一种通用的服务器端脚本语言,而Laravel是一种强大的PHP web应用程序框架。Laravele通过MVC架构、路由、ORM和充满活力的生态系统等功能简化了web开发,使其成为构建现代web应用程序的首选。
PHP is a versatile server-side scripting language, while Laravel is a powerful PHP web application framework. Laravel simplifies web development with features like MVC architecture, routing, ORM, and a vibrant ecosystem, making it a top choice for building modern web applications. (2024-05-06, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] crud-project

Make a PHP database project for easy data handling. Use HTML forms, PHP code, and MySQL for simple Create, Read, Update, and Delete tasks. Keep data safe with server checks. The project gives a clear and useful way to handle different data needs. (2024-02-03, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] agenda_contatos

A Agenda de Contatoséuma aplica o web-que permite aos usuários gerenciar seus Contatos de maneira eficient。Os usuários podem adicionar,editar,visualizar e excluir contatos,tornando a gest o de contatos uma tarefa simples e direta。Este projetoéconstruído usando PHP na arquitetura MVC(模型-视图-控制器)。
A Agenda de Contatos é uma aplica o web que permite aos usuários gerenciar seus contatos de maneira eficiente. Os usuários podem adicionar, editar, visualizar e excluir contatos, tornando a gest o de contatos uma tarefa simples e direta. Este projeto é construído usando PHP na arquitetura MVC (Model-View-Controller). (2024-02-02, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] 易支付开源版

Public welfare version PHP easy payment system source installation steps: 1. Upload the source code to the virtual machine or server and unzip. Visit the domain name install/ index.php After installation, log in to your domain name / Admin4. Background account: admin background password: Admin4. Configure payment interface and modify website (2020-07-12, PHP, 6030KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] 小新云全套代挂加速

This source code calls the official interface, all protocols are localized, do not refer to a third party. 02. Anyone can call this interface in the case of commercialization. If there is any commercial behavior, the consequences will be borne by yourself. Acceleration function: 01. Micro vision acceleration - housekeeper acceleration - Mobile Game acceleration - motion acceleration - space acceleration - Medal wall acceleration 02, medal wall + computer hang up, it is suggested to open the device lock and hang up, otherwise it is easy to freeze the account (2020-07-12, PHP, 119KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] WingFtpServer_v6.3.0

Wing FTP Server 是一个专业的跨平台FTP服务器端,它拥有不错的速度、可靠性和一个友好的配置界面。它除了能提供FTP的基本服务功能以外,还能提供管理员终端、任务计划、基于Web的管理端,基于Web的客户端和Lua脚本扩展等,它还支持虚拟文件夹、上传下载比率分配、磁盘容量分配,ODBC/Mysql存储账户等特性。
Wing FTP server is a professional cross platform FTP server with good speed, reliability and a friendly configuration interface. In addition to providing the basic service functions of FTP, it can also provide administrator terminal, task plan, web-based management terminal, Web-based client and Lua script extension, etc. it also supports virtual folder, upload / download ratio allocation, disk capacity allocation, ODBC / MySQL storage account and other features. (2020-04-19, PHP, 13025KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] tjwxdc_v1.21

Taojing PC version wechat chat record export print viewer can easily and quickly export the computer version wechat chat record to backup and print. It can be exported to HTML, Excel, txt and other formats, in which HTML format can extract pictures, voice, video and files in the record and associate them with the actual text, and can back up the entire exported directory to the U disk, and can be browsed or printed at any address. Excel format is more convenient for public personnel to do relevant data statistics. (2020-04-19, PHP, 9261KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] 杰奇小说2.3独家定制版淡绿唯美源码

1.此套程序采用杰奇小说系统内核做的,带手机端,可以设置免费章节和收费章节,模板大气简洁,对百度非常友好; 2.此套程序需要用到关关采集,所以建议使用win系统的服务器,如果其余系统要确保能远程连接到您的mysql数据库! 运行环境:php5.3+zend+Mysql
Jackie's novel of PHP 2.3 (2019-12-18, PHP, 27466KB, 下载11次)


[PHP编程] yzmcms-5.2

YzmCMS is a lightweight information management system. It is based on PHP+Mysql architecture. It can run on Linux, Windows, MacOSX, Solaris and other platforms. The front desk uses DIV+CSS design, complies with WEB standards, and is compatible with browsers. The background interface is concise and clear. It uses PHP5 object-oriented design completely, and its functions are simple and easy to implement. It has good user experience, good stability, expansibility and security. (2019-07-17, PHP, 4422KB, 下载5次)


[PHP编程] 转转最新源码仿58

PHP source code, rar compression package. Build your own server to run, there are teaching, do not understand, there are 5173 interfaces. Two-dimensional codes can also be set. Do not use for commercial purposes, only for learning and communication! (2019-06-10, PHP, 21155KB, 下载49次)


[PHP编程] qc_classroom

1.服务器环境:apache/nginx + php5.6 + Mysql,(青草课堂以php5.6开发,尚未在其他php版本测试) 2.复制一份config.tpl.php到config.php,并按照注释的提示进行配置,注意:所有配置项均必填,DEBUG值建议在生产环境中设为False 3.编辑ci.php上方的数据库选项,并执行.
1. Server environment: Apache / nginx + php5.6 + Mysql. (Green Grass Classroom is developed with php5.6 and has not been tested in other PHP versions.) 2. Copy a copy of config.tpl.php to config.php and configure it according to the annotations. Note that all configuration items must be filled in. The DEBUG value is recommended to be False in the production environment. 3. Edit the database options above ci.php and execute them. (2019-02-15, PHP, 1958KB, 下载2次)


[PHP编程] 多店BrnMall4.1.113

多商户整站程序源码,<1> 本程序基于.net framework4.5和asp.net mvc4.0开发,所以请确保你的开发环境满足以上要求。 <2> 创建数据库:目前只支持SQL Server2005及其以上版本;首先在你的数据库服务器上创建名为"brnmall"的数据库,然后执行"sqlserver.sql"文件。 <3> 数据库连接字符串在“\Presentation\BrnMall.Web\App_Data\rdbs.config”文件中。
Multi business station program source code (2018-10-17, PHP, 30547KB, 下载4次)


[PHP编程] scan

Three PHP backdoor Web Shell Trojans scan artifacts, through this can quickly scan the code given by others whether there is a backdoor code, scan their own website server whether there is a backdoor, virtual host can also be used, password open file changes, put in the root directory, enter the URL can be run. (2018-10-16, PHP, 10KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] appfenfa

最新仿fir蒲公英APP发布分发平台PHP源码是一款基于php+mysql开发制作的最新APP分发平台系统,fir 蒲公英源码,APP 分发,APP 发布平台,APP 托管(PHP 源码),别再羡慕 fir.im,你也拥有这样的分发平台! 修复本地服务器储存和多种储存方式!UDID+APP 分发 二合一 完美版 独家首发 通告:本程序支持 IPA 和 APK 分发!上传后自动判断,文件我们通过技术手段已经让 IOS 和安卓用户稳定安装!
The latest Fir Dandelion APP distribution platform PHP source code is a PHP + MySQL based development and production of the latest APP distribution platform system, fir dandelion source code, APP distribution, APP distribution platform, APP hosting (PHP source), do not envy fir. im, you also have such a distribution platform! Repair local server storage and multiple storage mode! UDID+APP distribution exclusive version of two perfect one Notice: This program supports IPA and APK distribution! Upload automatically judge, files we have technical means to allow IOS and Android users to install stable! (2018-10-08, PHP, 2855KB, 下载5次)


[PHP编程] PHP简洁教程论坛源码

一款轻便简单论坛源码,可做教程网福利社等等。本论坛轻便小巧,对虚拟主机的要求很小可以拿来作为教程网 个人博客等等 很简单安装方式 直接上传到服务器后 安装就可以啦
A lightweight simple forum source code, can do tutorial network welfare agency and so on. This forum is light and compact, and the demand for virtual host is very small. It can be used as tutorial network, personal blog, etc. Very simple installation directly uploaded to the server after installation is OK. (2018-09-29, PHP, 2479KB, 下载3次)


[PHP编程] ioncube_loaders_win_vc11_x86

IonCube Loaders是一个PHP中用于加解密的工具,并带有加速页面运行的功能。它也可以保护你的PHP代码不会查看和运行在未授权的计算机上。要使用ionCube编码、加密的PHP文件,需要在web服务器上安装一个叫ionCube Loader的文件,并需要让 PHP 可以访问到,很多 PHP 应用都在用它。它可以在运行时读取并执行编码过后的代码。PHP只需在‘php.ini’中添加一行就可以使用这个loader。
The Ioncube loader is a PHP module to load files that were protected with the Ioncube Encoder software. Ioncube is often used by commercial PHP software vendors to protect their software, so it is likely that you come across an Ioncube encoded file sooner or later when you install extensions for CMS or Shop software written in PHP. (2018-08-19, PHP, 812KB, 下载7次)


[PHP编程] xinhu_utf8_v1.7.8

信呼OA在线演示 浏览次数(98356),最后更新(2018-04-12 21:55:19) 欢迎使用在线演示。点击一下链接直接登录,建议使用火狐(Firefox),谷歌(Chrome),IE9.0+浏览器下演示。 帐号:admin(总管理员) 帐号:diaochan、xiaoqiao、daqiao、zhangfei、zhaozl(基础用户) 密码都是:123456 1、信呼管理后台演示【点我登录演示】 2、信呼OA移动端演示,【点我登录演示】 3、信呼APP演示,【去下载】 注:不得在系统上发布任何无聊信息。
OA online demo Browse times (98356), and finally update (2018-04-12 21:55:19). Welcome to use online demo. Click on the link to login directly, suggest using Firefox, Google (Chrome) and IE9.0+ browser to demonstrate. Account number: admin (general administrator) Accounts: Diaochan, Xiaoqiao, Daqiao, zhangfei, zhaozl (basic user) The password is all: 123456 1, letter and call management background demonstration [point I login to demonstrate] 2, letter call OA mobile terminal demo, [point I login to demonstrate] 3, APP demo, [downloading] Note: no boring information should be released on the system. (2018-07-19, PHP, 2753KB, 下载2次)


[PHP编程] easysns_xzb-a5

原EasyAdmin极简社区已经停用。这次的EasySNS社区小组版为全新数据库架构和程序结构,以小组为基本单位组建互动社区。 EasySNS社区小组版功能介绍 1、添加小组 2、自定义副组长 3、组内发帖等 内置了部分插件及功能,包括 支付宝、友情链接(前台未添加),编辑器及上传插件 EasySNS社区(小组版) v1.52 更新日志 1、一次全面的更新,由小组转变为内容为中心 2、搜索、话题等ajax信息提取更全面 3、可作为社区,也可以作为博客网站
EasySNS community group version function introduction 1. Add a group 2. Custom deputy leader 3.Post in group (2018-02-28, PHP, 6153KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] vip7

VIP video analysis source code, modified version, upload to space or server can use, no back door, the whole network can be resolved (2017-10-12, PHP, 163KB, 下载10次)


[PHP编程] score

The browser support device to access the contestant's information display interface, judges use other devices to access the judges scoring and scoring client, online real-time display display interface in the player information, finally will average score according to the judges' rankings in tables display. (2017-08-09, PHP, 8435KB, 下载4次)
