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[其他] Stoic-NotifyFX

Stoic NotifyFX是一个FiveM资源,它为服务器管理员提供可定制的通知和警报对话框,以用于各种场景,如警告玩家或发布公告。
Stoic-NotifyFX is a FiveM resource that provides customizable notifications and alert dialogs for server administrators to use in various scenarios such as warning players or making announcements. (2024-04-06, Lua, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] ProfileSync

ProfileSync is a Profile Managing module that aims to make setting up and replicating Player Data easier than it already is, by utilizing ProfileService it also holds reliability to handle high loads of data. (2024-04-05, Lua, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] time-counter

Tracks the playtime of players on the MTA:SA server. Players can check their own playtime using the mytime command, while all players can view the top 10 players with the most playtime using the toptime command. (2024-04-04, Lua, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] rettmp-nvim

Neovim 配置:快捷键,插件,主题,侧边栏文件浏览器,顶部标签页和底部信息栏,模糊搜索快速查找,自定义启动页,语法高亮,LSP 基础及功能增强,代码格式化,前端及 Rust 配置等
Neovim configuration: shortcut key, plug-in, theme, side bar file browser, top tab and bottom information bar, fuzzy search and quick search, custom startup page, syntax highlighting, LSP foundation and function enhancement, code formatting, front-end and Rust configuration, etc (2024-03-24, Lua, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] GoldTracker

The "Gold Tracker" addon for World of Warcraft offers players a comprehensive tool for monitoring and analyzing gold-related data within the game. By enabling users to inspect the gold earnings of their mouseover targets (2024-03-22, Lua, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] LuaDefender

LuaDefender is a Lua code obfuscator designed to make your Lua code harder to read and reverse-engineer. It uses a variety of techniques to obfuscate your code, including identifier renaming, dead code injection, control flow obfuscation, arithmetic obfuscation, and boolean obfuscation. (2024-03-09, Lua, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] neovim-configs

My personal Neovim configurations are tailored to integrate numerous plugins, including Copilot, Treesitter, and live servers for languages such as Go, Rust, C++, and more. (2024-03-03, Lua, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] krelk_scoreboard

krelk_scoreboard is an essential script for your FiveM server, providing vital information about connected players and available services for citizens. This script is a must-have for enhancing the roleplay experience in your gaming world. (2024-02-28, Lua, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] GMGenie

World of Warcraft addon for use by Game Masters on private servers running TrinityCore. Compatible with client versions 3.3.5 and 4.3.4. (2024-02-23, Lua, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] ROResourceCollection

This repository contains extracted and decoded .lub files from official RO Servers, as well as pre-packed GRF s with the respective item, mob and npc files. (2024-02-06, Lua, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] possible-treasure-maps

A basic treasure map system for your server. It allows you to add Treasure maps items to your loot tables and players can then embark on a journey of going to find the loot area and potentially get rewarding items. (2024-01-29, Lua, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Alestarov-Menu

This is a lua build that contains the best ways to cheat Money, Clear statistics, Heist editor and much more. The script will be constantly updated. It contains the best features from other scripts. (2024-01-01, Lua, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] backdoor-fivemsql-discord

Este peque o texto lo podemos introduiir en cualquier服务器脚本de un servidor FiveM,es un backdoor(Purta trasera)para“hackear”...,
Linea para script que se introduce en cualquier server (servidor suyo o permitido [uso responsable]) en un script de un servidor FiveM, es un backdoor (puerta trasera) para "hackear" una base de datos de un servidor en red. (2022-01-21, Lua, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] GameProphet公开版

Just run it with the GG modifier, note the latest version (2019-07-21, Lua, 1KB, 下载6次)


[其他] 未来之战英雄属性修改脚本

漫威未来之战脚本源码,GG修改器,lua脚本,mobirum,ganeguardian,支持全部英雄修改,能量,力量,能量防御,力量防御修改.未来之战英雄属性修改脚本. 附所有英雄ID对照表.
mobirum,ganeguardian (2019-07-13, Lua, 3KB, 下载10次)


[其他] OpenResty最佳实践

OpenResty(也称为 ngx_openresty)是一个全功能的 Web 应用服务器。它打包 了标准的 Nginx 核心,很多的常用的第三方模块,以及它们的大多数依赖项。
OpenResty (also known as ngx_openresty) is a full-featured web application server. It packs the standard Nginx core, many common third-party modules, and most of their dependencies. (2019-05-06, Lua, 3974KB, 下载1次)


[其他] ESP8266-lua开发的物联网示例

Suitable for ESP8266, including network configuration, Mini WEB server, full automatic WiFi hotspot connection, etc. (2019-01-03, Lua, 33KB, 下载12次)
