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[前端开发] minimal-cloud

基于Spring Cloud Alibaba + Vue-Element- UI的后台管理系统,提供代码生成器,基本增删改查无需编写,可快速完成开发任务。前后端分离,RESTful 风格交互, 开发精简,可当脚手架,适合作为分布式后台管...
The background management system based on Spring Cloud Alibaba+Vue Element UI provides a code generator, which basically adds, deletes, modifies and checks without writing, and can quickly complete development tasks. The front and rear end are separated, and the RESTful style interaction is simple. It can be used as a scaffold, and is suitable for distributed background management (2021-11-11, Java, 2718KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] appPublish

项目是 Spring Boot+vue开发的类似fir.im和蒲公英的企业 APP 分发平台,提供android app上传功能,以及ios和android二维码合并功能。用过可直接通过微信、浏览器、QQ等扫码下载app。
The project is an enterprise APP distribution platform similar to fir.im and dandelion developed by Spring Boot+vue, which provides the upload function of Android app and the combination function of ios and Android QR codes. After using it, you can download the app directly through WeChat, browser, QQ, etc. (2020-12-11, Java, 606KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] jjche-boot

企业级快速开发平台,前后端分离设计,基于SpringBoot2.x、SpringCloud、Spring Security,MyBatis- plus,Vue,在线代码生成器快速生成前后端CRUD代码,支持单体服务与微服务之间灵活切换、...
Enterprise level rapid development platform, front end and rear end separation design, based on SpringBoot2. x, SpringCloud, Spring Security, MyBatis - plus, Vue, online code generator quickly generates front end and rear end CRUD codes, supports flexible switching between single services and microservices (2023-02-21, Java, 8254KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] andoid-textplus

Chat app (Android/PHP) In this project, our main objective was to create a chat app that allows the user to send messages to another user in real time using thread socket HTTP request and XML files, The project team was made of tow people, managing the HTTP package request functions and making sure the client and the server can code and decode (2019-09-22, Java, 24593KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] GPS-Tracker

这是一个用于GPS跟踪器和待办事项列表应用程序的api。这个项目是使用Spring Boot制作的。此外,其他...
??? This is an api for a GPS tracker and a to do list application. This project was made using Spring Boot. Also, there is a client project for mobile, using Java and Android Studio. The front-end part was realized with Angular and the repository is available on: <https://github.com/Piciorus-Ovidiu-Mihai/GPS- tracker-web>. (2022-02-07, Java, 35375KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] simple-todo-spring-angular

System consists of two sides. Side 1. FRONT END - angularjs client. THere are used 2 controllers and 2 views. One for login form an checking or registering new user. I have used bootstrap for mobile first technique and third side scripts are stored on other servers. Side 2. BACK END is build on spring framework. Backend provides REST api for (2016-10-23, Java, 15KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ODPE

The Open Deduction Proof Editor allows proof theorists (or anyone) to deconstruction proofs step by step. It currently supports deep inference formalisms, namely Open Deduction and naturally the Calculus of Structures. The front end of the application is written in Java, while the back end is written in Maude. There is also an implementation of ... (2020-11-12, Java, 9456KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] MagicIndicator

A powerful, customizable and extensible ViewPager indicator framework. As the best alternative of ViewPagerIndicator, TabLayout and PagerSlidingTabStrip —— 强大、可定制、易扩展的 ViewPager 指示器框架。是ViewPagerIndicator、TabLayout、PagerSlidingTabStrip的最佳替代品。支持角标,更支持在非ViewPager场景下使用(使用hide()、show()切换Fragment或使用setVisibility切换FrameLayout里的View等),[http://www.jianshu...](http://www.jianshu.com/p/f3022211821c)
A powerful, customizable and extensible ViewPager indicator framework. As the best alternative of ViewPagerIndicator,... (2022-09-24, Java, 5343KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] -

本项目是后台客户服务管理,即服务创建、服务列表、工单处理等功能。 使用Eclipse软件开发,采用Spring、SpringMVC、Mybatis等技术完成项目的整体结构的搭建,服务器选用Tomcat,项目管理工具为Maven,应用M...
This project is for backend customer service management, which includes functions such as service creation, service list, and work order processing. Using Eclipse software development, using technologies such as Spring, SpringMVC, and Mybatis to complete the overall structure of the project, using Tomcat as the server, Maven as the project management tool, and M as the application (2022-12-16, Java, 926KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Project-wuye

The community property management system is implemented based on Java EE using MVC mode combined with SSM framework, and the front-end page is implemented using Bootstrap. (Tomcat requires version 8.5, which will cause JavaScript files to appear garbled in the browser) (2020-08-26, Java, 59680KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] elemeimitate

基于安卓的网上订餐系统项目,仿饿了么APP,通过Volley框架进行网络数据交互,前端使用Android的Fragment,界面简洁,是一款基于C S架构的APP系统,APP服务器采用Java开发
An Android based online ordering system project, modeled after the Hungry Me app, uses the Volley framework for network data interaction. The front-end uses Android Fragment, with a simple interface. It is an APP system based on the C S architecture, and the APP server is developed in Java (2018-01-19, Java, 10929KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] online-port-scanner

Online port scanner, a web-based online multithreaded port scanner developed using the MDUI framework in the front-end and Springboot+SQLite in the backend. Support single IP and single port fast scanning, specify IP address segments and port ranges for batch scanning, and use multi threading to improve scanning performance. Used to detect whether the specified port is open and provide an open (2022-06-17, Java, 372KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] six-finger-web

six-finger-web,一个Web后端框架的轮子从处理Http请求【基于Netty的轻量级Web服务器】 到mvc【接口封装转发)】,再到ioc【依赖注入】,aop【切面】,再到 rpc【远程过程调用】最后到orm【数据库操作】全部自己撸一个(简易)的轮子。
Six finger web, a web backend framework that handles HTTP requests [Netty based lightweight web server], mvc [interface encapsulation forwarding], ioc [dependency injection], aop [aspect], rpc [remote procedure call], and finally orm [database operation] all on its own (simple) wheel. (2020-11-09, Java, 303KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] JavaWeb-SSM-Frame

JavaWeb-SSM-Frame,Java Web SSM(Spring SpringMVC Mybaits)基础框架搭建 ,包括框架所需jar包,相关配置,如需其他项目使用,可以再此基础上进行二次开发。数据库连接驱动为MySql,包括功能:拦截器、启动监听、注解形式...
JavaWeb-SSM-Frame, Java Web SSM (Spring SpringMVC Mybaits) basic framework construction, including the required jar packages and related configurations for the framework. If other projects need to use it, secondary development can be carried out on this basis. The database connection driver is MySql, including functions such as interceptor, start listening, and annotation form (2016-06-19, Java, 2003KB, 下载0次)
