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按平台查找All Rust(45) 

[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] RustyTokenizer

RustyTokenizer is a Chinese text tokenizer API service implemented in Rust. It utilizes the jieba-rs library for efficient Chinese word segmentation and uses the salvo-rs framework to build a RESTful API service. Users can send HTTP requests with arbitrary Chinese text to get tokenized results. (2023-10-10, Rust, 0KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] druid-exporter

Druid Exporter作为来自Druid集群的度量事件的接收器发挥着基本的作用,它采用HTTP格式作为一种方法...,
Druid Exporter plays a fundamental role as a receiver of metrics events coming from Druid clusters, adopting the HTTP format as a means of communication. In addition to this capability, its primary function is to export these metrics to Prometheus, thus allowing the creation of meaningful graphs and visualizations. (2023-09-26, Rust, 0KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] druid_exporter

Druid Exporter作为来自Druid集群的度量事件的接收器发挥着基本的作用,它采用HTTP格式作为一种方法...,
Druid Exporter plays a fundamental role as a receiver of metrics events coming from Druid clusters, adopting the HTTP format as a means of communication. In addition to this capability, its primary function is to export these metrics to Prometheus, thus allowing the creation of meaningful graphs and visualizations. (2023-09-20, Rust, 0KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] nucleo-l476rg-rtic-bno08x-rvc

NUCLEO-L476RG示例如何在rvc模式下使用bno08x-rvc-lib从bno08x传感器(BNO080 85 86)接收数据。
Example for NUCLEO-L476RG how to use bno08x-rvc lib to receive data from the BNO08x sensor (BNO080 85 86) in RVC mode. (2021-11-19, Rust, 11KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] bno08x-rvc

Small library to parse bno08x-sensor (bno080, bno085, bno086) output in RVC mode. Based on lockless queues. (2021-11-19, Rust, 170KB, 下载0次)
