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按分类查找All 3G/4G/5G开发(51) 
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[3G/4G/5G开发] 4G-OneNET-LightSensor

使用STM32F103RCT6和合宙的Air724UG 4G模块做的一个户外光照传感器,并将秒级间隔的光照数据传输至OneNet云端,
An outdoor light sensor made of STM32F103RCT6 and the Air724UG 4G module of Hezhou is used to transmit the light data at second intervals to the OneNet cloud, (2023-10-10, C, 0KB, 下载2次)


[3G/4G/5G开发] EVS_codec

EVS编解码器静态库(浮点)[https:portal.3gpp.org desktopmodules SpecificationDetails.aspx specification...](https:portal.3gpp.org桌面模块规范Details.aspx specificationId=1465),
Static library for EVS codec (floating point) https://portal.3gpp.org/desktopmodules/Specifications/SpecificationDetails.aspx?specificationId=1465 (2023-09-21, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[3G/4G/5G开发] NRF24L01

ARM Cortex M(STM32)和AVR微控制器的多通道nRF24L01+库,
Multi-Channel nRF24L01+ Library for ARM Cortex M (STM32) and AVR microcontrollers, (2023-07-31, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[3G/4G/5G开发] mobisense-tdma

Mobisense is a crosss-layer TDMA protocol RDC-Radio Duty Cycle and Routing for mobile sensor networks., (2016-09-06, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[3G/4G/5G开发] nRF52_MBED_PWM

This library enables you to use Hardware Timers on nRF52840-based Nano_33_BLE or Nano_33_BLE_Sense board to create and output PWM to pins. These PWM channels, using nRF52840 Hardware Timers, still work even if other functions are blocking. Moreover, they are much more precise (certainly depending on clock frequency accuracy) than other software ... (2023-01-22, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[3G/4G/5G开发] jasontek_f103rb-zephyrOS-project

jasontek_f103rb开发板,即基于ST NUCLEO_f103rb,删除ST-LINKV2仿真器,支持NRF24L01 2。...
jasontek_f103rb development board ,that is based on ST NUCLEO_F103RB, remove ST-LINKV2 emulator,and support NRF24L01 2.4G wireless module&ESP-01/01S WIFI module. (2017-06-03, C, 19211KB, 下载0次)


[3G/4G/5G开发] EC600S-Aliyun

4G模块接入阿里云-实现数据上传和命令下发 使用4G模块EC600S和32单片机实现接入阿里云服务器,上传光照数据和下发命令控制LED灯(PC13),同时可以打电话、发短信。详细内容看:<a href="http://t.csdn.cn/DjJCf" rel="nofollow">http://t.csdn.cn/DjJCf</a> , stars:9, update:2022-04-12 05:10:53
4G模块接入阿里云-实现数据上传和命令下发 使用4G模块EC600S和32单片机实现接入阿里云服务器,上传光照数据和下发命令控制LED灯(PC13),同时可以打电话、发短信。详细内容看:<a href="http://t.csdn.cn/DjJCf" rel="nofollow">http://t.csdn.cn/DjJCf</a> , stars:9, update:2022-04-12 05:10:53 (2023-06-23, C, 323KB, 下载0次)


[3G/4G/5G开发] Forward_Error_Correction_5G_EE277A

SJSU EE277A前向纠错码(Polar和Turbo)在模拟x86和ARM A9处理器上的实现。
SJSU EE277A Forward Error Correction Code(Polar and Turbo) Implementation on emulated x86 and ARM A9 processor. (2020-04-12, C, 4552KB, 下载0次)


[3G/4G/5G开发] OAIwithdocker

在这个存储库中,我们开发了一个使用来自Open Air inter的l2NFAPI模拟器来模拟UE和ENB的环境...
In this repository, we developed an environment for simulating UE and ENB using l2NFAPI simulator from Open Air interface connected into 5g core from free5gcore (2023-01-25, C, 8198KB, 下载0次)


[3G/4G/5G开发] r8152.53

Realtek USB FE GBE 2.5G游戏以太网家庭控制器软件的Linux驱动程序:RTL8152B,RTL8153 RTL8153B...
Linux driver for Realtek USB FE / GBE / 2.5G / Gaming Ethernet Family Controller Software: RTL8152B, RTL8153/RTL8153B, RTL8154/RTL8154B, RTL8156/RTL8156B (2022-08-09, C, 96KB, 下载0次)


[3G/4G/5G开发] open5gswithdocker

在这个存储库中,我们开发了一个使用来自Open Air inter的l2NFAPI模拟器来模拟UE和ENB的环境...
In this repository, we developed an environment for simulating UE and ENB using l2NFAPI simulator from Open Air interface connected into 4g core from open5gscore. (2020-06-21, C, 21KB, 下载0次)
