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[文章/文档] melody

These is Music-Player built in Python using libraries like tkinter and pygame. These made by the help of tutorial that I watched in YouTube (BuildWithPython - really cool content) (2023-08-05, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] lambda-apigateway-twilio-tutorial

AWS Lambda+亚马逊API网关入门。使用Twilio MMS将照片上传到S3,无需服务器。
Getting started with AWS Lambda + Amazon API Gateway. Use Twilio MMS to upload photos to S3 without servers. (2017-05-29, Python, 13KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] lcd

此存储库包含用于与16x2字符I2C LCD显示器接口的所有代码。这伴随着我的Y...
This repository contains all of the code for interfacing with a 16x2 Character I2C LCD Display. This accompanies my YouTube tutorial here: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR5XhHYzUK0> (2023-06-03, Python, 16369KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] How-To-Write-An-LLVM-Register-Allocator

This repository contains a tutorial for a quick start in how to write a register allocator using LLVM (2019-02-21, Python, 14KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] YOLO_v3_tutorial_from_scratch

Paperspace教程系列“如何从头开始实现YOLO v3对象检测器”的附带代码
Accompanying code for Paperspace tutorial series "How to Implement YOLO v3 Object Detector from Scratch" (2019-11-17, Python, 1918KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 新建文件夹

This manual introduces the reader to the basic knowledge and concepts of the python language and its system. It will be helpful to cooperate with the python interpreter. All examples have been included in the text. It introduces many of the most important functions of python. (2021-03-02, Python, 1054KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] PyTorch官方教程中文版

PyTorch是一个基于Torch的Python开源机器学习库,用于自然语言处理等应用程序。官方教程包含了 PyTorch 介绍,安装教程;60分钟快速入门教程,可以迅速从小白阶段完成一个分类器模型;计算机视觉常用模型,方便基于自己的数据进行调整,不再需要从头开始写;自然语言处理模型,聊天机器人,文本生成等生动有趣的项目。
Pytorch is an open source Python machine learning library based on torch, which is used for natural language processing and other applications. The official course includes pytorch introduction and installation course; 60 minute quick start course; common computer vision model, which is convenient to adjust based on your own data, no longer need to write from scratch; natural language processing model, chat robot, text generation and other vivid and interesting projects. (2020-08-24, Python, 15396KB, 下载5次)


[文章/文档] 面向深度学习的多模态融合技术研究综述_何俊

面向深度学习的多模态融合技术研究综述 --何俊 1,张彩庆 2,李小珍 1,张德海 3 摘 要:深度学习多模态融合指机器从文本、图像、语音、视频等多个领域获取信息,实现信息转换和融合,从而提升模型 性能的技术,是一个典型的多学科交叉领域,已逐步成为研究热点。模态的普遍性和深度学习的快速发展赋予了多模态融合 技术极大的发展潜力。旨在多模态深度学习技术发展前期,以提升深度学习模型分类或回归性能为出发点,总结多模态融合 架构、融合方法和对齐技术。重点分析了联合、协同、编解码器三种融合架构在深度学习中的应用情况和优缺点,以及多核 学习、图像模型和神经网络等具体融合方法和对齐技术。最后归纳出多模态研究常用的公开数据集,并展望了多模态融合技 术的发展趋势。
Deep learning multimodal fusion refers to the technology that the machine obtains information from text, image, voice, video and other fields to achieve information conversion and fusion, so as to improve the performance of the model. It is a typical interdisciplinary field and has gradually become a research hotspot. The universality of modes and the rapid development of deep learning give multimodal fusion technology great potential. (2020-05-21, Python, 729KB, 下载4次)


[文章/文档] 实验1-计算机视觉

智子学院的人工智能课程;计算机视觉的相关内容; 有具体的实验指导; 包含以下5个部分: 操作图像;使用滤波器去噪;使用计算机视觉API;使用人脸API;使用自定义机器视觉认知服务
The course of artificial intelligence; computer vision; Have specific experimental guidance; It consists of the following five parts: Manipulate images; filter noise; use computer vision API; use face API; use custom machine vision cognition service. (2020-03-19, Python, 2647KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] Python极客项目编程

《Python极客项目编程》里面讲解了一些很好玩的项目。 利用参数方程和turtle模块生成万花尺图案; ● 通过模拟频率泛音在计算机上创作音乐; ● 将图形图像转换为ASCII文本图形; ● 编写一个三维立体画程序,生成隐藏在随机图案下的3D图像; ● 通过探索粒子系统、透明度和广告牌技术,利用OpenGL着色器制作逼真的动画; ● 利用来自CT和MRI扫描的数据实现3D可视化; ● 将计算机连接到Arduino编程,创建响应音乐的激光秀。
Python Geek Programming explains some interesting projects. Using parametric equation and turtle module to generate a kaleidoscope pattern; Create music on computer by analog frequency overtone. Converting graphics and images to ASCII text graphics; Write a three-dimensional drawing program to generate 3D images hidden in random patterns. Through exploring particle system, transparency and billboard technology, using OpenGL shader to produce realistic animation; 3-D visualization using data from CT and MRI scans; Connect the computer to Arduino programming to create a laser show that responds to music (2019-06-27, Python, 6273KB, 下载8次)


[文章/文档] 树莓派系列教程5:linux常用命令以及vivim编辑器

raspberry's introduce,it is very easy for the guys who love IOT control (2019-05-29, Python, 886KB, 下载1次)


[文章/文档] Python核心编程(第3版)

本书是经典畅销图书《Python 核心编程(第二版)》的全新升级版本,总共分为3 部分。第1 部分讲解了Python 的一些通用应用,包括正则表达式、网络编程、Internet 客户端编程、多线程编程、GUI 编程、数据库编程、Microsoft Office 编程、扩展Python 等内容。第2 部分讲解了与Web 开发相关的主题,包括Web 客户端和服务器、CGI 和WSGI 相关的Web 编程、Diango Web 框架、云计算、高级Web 服务。第3 部分则为一个补充/实验章节,包括文本处理以及一些其他内容。
The book is a new upgrade to the classic bestseller, Python Core Programming (Second Edition), which is divided into three parts. Part 1 explains some general applications of Python, including regular expressions, network programming, Internet client programming, multithreading programming, GUI programming, database programming, Microsoft Office programming, Python extension and so on. Part 2 covers topics related to Web development, including Web clients and servers, CGI and WSGI related Web programming, the Diango Web framework, cloud computing, and advanced Web services. The third part is a supplementary / experimental chapter, including text processing and some other contents. (2018-10-18, Python, 20776KB, 下载8次)


[文章/文档] Python基础教程(第3版)中文版

Python基础教程(第3版)中文版 本书包括Python 程序设计的方方面面:首先,从Python 的安装开始,随后介绍了Python 的基础知识和基本概念,包括列表、元组、字符串、字典以及各种语句;然后,循序渐进地介绍了一些相对高级的主题,包括抽象、异常、魔法方法、属性、迭代器;此后,探讨了如何将Python 与数据库、网络、C 语言等工具结合使用,从而发挥出Python 的强大功能,同时介绍了Python 程序测试、打包、发布等知识;最后,作者结合前面讲述的内容,按照实际项目开发的步骤向读者介绍了10 个具有实际意义的Python 项目的开发过程。
Python basic course (Third Edition) Chinese version This book covers all aspects of Python programming: first, starting with the installation of Python, then introducing the basics and concepts of Python, including lists, tuples, strings, dictionaries, and various statements; then, step by step, introducing some relatively advanced topics, including abstraction, exceptions, magic Methods, attributes, iterators; afterwards, how to use Python with database, network, C language and other tools, so as to play the powerful functions of Python, while introducing the Python program testing, packaging, publishing and other knowledge; finally, the author combines the previous content, according to the actual project development steps I have introduced 10 practical Python projects to readers. (2018-10-18, Python, 4394KB, 下载5次)
