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[GPS编程] VisionGram

VisionGram is a web-based application that lets you send a photo from your webcam, a voice message from your microphone, or your location from your GPS, VisionGram can do it all with just one click. VisionGram is easy to use, fast and secure. You can access it from any device with a browser and an internet connection. (2024-02-22, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPS编程] ppse-2021

这是SALMO、Solar Azimuth和eLevation Motorized lOcator的存储库。它是一块用于驱动变压器的PCB...
This is the repository for SALMO, the Solar Azimuth and eLevation Motorized lOcator. It is a PCB used for driving a tracking solar panel system, using GPS location and a MPPT algorithm to maximise the incident power. The official name of the project is PPS2021_SUN_TRK (2022-07-11, HTML, 118892KB, 下载0次)
