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[其他] watercontrol

Navigable dam gate control system outlined in the Summary: Reservoir gates have the following four functions to control the storage and timely discharge, control navigation, to ensure power generation. It is a function of the reservoir system should be improved to achieve power control (power gate, as a group), the need for flood or water (flood water gate, as a group) and the maintenance of navigation (navigation gate, a group of the upstream and downstream ), three features of the gate system. Subject to the design of the gate control system of a reservoir, through the combination of circuit and sequential circuit realization of a common gate switch controller, the pilot phase out with bright LED lights to simulate the gate switch (2009-06-19, WORD, 20KB, 下载7次)


[其他] zhinengchi

The simple design of the smart electric car, car used as a single-chip AT89S52 detection and control of the core the use of metal detectors to detect TL-Q5MC sensors on the road to the metal plates, thereby sending a signal back to the single-chip, so that single-chip microcomputer according to the mode of control car in the regions according to a predetermined speed, and single-chip mode choice can also be controlled in different cars along the S-shaped metal plates only A44E Hall element used car speed detection 1602LCD using real-time display of the time traveling car, car stop, the rotation time to show the car driving, driving distance, average speed and the speed of travel time zone (2009-05-07, WORD, 371KB, 下载25次)


[其他] UPS

传统无差拍控制应用于UPS 逆变器,存在对系统参数变化的鲁棒性问题。本文提出了一种 新的控制方案—渐近收敛无差拍控制。该方案与传统无差拍控制的区别是,不是将正弦信号作 为参考电压,而是采用当前的输出电压和正弦信号的加权平均作为下一控制周期的目标量
Traditional deadbeat control applies to UPS inverter, the existence of the system parameters change in the robustness of the problem. This paper presents a new control scheme- Asymptotic convergence deadbeat control. The program with the traditional deadbeat control difference is that instead of sinusoidal signal as a reference voltage, instead of using the current output voltage and sinusoidal signal as a weighted average of the next control cycle of target volume (2008-11-28, WORD, 251KB, 下载94次)


[其他] EMIandEMS

almost all the equipment includes EMI common mode noise and differential mode noise, switching power supply is no exception. Common mode noise is due to current carrying conductor between the earth and the potential of the poor, Its characteristics are two lines of noise voltage is the same with the potential to; while differential mode interference is the result of current-carrying conductor of the potential difference, Its characteristics are two lines of noise voltage potential is the reverse of the same. (2006-05-07, WORD, 49KB, 下载37次)
